Fang Qin and Han Lingsha walked out of the wooden house, and a group of guards stood in the distance, all staring at this side.

When they saw that it was the immortals coming out, they were all excited and their faces turned red.

Fang Qin nodded slightly, then he did not pay attention, and took the lead in walking towards the wooden house on the ancient tree, and Han Lingsha obediently followed.

“Ryosha, do you have something you want to say to me?”

When he came to the house, looking out the window at the beautiful and magnificent scenery, it was quite pleasant, and Fang Qin turned back to look at Han Lingsha and smiled.

Long ago, this girl had a look of wanting to talk and stopping, and seeing that she had not been able to speak, Fang Qin also took the initiative to mention it.

Han Lingsha was slightly stunned, and then nodded his head.

Walking over to Fang Qin’s side, he was slightly silent for a moment and said:

“Brother Fang Qin, what you said and I heard, I want to go back to the clan as soon as possible and tell them the truth of the matter, so that I can feel at ease.”

Fang Qin actually knew about it and nodded slightly, “This is what it should be.” ”

Some silence, Han Lingsha’s face was a little tangled, secretly glanced at Fang Qin, his face was red, a cute look that wanted to say something, but did not dare to say.

When Fang Qin saw her like this, he couldn’t help but laugh, “Say whatever you want, why bother with it?” ”

“Ahh… Brother Fang Qin, I… After I go back and tell my people, can I still come back to this Qingluan Peak…..”

Speaking as if afraid that Fang Qin would misunderstand, his eyes wandered, explaining:

“You think… You have helped me with so many things, treated me so well, I… You haven’t repaid it well, what about you.

Anyway, I want to… I need to follow you to have a chance to repay it… Brother Fang Qin, you say yes or no? ”

Han Lingsha folded her hands and slightly tilted her small head, full of hope.

Her heart fluttered and jumped, she didn’t know if she could get her wish, she was very reluctant to leave.

Moreover, he was afraid that after leaving Qingluan Peak, he would never see Fang Qin again.

The ethereal nature of the gods is famous.

What if she went down the mountain, she would never see her again, and she was inexplicably worried and afraid of such a possibility.

It was just a matter within the clan, and it was not resolved that it was difficult for her heart to settle down.

Inform them earlier, and you can stop the loss of yin virtue a little earlier, and stop the deepening curse earlier.

“What is the matter with my Tao, what is this, if you want to come, come here, and pay attention to safety when you go back.”

“Really… Really? Well, I see, lol. “·

Han Lingsha was relieved to hear this, and immediately relaxed her heart, opening her face with joy and showing a bright smile.

The delicate and cute appearance makes people feel happy to see it.

“It’s a long way off, but you need my help?”

“Hee-hee, thank you Brother Fang Qin for your kindness, but don’t use it, I can handle it.”

Han Lingsha’s heart was warm, but he didn’t want to bother Big Brother Fang Qin anymore, and smiled softly.

Turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window, he lost his heart, was in a happy mood, and said quite relaxedly:

“What a beautiful scenery, if you can always live here in seclusion.”

Saying that, he smiled softly, and suddenly he was slightly stunned, realizing that there were two people in the room, himself and Fang Qin’s elder brother.

His face suddenly turned red, and the magnificent and beautiful scenery in front of him was a little lost in color.


Inside Yun Tianhe’s cabin, Liu Shifeng asked Yun Tianhe some things over the years, and secretly sighed.

Looking at Yun Tianhe, he said, “Your uncle and nephew, I live in that Shouyang City, and if you live on this mountain, you are afraid that you will have a hard time, if you don’t give up, why don’t you go down the mountain with me to live, Uncle I will arrange something for you.” ”

Yun Tianhe sighed and said with some doubt:

“Are you going down the hill?” Oh, but I’m fine on the mountain, why go down. ”

“Daddy…” ·

Liu Mengli called softly, and seeing that Liu Shifeng was confused, he shook his head:

“I see that Prince Yun is afraid that he has adapted to life on this mountain, and it is not appropriate for you to take him down the mountain in such a hurry, not to mention that… Sir, there is also a good care. ”

“Oh, yeah, I’m confused, confused.”

Liu Shifeng was a little stunned, if only Yun Tianhe was on this mountain, he would take his nephew down the mountain, which would naturally be extremely good.

But if there was a divine figure on this mountain again, it would be best if the virtuous nephew lived here, and it seemed that the two of them were quite acquainted.

His heart moved, and he looked at Yun Tianhe and asked, “Xian Nephew, this Mr. Fang….”

Liu Mengli also looked over and cared in her heart.

“Fang… Mr? Is Liu Bobo talking about Big Brother Fang Qin? Yun Tianhe said doubtfully.

“Yes, that’s the one, the big brother!?”

Liu Shifeng was a little stunned, and subconsciously wondered, “You actually called Mr. Big Brother?” ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and wondered, “Yes, the big brother is the big brother, is there anything strange?” ”

“This…” ·

Liu Shifeng, Liu Mengli, and Ruan Ci were all a little surprised and looked at each other.

“….. Nephew, how did you and your husband meet? “,

“Oh, just some time ago, I was just about to go out hunting, and I met…”

Yun Tianhe did not hide it, although he was not in harmony with the world, he would not completely understand it.

However, these people in front of them were not murderous, and the eldest brother also said that this Liu Bobo was his father’s friend, so he also put down his defenses, did not care that he asked this and that, and said the matter roughly.

“….. Oh, the big brother is very good, but also very powerful, taught me a lot of ways to exercise. “·


Liu Shifeng and the three of them were all a little silent, what a great opportunity.

Liu Mengli did not care about those, a little lost in concentration, and murmured slightly in his heart;

‘Big Brother… So, he… Don’t care…..’·

Liu Shifeng was stunned for a long time before he returned to his senses, nodded with some excitement, and patted Yun Tianhe’s shoulder:

“It was so good! It is really a blessing that the virtuous nephew has such a fairy fate, so it is really good to say that there is no need to go down the mountain with his uncle and stay in the mountain. ”

His own virtuous nephew is simple, coupled with disharmony with the world, he cannot understand the reasoning,

However, he had already seen that this was an amazing opportunity, and perhaps the virtuous nephew could cultivate into an immortal.

“O wise nephew, since you call your husband the eldest brother, you must listen to him and respect him.”

He passed on your things, and you must also practice them well, and you must not be neglected, thinking that if your father knows about it, he will be happy. ”

Yun Tianhe heard the words and said with some doubt:

“Is it… Daddy will be happy too? I don’t know. But Liu Bobo doesn’t say, I will also practice well.

Some of the methods taught by the eldest brother are so powerful, I am now much stronger than before, and I have become powerful, huh. ”

“….. Good! All right! ”

Liu Shifeng was still a little uncertain in his heart, but now when he listened, he didn’t know where he was, and that gentleman must have passed on some legendary cultivation methods to his nephew.

His heart was extremely happy, he wiped his tears, and secretly said that his own virtuous nephew, although he had not had a good life before,

But Heaven is also merciful, and with such a heavenly opportunity, no matter what, it will be better in the future.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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