
A huge yin and yang pattern swirled around, and everything in the range was directly worn away like powder.

Cihang Pudu could not completely dodge it, and the body that was involved in the body was full of severe pain, constantly grinding around him.

Shocked in his heart, he surged with demonic power, and the dark green demon power was like a cloud, resisting the terrifying grinding force.

Between the body rolling, hurriedly beyond the range of the yin and yang pattern,

On the huge body, there were many jointed body shells cracking, countless cracks appeared, and countless black blood flowed out.

Cihang Pudu’s heart palpitated, the other party’s Dao Fa was really powerful, if it were not for the strength he had accumulated, it would be difficult to resist.

The aura in front of him gradually dissipated, and the underground buildings were completely invisible, and there was a desolation everywhere, only a huge Yin-Yang fish pattern underground.

Seeing that Fang Qin seemed to want to move, Cihang Pudu’s heart was hairy, no matter what, he didn’t want to fight with it, the strength of the other party was really terrible, it was unimaginable.

If he really wanted to divide the victory and defeat, he decided to be the side with the biggest loss, and hurriedly said in a loud voice:

“This, but Mr. Fang Qin’s face?” I am Cihang Pudu, I have an old relationship with the old demon of Montenegro, knowing your reputation, I do not want to fight with you, you and I have no vendetta, why do you want to do this? ”

Fang Qin did not answer, his face was expressionless, there seemed to be a cold light in his eyes, and countless sword rays floated.

Cihang Pudu’s heart jumped, and his thoughts turned sharply:

“Could it be that Mr. Fei was angry to see me assimilating the human beings here?” Sir, listen to me, although I am on this trip, I have never killed for no reason, it is all necessary for cultivation…

Just like the human race, didn’t they also kill thousands of beings in the world and provide for themselves? What I did was not much different from this, but it was just a matter of heaven, and Mr. Dao was so profound, could he not understand the truth here? ”

Fang Qin sighed, as if there was a mockery, and said, “There is nothing to discern, if your cultivation to devour tens of millions of people is the Heavenly Dao Lunchang, then my demon exorcism is also the Heavenly Dao Wheel Constant, is there any problem?” ”

Cihang Pudu’s heart sank, the other party did not eat his set, still waiting to speak, the cold sword light swept in again.

Hurriedly dodging away, he angrily said, “Hum! I have an alliance with the old demon of Montenegro and help each other, if you are interested, you will leave directly, otherwise when I join forces, it will be difficult for you to resist if you are strong and strong! ”

The two fetal movement realms, and both are extraordinary demons in the same realm, Cihang Pudu believes that no matter how powerful this person is, it should be difficult to resist, and it is only right to have some scruples.

“Alliances? The old demon of Montenegro has entered the underworld reincarnation, and you are not far away! Fang Qin’s face was strange, and he laughed a little, only to feel funny.

“What!? The old demon of Montenegro has been…”

Cihang Pudu’s heart suddenly tightened, secretly shocked, seeing countless sword lights floating, a sense of crisis came.

Even when he dodged away, he didn’t care about the two sections of his body that had been cut off, and his heart was already full of horror.

The strength of the old demon of Montenegro is comparable to mine, and I am not as terrifying as his mountain of strength, so powerful that he was killed by this person!? How is that possible, not to say two sides? ’

His thoughts were a little confused, and he subconsciously thought but remembered Fang Cai’s terrifying sword technique and Dao Fa, and felt in his heart that maybe this was the case.

Suddenly knowing that there was a demon in the same realm who had died at his hands, Cihang Pudu already had the idea of fleeing.

‘No! This man’s power is too amazing, I have now swallowed the Dragon Fortune, only after that I can make a breakthrough, before that, you can’t get involved, or it is better to leave first.

Thinking of this, the dark green demon power surged all over his body, resisting the incoming sword light, barely cutting off his body, and lifting his head to open the blood basin mouth.


The sound of a huge and terrifying insect devouring was like a roar, shaking the entire space, even reaching a great distance!

There was a terrifying spiritual power in the sound, and something outside the imperial capital seemed to be triggered by it.

Fang Qin glanced at the distance, his perception was pervasive, and he sneered.

“It’s a good means, but how many demons in this realm are just sending them to death, so what’s the use?” Just cut it all together. ”

The countless demons and ghosts hidden outside the imperial capital rushed towards the imperial capital like a flood, and there was no reason in their eyes, all of them were directly confused by the huge sound of the whistle, all of them were crazy!

A demon of the Demon Dan Realm was directly shattered when it collided with that aura, and countless demons who came after it were like dead soldiers, fearless of death.


The aura in the sword array lit up for a moment, the sword light filled the air, and countless demons were instantly strangled into a blood mist, but the number was too much, and the sword light continued to consume power, and the power of confinement in this was also reduced.


When Cihang Pudu saw this, he moved violently, like a sea of mountains and seas, the waves undulated, directly impacted the ground, burrowed into the ground, and in an instant, most of his body disappeared on the ground.


Fang Qin gasped for a moment, the True Element Blood Qi in his body began to move, and the sword light in the formation suddenly increased innumerable, and the streamer generally attacked the demons and ghosts outside, slashing out the Dao Dao Blood Mist ashes.

Immediately looking at the entrance of the ground cave, he sneered, and the power of the True Yuan suddenly turned into the power of the Yang Spirit.

Countless fires rose like a great sun, shining in all directions.

I don’t know if I felt a dangerous burning breath, Cihang Pudu was uneasy in his heart, and his huge body moved more rapidly, but in a few breaths, he had completely burrowed into the ground, causing a slight roar.


Ten Thousand Swords and the Sword of Harmony!

The Great Sun suddenly changed, generating a huge crimson sword hanging in the sky, and the sword body had countless mysterious textures generated.

The scorching hot breath that had just dispersed was instantly gone, and the aura around them was also directly absorbed, and even the sunlight above the sky was also absorbed into a part of the power, and it was completely hidden in the body of Xi He Sword.

As soon as Fang Qin’s mind moved, the giant sword instantly hit the opening of the ground like a streamer of light.


Time seemed to freeze for a moment, and the next moment the light was great, a roar under the ground began, the ground shook, countless ground cracked, and countless huge hot red lights emerged from the traces.

Countless flames surged up from the cracks in the ground, up to a hundred meters high, like pillars of fire soaring into the sky, emitting a huge amount of light and heat.


A terrible insect devouring thought sounded, and Cihang Pudu soared directly from the cracked ground into the sky, and countless fires attached to the body, churning in pain, trying to extinguish the flames.

Being attacked by such a terrifying indiscriminate burning, and in the underground, almost like a bombardment, it directly hit the whole body, and every place was burned by the terrifying sword light.

The demons and ghosts in the vicinity were all burned into nothingness in an instant, and some of the demons on the periphery were directly vaporized and turned into ashes.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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