A vision appeared above the Great Yan Emperor!

Countless golden rays of light surged and the Buddha’s light shone brightly, and the image of the Buddha, which was hundreds of feet high, constantly emitted light and heat, and a golden wheel opened behind it.

The black clouds that were winding and churning around seemed to be dispersed by it, and the solemn treasure seemed to purify the world.

Cihang Pudu opened the Buddha’s eyes slightly, and a trace of golden light shone.

With a sneer in his heart, this Buddha’s Fa image had been cultivated by him for thousands of years, and both these human cultivators and demon cultivators had great restraint and deception, and if the other party had a gap in their hearts, it would be extremely easy to be interfered with and restrained.

“Put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha on the ground!”

Countless Sanskrit whispers chant, reverberating and vibrating throughout the space!

Next moment!


What greeted him was a huge matchless sword light, the forest was awe-inspiring, the roar was loud, the golden light was instantly shattered, and the Buddha statue only lasted for a few breaths, and then it directly collapsed and dissipated, directly revealing the true face inside.

Countless huge steel-like centipede bodies are entangled together, and there are countless lines on their backs, which are not clear to look at alone, but when they are combined, they outline an image of the Buddha in a trance.

The vision of Fang Cai was nothing more than the texture generation on his back.

Only now, the image of the Buddha that had been transformed into was directly shattered, and even the entire body had a huge wound running through.

Countless black and red blood directly sprinkled the space, emitting a burning sound, the air aura was directly polluted, and the slightest trace of black qi spread, falling into the ground and being corroded out of a huge depression pit.

‘How can that be!?’ Isn’t this man awe-inspiring? ’

Cihang Pudu’s heart skipped a beat, and a chill came straight out.

The human monk, who didn’t know where he came from, suddenly struck out in shock, giving him a Dao attack, and before the other party struck, he couldn’t even detect it with his perception.

This is really incredible for him, who is already at the peak of the fetal movement realm.

And he didn’t know where those two terrifying sword rays came from, the moment he heard the sound, he had already been hit, and perhaps even earlier, he had already been pierced by the sword light.

The horror of the power made him a little shocked now, with his extremely good defensive power is difficult to effectively resist, directly pressed to break several times, is the hardest head of the whole body, without the slightest obstacle directly broken,

Without any ability to fight back, the next thing is to use the good play of the Buddha’s Fa Xiang, which still has no effect on it at all.

The other party seemed to have no reverence for the Buddha in his heart, and directly attacked with a more powerful and terrifying sword light, which made him feel that he was about to be directly beheaded.

Fortunately, after all, he had used his whole body strength, and coupled with the fact that the Buddha Emperor was extremely not weak, he could not be seriously injured in an instant.

“This man’s strength, why have I never heard of it in thousands of years… Wait, such a feature, could it be the sword Fang Qin that the old demon of Montenegro said before!? ”

Recalling this period of events, Cihang Pudu was surprised and surprised, surprised that the strength of the other party was even more terrifying than the rumors, and the strange thing was that he heard that he should have been injured in the battle with the Black Mountain Old Demon, why did he appear again now.

“Damn! This is a critical juncture. ”

Now is the critical moment for him to break through, and the sudden arrival of such a terrible person is really a disaster.

Although I have a lot of hole cards, if I spend my strength to fight with it, resulting in the inability to break through the realm with all my strength later, it is really humiliating.

‘See if you can break straight out!’ ’

In the perception, a huge array of formations around it imprisoned here, the black qi of Cihang Pudu surged, and countless black fogs tumbled, like the undulating mountains directly towards the outside, crashing into the slightly shining aura outside.


The formation was triggered instantly, countless lights sounded, the aura rioted, and the ditches rose up, as if there was a powerful imprisoning force that fixed the figure of Cihang Pudu, and in the next instant, countless flashing sword rays struck violently.

I had no choice but to reverse and avoid, but unfortunately I couldn’t avoid it, shattering several sections of my body.

Unwillingly, he continued to break through to this outside, but unfortunately he was bombarded back by countless sword lights, and after so many times, he knew that if he continued to consume like this, he would not be able to consume him, and a grudge in Cihang Pudu’s heart was brewing.

“Bad I practice!” Damn it! You forced me! ”

Without retention, the terrifying demon power accumulated in the body directly operated by the demon Dan, the strong force surged throughout the body, the dark colored body glowed slightly, and countless dark green flames swept away, and the momentum power instantly increased!


Fang Qin was expressionless when he saw this, and he was not surprised, don’t look at this Cihang Pudu being beaten by him, but after all, the strength is there, and it seems that he has always had some scruples and is unwilling to expend his strength.

But no matter what, he wasn’t afraid of this demon, and he was full of true elements! A yin and yang two qi are generated, reach out and push!


Sunday – Yin and Yang Great Mudras!

A stream of light swirling between yin and yang instantly struck Cihang Pudu, and when he saw the wind, it was long, but the two breaths were already more than a hundred inches large, and there was a terrifying grinding force contained in the twist.

Cihang Pudu’s heart jumped, he didn’t dare to be careless at all, running the demon toxin in his body, directly taking a big mouth of the blood basin, exhaling, a dark green mist directly gushed out like a torrent.

A burning sound sounded, and it seemed to cut a black mark in the space, and the aura around it was directly corroded.


The two attacks collided instantly, emitting a fierce roar, and for a while some of them could not hold each other.

Fang Qin’s mind moved, and the True Yuan in his body turned.

Between the flow of yin and yang qi of the big handprint, the poison was constantly destroyed, and the inner bottom seemed to have a suction force, absorbing the aura and demon qi around it and constantly turning it into its own food.

In an instant, it increased to two hundred zhang, and the terrifying grinding force directly shattered the dark green poisonous mist and directly attacked Cihang Pudu.

“Huh!? How can this be? ”

Cihang Pudu was not proud for a long time, he was shocked in his heart, the other party’s Dao Fa was so mysterious, not weaker than his sword technique at all, seeing that the yin and yang flowing wheel was about to attack in an instant, under the shroud of crisis, his heart was beating, and he did not dare to face it directly.

The huge body was extremely flexible, and it quickly dodged away, and countless black fog shrouded it, protecting the surrounding body, and in the next instant, the roar was loud.


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