In the Palace of the Vultures,

Yu Po and Mei Lan Bamboo Sword were summoned and waited respectfully outside.

After a while, the door opened, and two figures came out, one handsome and extraordinary, and the other beautiful as a heavenly immortal, just like a fairy companion, which surprised Yu Po and a few people who were a little stunned.

Wu Xingyun’s face was ruddy, faintly revealing infinite style, and Mei Mu gently looked at Fang Qin, and when he climbed up, he was very soft, and the autumn waves flowed, and then he turned to Yu Po who was stunned:

“He… You should also know who it is, and from now on you should be the master of this place. ”

He said and smiled softly:

“In the future, I will not live here for a long time, and you will act on your own, as long as you do not fall into the prestige of the Spirit Vulture Palace.”

Yu Po and Mei Lan Zhujian were shocked, and only after hearing the words did they return to God, and immediately knelt down and prayed: “Yes! In obedience to the Lord’s words, I await see… Under the crown of Wu Zu! ”

After saying that, there was a look of reverence and awe, and several people had a wonderful feeling in their hearts.

Although they did not know Fang Qin’s identity at first, they only said that they were some mysterious and unpredictable hermit strangers, and their relationship with the Lord was somewhat strange.

However, later, with the passage of time, the Venerable Lord also ordered them to go outside to find out the news, and finally learned that the most revered person in the martial forest, or in the whole world, was a living immortal, a god who really possessed a vast number of divine powers.

It was only then that they had some hindsight that this handsome, easy-going young man was such a divine being.

Later, there is also speculation that the relationship between the Lord and this divine seems to be quite relaxed and casual.

Others did not know the personality of this Heavenly Mountain master, they had been waiting for the left and right, naturally they were aware, and the Lord and this person seemed to have always been a little unhappy, but in fact they were extremely happy.

Seeing the shyness of the Venerable Lord, the truth was suddenly clear, and several people suddenly realized in their hearts.

Although he knew from the beginning that the relationship between the Lord of the Noble Lord and the Emperor Wu Zu was special, he did not expect that the two were actually such an intimate relationship, and his heart was a little shocked.

Of course, what followed was a great surprise, Meilan bamboo swords are all little girls, before Fang Qin and the little dragon girl Huang Rong came here again, they felt that this rich god was handsome, just like who the immortals,

Later, when he learned that he was a god, he worshipped him even more, so now seeing the immortal and the lord he had admired and loved since he was a child was a kind of intimate relationship, which was a great surprise.

Yu Po, on the other hand, simply felt that the Lord had been alone all these years, and now he could find a good home, and he was happy that he was such an amazing marriage.

Fang Qin glanced at the crowd and secretly lamented the degree of love that Xingyun was in the Spirit Vulture Palace, and the closest of these Spirit Vulture Palaces were all loyal and respectful to them.

He nodded his head and said gently, “Get up, things here, neither I nor Xingyun will take care of anything, you can decide for yourselves.” ”

“Yes!” Several people hurriedly and respectfully responded to the next road.

“Xingyun, let’s go!”


After saying that, he gently picked up Wu Xingyun’s body, and saw that Mei Lan Zhujian and a few young ladies blushed shyly, while Yu Po smiled with satisfaction, but in the next instant, the two of them disappeared in a flash.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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