Liu Shifeng got directly into the carriage and, escorted by the Pei catcher, returned to his own Liu Mansion.

“Pei Jian, the matter will be entrusted to you, the matter of female Luo Yan needs to be investigated clearly, and the high man…

You need to be respected when you see it, if the conversation feels reliable, see if you can invite us to come to the city, and finally you must be careful. ”

Liu Shifenggui is a county order, naturally it will not be so easy to believe the words of others, no matter what, you have to find someone to find out the truth of the matter.

This time, to let the most trusted Pei Jian pass, one is to investigate clearly whether the most important youkai is exactly as the man said.

The two are to see if you can meet the high man, and if it is a virtuous person, please come to the palace to thank him, and then see if there is news of the whereabouts of Brother Yun Xian.

“Yes, sir.” Pei Jian nodded slightly.

“You’ve said you don’t have to be so serious in private. Well, you go ahead and get busy. ”

“Yes, sir.”

Liu Shifeng shook his head slightly, and did not say much, knowing that it was useless to say it, and turned back to the palace.

Soon they came to the inner courtyard and were greeted by a middle-aged woman who came out, it was Ruan Ci, the wife of Liu Fu, who was a little surprised to see his face.

“Lord, why did you come back so early today?” It’s usually an hour or two away. ”

“Alas, it’s not the matter of the female Luoyan, there are some things I don’t know very well, I can’t make up my mind, I want to ask Li Er, what about Li Er?”

Liu Shifeng said that his girlfriend, some of the worries in his heart have also gone a lot, and he asked with a smile.

Just then, a gentle and gentle voice sounded.

“Father, mother…”

A lady slowly walked out, her face was beautiful and beautiful, green silk was falling, and two jade hairpins were embellished.

Dressed in a purple and blue high-waisted long dress, the light veil is slightly whisked, like a fog, dignified and elegant, there seems to be a hint of mystery.

Liu Mengli came to the two people, slightly bowed to the two closest relatives, and performed a blessing.

Liu Shifeng hurriedly said, “Good, Li’er, you don’t need to be polite.” ”

Looking at his precious girlfriend, his heart was overjoyed.

“Daddy, you’re looking for me, but what’s the matter?” Liu Mengli had some doubts in her heart and asked softly.

“The matter … Li’er, madam, let’s go back to the house and talk about it. ”

The three men entered the room and sat down.

Liu Shifeng sighed, “There is a matter about that female Luoyan, and today a people asked to see me, saying that they had met an immortal in the female Luoyan.” ”

Ruan Ci on the side was a little surprised and shouted: People? ”

Liu Mengli did not speak, only dreamy glass-like eyes. It was also a bit of a surprise.

The theory of immortals has a long history, most of them have heard of these rumors, but they are only rumors, and those who have really seen them are extremely rare, and even whether there are them is not clear.


After that, Liu Shifeng told the two people some things that had been sorted out, and then said:

“Li Er, you have spiritual power since you were a child, and you are also quite proficient in some spells, so you may know what methods this high man made to subdue those goblins?”

Liu Mengli listened to what had happened, and her eyes were slightly out of focus, not knowing what she was thinking.

Hearing his father’s inquiry, he shook his head slightly:

“My daughter doesn’t know either, but she can’t guess anything when she hears about it.” But… What the high man said about vanilla, I can roughly guess what happened…”

“Oh? Haha, Li Er is very good and intelligent, said and listened to Daddy. ”

“I think the goblins there eat this vanilla, but in recent years, more and more people in the city have picked away vanilla, so maybe those goblins have no food, maybe these things will happen….”

“Is that so, it’s possible.”

Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci heard the words, thought about it carefully, but also felt that there was some truth.

Liu Mengli seemed to have some sadness in her eyes, slightly biting her red lip and blaming herself:

“If it weren’t for her daughter making incense from vanilla, wouldn’t those goblins be like this?”

“Daughter, don’t think like this, if you hadn’t made this good incense, this Shouyang City wouldn’t have the scene it has today.”

The people will not be as rich and stable as they are now, this is a blessing and a matter of immeasurable merit. ”

Where can Liu Shifeng see his daughter sad, and quickly comforted.

Ruan Ci also said: “Yes, this is a good thing, you don’t need to blame yourself.” Moreover, the truth of this matter needs to be confirmed before we can know, and perhaps there are some other reasons in it.

Even if this is the case, we found out the problem as soon as possible, there were no casualties among the people, and then it is good to let the people exercise some moderation. ”

Liu Shifeng hurriedly replied, “Right, right! I have asked Pei Jian to take someone to the female Luoyan to investigate again, I believe that there will be results soon, Li Er should not be sad, then he will know the situation. ”

Liu Mengli nodded slightly and muttered softly.

“Let’s not talk about that…”

Liu Shifeng wanted to divert the topic, and then as if thinking of something, he said:

“Li Er, you have now reached the age of marriage, but what are the requirements, say listen to your father, your father will find it for you, and you will definitely marry a good Langjun.”

“Daddy, daughter… Thinking about these things…”

Liu Mengli didn’t know what she was thinking, and her eyes darkened slightly.

Ruan Ci grabbed Mengli’s jade hands and said softly:

“Good daughter, your father is also for your own good.”

The other girls’ families have long been married, you are now considered to be double ten years old, and your father is also anxious in her heart, looking forward to you marrying a good Langjun to take care of you and live happily. ”

“I… Father, mother, marriage matters, daughters want to decide for themselves, this matter….. Later, Li Er still wants to continue to accompany you. ”

“This… Oh, well, I know, Daddy is all up to you. ”

Liu Shifeng and his wife looked at each other, and they both sighed helplessly, but in fact, marrying their daughter out was also reluctant in their hearts, and their feelings were complicated.


In the female Luo Rock, Fang Qin looked at an earth-yellow bead in his hand, this bead was crystal clear, the color was pure, and the outer part was like extremely fine jade.

And the most important thing is that inside this round bead, there is an extremely vast and pure earth spiritual force, which is hidden and not emitted.

“Earth Spirit Beads…”


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