Shouyang City, among the official palaces.

A man dressed in official clothes, with a kind face and a relatively rich posture, sat on the throne, and it was Liu Shifeng of Shouyang County.

As a county governor, Liu Shifeng is handling many affairs in the county.

After dealing with one more thing, some people thought about things and sighed for a long time.

Some tired and helpless.

Several lieutenants looked at each other, and one of them asked:

“But Lord Xian Ling is hurting for the monster that Lady Luoyan recently spread?”

Although Liu Shifeng was a county commander, he was also peaceful and close to him, but he was also quite loved by many lieutenants, so when he saw him like this, he was consulted.

Liu Shifeng nodded and sighed:

“Yes, you also know that recently some people have frequently reported to the officials that there seems to be a monster in that female Luo Yan, and now many people are not afraid to go over.”

I had no way to govern before, and it was not easy to have this incense made of vanilla to make merchants from all over the world come here to buy, revitalize the trade routes, and even the land of the capital was loved by nobles, so that there was a situation today.

If that female Luoyan really had a monster, this away from the picking of vanilla was affected, but how good, we have a large number of Shouyang City people counting on that vanilla to live a life. ”

“Your Honor, since you came to Shouyang, the lives of the people of Shouyang have been much better, they have more money to spare, and the city is much more prosperous, which is a scene that has never been seen before.”

“Don’t you worry, adults, isn’t there no one injured now?” Maybe it’s some rumored thing, but it can’t be true. ”

“Yeah, yeah, besides, before Pei Catcher led some people to go over and investigate, didn’t he see any monsters?” I think it should be an exaggeration of the rumors, and after a while it may pass. ”

Liu Shifeng also felt that there was some truth in hearing this, and he slightly relaxed his heart and said, “What you said is not unreasonable. ”

A footstep came, and a young man with a rather grim face walked in, saluted a crowd, and then said with a slight frown:

“Lord Liu, there is a common man outside, who says …

It is said that he met a fairy in the female Luoyan, and the immortal had something important to tell him. ”

The young man’s statement surprised everyone inside.

“Immortals!? This…”

“There is such a miracle? Isn’t that gibberish? ”

Even Liu Shifeng listened to it, but he was also a little stunned, and then as if he thought of something, he hurriedly said:

“Pei Jian, since that’s the case, then you should quickly invite that man in and let him speak clearly.”


After Pei Jian took the order, he directly turned around and went out.

Liu Shifeng’s heart beat slightly, and he had some thoughts

When the secret path was when Yun Xiandi was looking for immortals, he asked, but the result was nothing, and he didn’t know what was going on now.

The so-called immortal above that female Luo Yan was a legendary cultivator, and I didn’t know if there was any news of Yun Xiandi.

After a while, Pei Jian led a strong man to the hall.

The man had a restrained face, and as soon as he saw the man in the official uniform, he immediately saluted and said, “Little Min Luo Er, I have seen all of you.” ”

Liu Shifeng stopped and said, “Nothing, I heard that you met the immortals in the Female Luo Rock?” Is this true? How did it go? ”

Luo Eryi hurriedly said, “Dare to let the adults know, this matter is absolutely true!” This gives me ten guts and dare not think of you laughing. ”

Pei Jian beside him said, “And you should tell the story and try to be as careful as possible.” ”

“Yes, yes, I went to that Lady Luoyan this morning…

When the monster came at me, I thought I was going to die.

Fortunately, the immortal appeared…

Later, the immortal asked me a few words, and then told me that the herbs in the female lotus rock should not be over-picked, and after telling me to come back, he spoke to the people in the city.

I naturally listened to the words of the immortals, and when I came back, I thought that it would be difficult for everyone in the city to know no matter what, so I thought, if I tell the adults about the matter, this matter will be easy, hehe. ”

When Na Luo Er talked about what he had encountered in the morning, he was quite eyebrow-raising and proud, but he was a person who had seen the immortals.

Just what he said, but it made the crowd a little uncertain, looking at each other.

One of them said, “Hey, there really are youkai, listening to him say this, he is indeed a capable person with ability, but this immortal is a bit of a fool…”

The others also nodded, these people have seen a lot, know a lot,

I don’t think that the immortal described by this person is true, but only as a strange person in the world.

After all, what he said was not something mysterious and incredible.

Even Liu Shifeng felt that unlike these lieutenants, his daughters were born with spiritual power, and it was extremely easy to do something that ordinary people would be inconceivable.

He had seen a lot, but he didn’t think that the cultivator in the female Luo Yan was a god, but it was not impossible to call a strange person a tall person.

“But the reason why the high man said that he should not over-pick the herbs is not to be picked?”

Luo Er listened to their words and although he attached some importance to that immortal, he didn’t seem to care much.

Some couldn’t bear it, and he had the courage to say, “That one is really an immortal!” Don’t be disrespectful to the immortals…”

As soon as the words came out, I already had some regrets, and after saying that, my voice was slightly lowered,

Those lieutenants frowned a little, but Liu Shifeng didn’t think so, and some curiosity asked:

“Oh? Why? There are some strange people and strange things in the world, and it is not impossible to do what you say. How did you determine that he was an immortal? ”

“This… As soon as I saw this, I felt that it must be a god…..”

Luo Er didn’t have an exact explanation, but he instinctively thought so in his heart, and he wasn’t good at words, and he was a little sweaty in a hurry.

Liu Shifeng was also curious in his heart, whether this person was lying or not, he could roughly see it,

It’s just that this person only sees it and decides that the other party is a god, can that person really have such a description of temperament?

“Do you remember what he looked like?”

Luo Er was about to answer, and when he thought about it, it was also strange that he couldn’t remember the immortal’s face at all, but only remembered the inexplicable, immortal-like figure.

“Lord, I don’t know what happened, I can’t even think about the appearance of the immortals, but what I said is true, I swear!” ”

Liu Shifeng thought about it, then asked some more questions, combed through them, and finally let Pei Jian send the man out.

“Lord County Order, this man has some contradictions in his speech, is he lying?”

“Yeah, it always feels weird.”

Liu Shifeng shook his head, “Let’s do this first, you deal with the affairs first, I’ll go back.” ”



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