Hearing Fang Qin’s statement, several people were relieved, since even this person said that there was nothing to do, then there must be nothing to do.

No one is confused about this.

“Huh, that’s right, huh, let the gentleman see the smile.”

Liu Shifeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled with some embarrassment.

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, “Liu Xian Ling loves the people’s heart, which is understandable.” ”

To tell the truth, this Liu Shifeng’s personality is indeed quite admirable.

There is a heart of love for the people, and the governance of a large county is thriving, the personality is also peaceful, the family is also happy, whether it is public affairs and private affairs are handled very well.

And the treatment of their own daughter is really extremely good, and even unwilling to force the marriage of their daughter,

Only the other party’s wishes are the mainstay, which is somewhat incredible in this era background.

It was no wonder that Yun Tianqing’s dashing and uninhibited nature was also willing to be a brother with such government officials.

After that, there were some conversations, talking about heaven and earth, mostly by Liu Shifeng, and Fang Qin should say a few words.

Ruan Ci, Liu Mengli, Han Lingsha, and Yun Tianhe on the side occasionally said a few words.

Between the conversations, each of them had a look in their eyes.

Han Lingsha’s gaze was mostly on Liu Mengli.

Secretly marveling at the beautiful girl, I have never seen such a beautiful girl again, everyone is beautiful, dignified and virtuous, these are completely incompatible with themselves, quite envious.

Secretly glanced at Fang Qin, and saw that his eyes were not on Liu Mengli’s body, he was immediately relieved.

It’s okay to be okay…·

Immediately quite confident, although some places are not as good as this golden lady, but she is not bad, but also a beautiful girl.

Slightly proud, his eyes wandered around Liu Mengli, and then he paused, and his face was slightly stagnant.

This….. I should not lose myself…,

Looking down silently, his face was suddenly a little speechless, as if he really lost…..

Still a little unwilling to look at the past again, and then he met a pair of clear and gentle eyes.

Han Lingsha’s face was a little embarrassed, and he barely showed a bright smile, and his heart was weak, and he unconsciously turned his eyes away.

Liu Mengli saw it, and there seemed to be a smile in her eyes, and she felt that this Han girl had some meaning.

Posture is rare in the world, and that quite delicate and agile nature also makes it very easy for people to have a good feeling, even she is no exception.

It’s just… ·

After taking a look at Han Lingsha, he looked slightly at Fang Qin, who was talking with Liu Shifeng, his face was slightly dark, and he was somewhat silent.

What is the relationship between them, he seems to treat this Han girl very well…

Occasionally, my eyes were also full of laughter when I looked at the Han girl, but I didn’t look at my side much…

Am I not good-looking…

Liu Mengli had such a thought for the first time, slightly lowering her beautiful face and slightly sipping her mouth.

On his indifferent face, there seemed to be no emotion, only a little imperceptible loss in the depths of his eyes.

Ruan Ci pulled Yun Tianhe, the virtuous nephew, and said some words of concern.

Yun Tianhe smiled and replied, he didn’t have any ideas, he just felt that there were a lot of people today, so lively.

I haven’t had it before, so it seems to be pretty good.

Ruan Ci was speaking as her eyes occasionally focused on the people in the room.

The daughter has not chosen a husband for a long time, and her heart is also anxious.

Now that he is also a double ten, it is also extremely rare among a number of wealthy families and high-ranking children, or there is basically nothing.

It’s just that whenever her daughter talks about this, she has some dislike looks, and she and her own grandfather have no way to do anything about it, only by her.

However, in such a mood, it is also subconsciously silently calculating.

This Yunxian nephew, his father is not only the elder brother’s best friend, but also Li Er’s savior, and even Li Er is entrusted by the other party to take care of his own family.

As the son of Old Master Yun Xian’s brother, in fact, it is extremely suitable to really talk about relationships.

Although his own Li Er was slightly older than him, he did not get in the way at all.

It was only a little bit of inquiry that she knew that Tianhe was ignorant of the youth, simple to the extreme, and did not have any idea of the love between men and women at all, and he did not even understand these things at all.

Moreover, in addition to caring about Tianhe, Li Er no longer expressed it.

Ruan Ci knew in her heart that Li Er had no intention of doing so at all, and forcibly said this, for fear that she would provoke her daughter to be in a bad mood again.

Ruan Ci shook his head and could only give up.

His eyes looked in the direction of Fang Qin, and he subconsciously nodded.

Previously, he also said that his own master was confused, but now that he saw it, he was really as he said, with a unique appearance and extraordinary temperament.

With his own daughter can be described as a match made in heaven.

Sweep your eyes, and then look at her daughter’s small actions, although it seems to be a small face of indifference, but as Li Er’s adoptive mother, she has raised her since she was a child, and she knows her very well.

Li Er’s occasional attention, must be hanging on the gentleman, the look in her eyes is also quite strange, she does not know where her daughter’s thoughts.

Even if it is not that kind of feeling, it is the kind of person who has a very good feeling.

This was already very difficult, it was the only one who made her have such thoughts, and even Ruan Ci felt a little incredible.

If Mr. Fang is an ordinary person, it is really not impossible, and the two should also be compatible.

It’s just a pity… ·

The other party is a fairy god… There was nothing left to do. ,

Ruan Ci sighed softly, and Yun Tianhe beside him scratched his head inexplicably, inexplicably.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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