“Thinking back to the past, when he was talking with your father, he also wanted to ask the immortals to ask and be the one who was at ease.

I tried my best to keep it, and he didn’t stay, alas, it’s just a pity…..

But fortunately, your blessings are profound, and if you follow Mr. Cultivation in the future, it will also be regarded as fulfilling your father’s vision, hehe. ”

Liu Shifeng sighed and immediately patted Yun Tianhe and instructed:

“O wise nephew, you have learned these things from your husband, and although he has not said anything, this is a matter of preaching and teaching, and the grace is as heavy as a mountain, and you need to be respected in your heart with the respect of the teacher.”

Seeing Yun Tianhe’s confused look, he thought about it for a while and shook his head:

“Well, you are simple in nature, you don’t understand these things now, and you should slowly understand them in the future.”

You just need to know that there are countless people in this world who are looking forward to learning these methods and cannot get them, and if your husband is willing to teach you, that is your great benefactor. ”

“Oh…” ·

Yun Tianhe just hadn’t touched much of the outside world, but he wasn’t stupid, on the contrary, he was very smart.

Naturally, he also knew that the method taught to him by Elder Brother Fang Qin was very powerful, and his heart was also extremely grateful and respected him.

He had already been treated as a relative in his heart, and there was no one closer to him in this world.


Liu Shifeng nodded slightly, and then gave some more instructions, and finally said his purpose:

“Wise nephew, the main purpose of my coming up the mountain this time is to pay homage to your father.

Alas, this Yun Xian Brother, who has not heard anything for so many years, did not expect that he had already …

If it weren’t for what my husband said before, I’m afraid I would never have known, Tianhe, where your father is buried, I will worship with your aunt and Mengli. ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, got up from a room in the house, took out a tablet, and engraved only the words ‘Yun Tianqing’s three characters, extremely simple, said:

“This is Daddy’s tablet, and as for Daddy, he has been buried with his mother in Shishenxi Cave, saying that he wants me not to disturb his peace with his mother.”

Several people were speechless when they heard the words, and Liu Mengli’s eyes were slightly red, and he murmured:

“Uncle Yun…” ·

Liu Shifeng looked at the tablet, a little distracted, sighed, and sighed for a long time:

“Well, well, Brother Yun Xian doesn’t want to be disturbed, then that’s it, the tablet is the same.” O nephew, let me put some incense on him…”


A quarter of an hour later, several people came out of the house, their eyes slightly reddened, and they sighed.

Pei Jian stepped forward and asked, “Lord…”

Liu Shifeng stopped and said, “Nothing, right, sir?” Have you seen sir? ”

Pei Jian heard that his face was straight, and said, “Sir, it seems that he is going to the side of the ancient tree.” ”

As soon as the words fell silent, a gentle and clear sound.

“Are you done talking?”

Several people turned their heads to look at it, and saw Fang Qin and Han Lingjing come down from the tree house and slowly walked towards this side.

“Sir, Liu Mou is grateful for his help first, and he is grateful.”

Liu Shifeng’s face was solemn, and he went forward to earnestly thank him.

If it weren’t for this gentleman, the matter of female Luo Yan might not be so simple, and she would not know anything about Yun Xiandi’s affairs, so she needed to thank her very much.

“No problem.”

Liu Shifeng then said to Han Lingsha:

“This girl, I am Liu Shifeng of Shouyang County, and I may have some relationship with the girl, but I don’t know if the previous incident was a misunderstanding?”

This girl stayed here with Mr. Nengde, and as a gentleman, he thought that this girl was unlikely to be a thief as others had spoken of.

Mo Fei really wronged her on his side, so he wanted to figure things out in front of Fang Qin and put an end to it.

“Oh, this…”

Han Lingsha’s face was quite subtle and embarrassed, what should I say.

If before, she naturally proudly said her own things, in her opinion, it is not difficult to explain the relief of the living with the things of the dead.

But now that he knew the good or bad, he was a little complicated about this matter, and some of them looked at Fang Qin as if asking for help.

Fang Qin looked a little amused and nodded slightly.


Inside the wooden house, several people were sitting.

“….. That’s pretty much the way it is. ”

After Fang Qin finished explaining, he didn’t say more.

Liu Mengli looked at Han Lingsha’s delicate little face and thought about it in her heart.

He said softly, “Father, although there is something wrong with this matter of Han Girl, after all, it is not selfish desire first.”

And the husband also said, after that, don’t let her do this, this time forget it. ”

Speaking, Mei Yan wandered between Fang Qin and Han Lingsha, biting her thin lip lightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Liu Shifeng still frowned a little, looking at Han Lingsha:

“In any case, stealing into the mausoleum is not a good thing, Miss Han, for the sake of Mr. Han, the previous matter will not be investigated, and I will withdraw the arrest warrant, but it is better not to do these things in the future.”

‘Even if you don’t say it, I won’t do it…’

Han Lingsha muttered in his heart, but still said:

“Yes, this time I was wrong, I’m sorry, it won’t be like this in the future.”

To tell the truth, she was also a little afraid, she didn’t know about the damage to Yin Virtue before, and she didn’t know that it would disturb the soul of the deceased, and now that she knew it, she didn’t dare or want to do it in her heart.

Glancing at Fang Qin lightly, Fang Cai Qin did not say anything about her family and curses.

Her heart was quite warm and joyful, although now that she had found a solution, she didn’t care about being known, but she wanted to come to Brother Fang Qin to take care of her emotions.

“By the way, Brother Fang Qin, didn’t you say before that there were some changes in the tomb of the King of Huainan?”

If it is a grudge, a grudge, or something, will it be dangerous? ”

Suddenly remembering what Fang Qin had said before, he couldn’t help but ask.

Han Lingsha’s words also surprised Liu Shifeng and Liu Mengli.

“Sir, is what Miss Han said true?” Is there anything unclean in that mausoleum…”

Liu Shifeng was shocked, this Huainan King’s tomb is not far from Shouyang,

If something really happened, wouldn’t the people suffer? Fortunately, there was a great divine immortal here, who hurriedly asked at the exit.

Liu Mengli also had a slight worry in her eyes and looked at Fang Qin, wanting to know what was going on.

“Don’t worry, although there are some feng shui changes in that place, the things inside can’t come out.”

Moreover, among the female Luo Rock on the side, Fang Qin had left some means, and the distance between the two sides was actually not too far, if there was really anything, I was afraid that in an instant, it would be turned into ashes.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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