“You… When did you get back? ”

Wu Xingyun was a little surprised to return to his senses, and then he looked at the other party’s slightly unbridled eyes sweeping back and forth, and he couldn’t help but feel hot in his heart, his face was red, and he was a little embarrassed, and he whispered softly:

“Stinky boy, where are you looking, so shameless!”

But a touch of joy rose in my heart for no reason, and it was difficult to sustain myself.

“Xingyun, you are getting better and better.”

The other party was shy and beautiful, and Fang Qin smiled pleasantly when he saw this, and replied softly.


Wu Xingyun only felt that there seemed to be a hot breath in his face, and his brain was a little dizzy, and he didn’t know how to answer.

“How did you get back to Tianshan?” Could it be that the tomb is uncomfortable? ”

Fang Qin asked softly, as for what to deal with affairs, he did not believe at all, the affairs of what nature has countless hands to deal with, where Wu Xingyun needs to do it himself.


Wu Xingyun eased his mind when he heard this, and his mood was somewhat depressed.


Fang Qin seemed to have a smile in his eyes, and Wu Xingyun was a little annoyed that he did not come:

“Hum, you are a concubine together, I don’t want to disturb, just come back to Tianshan, and be happy.”

Fang Qin felt that the other party was proud and cute, and did not reply to him, and once again looked at Wu Xingyun’s figure.

Wu Xingyun was red in the face of his eyes, and he was gradually overwhelmed by the discomfort, biting his lip and not speaking.

Fang Qin sighed, went forward and gently hugged it in his arms, felt a warm fragrance and softness, and said quite happily: “You are all living in my house, do you still want to run?” ”

Embraced by Fang Qin, Wu Xingyun’s strength dissipated seven or eight points, and he was weak, and some surprise appeared in his eyes, and then he said with some entanglement:

“You… What are you doing holding me, let go, I’m old…”

“So you’re struggling with this?”

Fang Qin looked at Wu Xingyun quite amusedly, somewhat speechless.

“What entanglement is not entangled, you don’t have to fight, let go of me quickly, so unusual, let people see the joke.” 」

Wu Xingyun’s body fell weakly into Fang Qin’s arms, and although he was quite reluctant in his heart, he still tried to hold up the Dao.

Fang Qin sighed, knowing her heart knot, somewhat speechless, and gently picked up her soft body and sat on the mat.


Wu Xingyun’s face was red like a drop of blood, his mind was blank, what did he want to do? How do you cooperate with him?

Fang Qin saw that her face was a little speechless, what was the other party’s little head melon thinking.

“Cough, you don’t have to think so much, I am a person who is destined to live forever or even immortal.”

Now that you feel that you have a bad heart, what about staying in a thousand years, or even ten thousand years later? Is the age gap still big, I say this, can you understand? Don’t think about those who don’t, and rest assured. ”


Wu Xingyun was a little stunned when he heard this, and he thought about it in his heart, and then he laughed and said:

“You can live so long, but I don’t have the confidence to live so long.”

However, through his words, the mood has been as clear and open as the clouds, happy and cheerful, and the most important thing is that he knows that the other party also likes himself.

Overjoyed in his heart, he bit his teeth lightly and said, “However, I will try to practice as well as possible and accompany you for a long time.” ”

The eyes are not hiding affection, the autumn waves flow, the love is thick, the hands are gently wrapped, and the kiss is raised.

After a long time before they separated, Wu Xingyun blushed and went down, his breath was somewhat disordered.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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