Above the Qingluan Peak of the Huangshan Mountains, Han Lingsha followed the martial arts method and swallowed the Heaven and Earth Reiki, and soon reached his current perfection and could no longer continue to practice.

The speed of cultivation is so fast, it has reached the seventh level of the day after tomorrow, it is cool and cool, and the body is comfortable. ’

He opened his eyes and looked at Fang Qin, who was still practicing, and was a little stunned.

She knew that what she was absorbing was only a slight trace of the aura around her, and she was holding the terrifying aura concentration nearby, so she had such a good result.

If you practice on your own, you are afraid that your speed will weaken a lot.

Looking at the entire sky, the countless brilliant aura that loomed out, I sighed in my heart.

The aftermath of the practice alone is already such an astonishing vision,

‘I don’t know how powerful Big Brother Fang Qin really is…’,


A figure swept by like the wind, extremely fast, Han Lingsha’s cultivation had achieved initial results, his ears were clear, and he was a little alert for a moment.

However, as soon as I saw the person coming, I also relaxed.

It was Yun Tianhe, holding a bow and sword, and at this time he was a bit embarrassed, and the wind and dust were servants.

Han Lingsha thought about what Fang Qin had said, and asked with some curiosity:

“Tianhe, the trial that Fang Cai Fang Qin Brother gave you, you have already completed?”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, “Ah, are you talking about defeating that powerful guy?” Oh, I’ve beaten him. ”

Then he said, “Oh, I’m exhausted and uncomfortable, so I have to start practicing quickly.” ”

After saying that, he casually found a place to sit down, closed his eyes and practiced, and as soon as the practice worked, his spirit was suddenly shaken and his aura surged.

When Han Lingsha saw that he didn’t elaborate, he began to practice and muttered, “Dumbfounded…”,

However, he did not study it in detail, stretched his exquisite body, raised his wrist, looked at the five-colored ring that was faintly flowing above, his face was a little red, and he quietly looked at Fang Qin, and his heart was warm.

She didn’t know why Elder Brother Fang Qin would be so kind to her, and she had a vaguely humiliating idea in her heart, but she didn’t dare to confirm it.

Keep this thought in your heart.

I could only talk to myself, I was so weak and small now, there was no use, I must practice well after that, maybe there is a place that can help Fang Qin’s big brother.

“It’s already difficult to make progress in cultivation all at once, so let’s go and practice the Five Spirits Dao Fa.”

Afraid of affecting Fang Qin and Yun Tianhe’s cultivation, Han Lingsha traveled a few hundred meters away and stopped.

Beginning to try to perform the spell obtained from the Five Spirit Ring, the faint five-colored light flickered slightly.

Although it can only be used at the most basic now, the power is also quite bad.

Compared with the so-called immortal arts learned from ancient books before, it was much easier and more powerful than it.

After a quarter of an hour, when I was having a bad time, my strength was exhausted, and I was a little tired and stopped wanting to go back,

Suddenly, down the mountain at the vine wood, several men dressed as headhunters suddenly stepped out.

When both sides saw it, they were a little stunned.

One is a little strange how these officials came to this mountain.

On the other side, I had seen the gods and strange scenes on the mountain before, and I only thought that there must be gods and immortals on this mountain.

Now that I had just come up, I saw such a beautiful and moving girl, and I was a little surprised.

“Could this be the gods on the mountain?” A fairy? ”

“Surely it is, do I want to bow down directly?”

“Huh? No, this man… How is it so similar to the female thief in the wanted notice issued a few months ago…,…”,

Several people were hesitating whether to kneel down directly, and when they saw the fairy, one of them suddenly said with some hesitation.

A few months ago, someone reported that there was a sneaky figure near the tomb of the King of Huainan, asking him to describe the characteristics, and then Miss Qianjin of Liufu helped paint the portrait and posted a wanted notice.

They are all headhunters, and naturally they have seen the wanted one many times, and they feel familiar when they see me.

“This… When you say this, I also have the impression that it is indeed like that little thief, could it be…”,

“The portrait painted by the young lady is indeed no different from it.”

“Is it really that little thief?” How did you get to this land of the gods. ”

Han Lingsha also had some doubts at first, roughly guessing that perhaps he had seen a divine scene and found a group of people who asked for immortals, but he only reacted after listening to their words.

Suddenly, Willow’s eyebrows were upside down, and some irritated voices shouted:

“What a thief or a thief, a great thief, a great thief!” This girl is not one of those sneaky little thieves, but a tomb that walks alone for thousands of miles….. Forehead…… Hum! “,

Subconsciously retorted to the exit, but when it came to the back, I remembered the origin of the fate of a family, and I didn’t want to mention this again, only a cold hum of irritation.

However, her statement just confirmed the thoughts of a group of guards, some were shocked, some of them immediately held swords, some stared nervously, and one of them hurried down to inform Liu Shifeng and the others.

Han Lingsha’s brow frowned slightly, and it was also a little strange how these headhunters had come here.

However, listening to their words was not specifically to arrest her, so I didn’t bother to pay attention.

“Ahem! Today, this girl is in a good mood, so she will not accompany her. ”

After saying that, take out a smoke pack from your body and drop it directly.

“Smoke and rain to snatch the soul ~ five spirit law, breeze ~ go!”

A faint pink smoke filled the air, and a breeze directly enveloped the heads of the guards.

“Cough cough cough, what is this!? Cough. ”

“That thief is going to escape!” Cough, nothing can be seen ah, what a demon! ”

“Let’s go back first, and go back to let the adults decide.”

Han Lingsha listened to the words, some of them were bulging, not very happy, the slight dots in his hands, the breeze gathered, so that the smoke did not dissipate so quickly.

Only then did he snort coldly, turn around and run in the direction of Big Brother Fang Qin.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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