When the smoke cleared, several guards choked their eyes a little red.

I searched around, but unfortunately, the female thief had long disappeared.

“Whoops, I’ve already run away, what can I do?” ,

“The wanted people have been posted for several months, and now it is hard to see, but she ran away, so I don’t know when and when I can …”

“It’s too cunning, let’s go back and pray to the adults.”

Several people were secretly sorry, and they were thinking of going back first, informing them of the matter, and letting Lord Liu know before making a decision, when a steady voice sounded.

“No, we’ve arrived.” Pei Jian held a weapon in his hand and walked out from the vine wood behind him, with a calm face.

Liu Mengli and several others were also escorted up to the top of Qingluan Peak.

Liu Shifeng had already reported the matter from the guard who had just returned, knew what Fang Cai had encountered, thought for a moment, and frowned:

“This kind of immortal blessed land, I don’t know what happened to that woman, but when she came here, aren’t you afraid of disturbing the mountain immortals?”

Let’s stop for now…

If they meet again, they will take them back, and if they do not meet, they can only go by her.

The land of the immortals does not allow us to come wantonly, and if we want to think of each other, we dare not be reckless anymore. ”

Fang Cai’s vision could be seen in the nearby realm, and if the other party went up early, it should be clearer.

I don’t dare to offend the immortals here.

Liu Mengli on the side was a little silent, saying that the portrait of the girl was still painted by her.

Although she had never seen it, she actually had a lot of worries in her heart.

If you only look at the face, the other party does not look like that kind of cunning and treacherous person, when she said that she wanted to be wanted, she felt something was wrong at that time, afraid of wronging people.

It’s just that there are many people who say that there is indeed a thing, and they can only give up, thinking that if they really grasp it later, they need to ask about it clearly.

At this time, taking this opportunity, he meditated for a while and said:

“Father, if this place is really a blessed place for immortals, the immortals who want to come to this place will not allow despicable people to come here.”

The girl could come up, and perhaps not be a heinous person.

If we really see it, we need to ask the reason for it, and then make a decision, and we must not wrongfully go to her. ”

Liu Shifeng thought about it and nodded:

“Li Er doesn’t need to say more, Daddy saves, and will never wronged a good person.”

Then he looked at the surrounding scenery and sighed:

“Well, let’s not talk about that, first of all, to worship Brother Yunxian, and second, to see if there is such a source of blessing, so that you can meet the gods and immortals on the mountain.”

The magnificence of the scenery here is really the only one I have ever seen in my life, and there is a sense of open-mindedness and refreshment, which is really a blessed place. ”

When it came to the immortals, everyone’s eyes lit up and their hearts burned.

The theory of gods and immortals has existed since ancient times, and very few can be seen, and most of them are fabricated, and I don’t know what is true or false.

At this time, they had seen a series of previous events, and they were already sure that there must be a god living on this mountain.

Moreover, the magic of the immortal scenery here, everyone feels it, just breathing feels comfortable, as if all the exhaustion and damage have disappeared,

Immortal blessed land, how amazing not.

Not seeing the gods and immortals is already so magical, if you really will, really see the gods, it is really a great blessing.

Liu Mengli also nodded slightly, her perception, in the mountains here, the more she went up, the more abundant her aura was,

At this point, the concentration of the aura has reached an incredible point, and between the exhalation and inhalation, it is an amazing magic.

The many people here are actually just breathing in the aura here, and they are already worth the trip.

It was also because the aura here was extremely abundant, and Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci climbed the mountain and did not feel so tired.

Although it can only passively absorb subtle aura, it is also extremely good for ordinary people, with the effect of solid foundation and the elimination of all diseases.

“Look, there seems to be light there!” The gods are there! ”

One of the guards looked around and suddenly pointed to one of them and exclaimed.

The others also looked in the same direction, and sure enough, they saw that there was a brilliant light shining in the sky, and the Dao Dao halo was extremely mysterious.

“This… Maybe that’s the case, I’ll wait and go over. Liu Shifeng was also nervous when he saw this, and took a deep breath.

A crowd of people naturally responded and continued to move forward, and it didn’t take long to pull away Tengmu, who was blocking the way,

The scene ahead suddenly brightened, and everyone must be in shape, standing on the spot.

I saw an ancient tree towering in the sky, and there were several wooden houses on the side, which was quite elegant.

Such a scene, if it is usual, must be suspicious.

However, no one paid any attention to these things now, and Gu looked at a figure sitting on the stone platform next to the ancient tree with a shocked and distracted face.

The figure was like a fairy, full of flowing, a brilliant aura faintly revealed, and there was a halo of light, as if it were an immortal who swallowed the essence of heaven and earth.

Then it must be a god!” ’

Such a thought flashed subconsciously in everyone’s mind, and a group of guards directly bowed down reverently, as if they were seeing a god.

When Liu Mengli and Liu Shifeng saw the god and immortal, they were a little incredulous, and when they looked at each other, they could see the movement in their eyes.

“That’s sir… Sir, it is a god… So it was, so it was…..,·.”

Liu Shifeng was both shocked and stunned, and he wondered that this gentleman had such an extraordinary temperament, but it turned out that the other party was really a world divine as he had guessed earlier.

Such a sacred sight, he did not have any doubts, if this is not a god, then what else in the world can be called a god?

Liu Mengli on the side was also a little distracted, although he had only met once before, he had also talked happily, and Mr. Fang, who had left a deep impression, was such a person with great supernatural powers.

Her perception was the most intuitive, and the place around her gathered an extremely astonishing terrifying aura, which was even like substance, but was instantly extinguished.

She could see that this was due to his husband’s practice, but this was what shocked her the most.

Just practicing has already triggered such a huge change that has affected the entire earth realm and the changes in the aura of heaven and earth.

Such an astonishing power is thought to be a person who has cultivated extremely deeply, and it is impossible to do so, even in case.

Is there any other explanation besides the legendary gods?


“These people…”

When Han Lingsha saw those people, he couldn’t help but drum his mouth, but he wasn’t ready for anything.

She could see that these people were all people from the official palace, and they didn’t come specifically to find her, as for who to find, it was naturally the immortal on the mountain, Fang Qin’s eldest brother.

She just happened to meet these people.

Yun Tianhe had already been under extremely strong aura cultivation long ago, and he had quickly recovered and was thinking about the duel.

It was also a little surprised to see so many people going up the mountain:

“Those people just now…”,

I thought to myself, “How come so many people have been going up the mountain recently, I haven’t seen anyone come up to the mountain for more than ten years before, and since I met Brother Fang Qin, I have met more and more people here.” ’

Fang Qin exhaled lightly, stopped practicing, and dissipated the aura around him, and all of a sudden all the visions seemed to disappear in an instant.

After this practice, the scope of perception had reached 30,000 square meters, and the spirit of the spirit had steadily improved, and it was one step closer to the cultivation of its own Dao body.

He opened his eyes and glanced in the direction of the people in the distance, smiled slightly, and faced the Yuntian River Road:

“Tianhe, prepare something to entertain the guests, your father’s friend is coming.”

“Oh… Yes!? ”

Yun Tianhe subconsciously responded, and immediately heard the words inside, and was suddenly a little surprised.

“Daddy’s… Friend? ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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