Time passed, it was already afternoon, outside the wooden house, Liu Shifeng and the others were ready to leave.

“Since everything is already in order, then Liu Mou also needs to go back.”

Oh, being able to squeeze out some time to come and worship Brother Yun Xian is also a round of thoughts.

Moreover, it is also a blessing to be able to meet my husband here, and it is worth it. ”

Liu Shifeng smiled and said, in fact, in his heart, he also wants to stay more – some days.

After all, this place is really a treasure of the Immortal Family, and after only a few hours of coming here, some of the usual physical fatigue has disappeared, and it is comfortable–, energetic.

Coupled with the fact that there is a peaceful and casual immortal god here, it is even more reluctant to leave.

It’s just that after all, he is a county order, and it is not easy to leave for a few days, and if he postpones going back, things in the city will be postponed for a long time.

Fortunately, this place is not far from Shouyang, and after coming here once, if you have leisure in the future, you can come here to visit again.

Liu Shifeng looked at Yun Tianhe again, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

“Wise nephew, how much you take care of yourself, and then follow your husband here to practice well.”

Oh, Uncle Liu will come with your aunt to see you in his spare time, if you want, it is also okay to come to me in my Shouyang City. ”

He knew that his nephew did not know anything about human feelings, so he did not care about some of the etiquette problems.

“I see, Liu Bobo, huh.”

Yun Tianhe smiled and said that he also felt good about this father’s friend.

Well, the most important thing is that the other party gave him a lot of delicious things, which he had never seen before.

Both Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci nodded, and then turned to Fang Qin:

“Sir, if that’s the case, I’ll go down the hill first.”

Liu Mengli hesitated slightly in his eyes, or lightly stepped forward, and gently said:

“Mr. Fang, Mengli… Dream Glass Farewell. ”

There was something strange in my heart, this time I came up to the mountain and worshipped Uncle Yun, and I also fulfilled my wish.

It was only during the conversation that Fang Cai did not have much communication with Mr. Fangcai, which was a pity.

“Well, take care.” Fang Qin smiled.

Seeing that Fang Qin only slightly bowed his head, Liu Mengli’s heart was quite empty,

However, the indifferent nature since he was a child did not show anything, and with a gentle salute, he retreated behind Liu Shifeng and the two of them.

Ruan Ci looked at his daughter with deep meaning, shook his head slightly, and sighed in his heart.

Immediately looked at Han Lingsha, who was standing next to Fang Qin, he looked at the two of them thoughtfully, and said with a smile:

“Miss Han, didn’t you say you were going down the mountain before?” Why not take care of it together.

Moreover, you and Li Er are about the same age, or the topic can be discussed, and you will not be alone. ”

Fang Cai had eaten together and had some understanding of each other.

The impression of Han Lingsha was also slightly happy from the beginning, and gradually infected by the other party’s delicate and lively nature, and became quite loving.

Knowing that Han Lingsha was also going down the mountain today, he took advantage of this invitation.

Ruan Ci’s eyes were poisonous, she had long ago discovered the look in the eyes of this little girl, and the love in her eyes was about to overflow, and she thought that she liked Mr. very much, and her daughter had the same thoughts.

So invite the same way, first, let her and Li Er together, there may be some common topics, and second, I hope that Li Er can make some friends.

The daughter has been lonely since she was a child, although she does not say anything, but her heart is also quite worried, if she can have this girl with a good temperament as a friend, it is also good to think.

As for the last few hidden reasons, Ruan Ci thought about it and looked at her daughter,

Secretly, mother, I will help you a little, but in the end, how to grasp it is still up to you.

Liu Shifeng looked at Ruan Ci with some surprise, and then saw the other party’s gestured eyes, Liu Shifeng glanced at his daughter, and then he also understood and nodded slightly.

“Eh? Me? ”

Han Lingsha was a little surprised to hear this, but he never thought that this county lady would invite herself down the mountain together.

After all, her previous identity should not be liked by these high doors, so she did not mention this aspect of things, thinking about going down the mountain by herself.

0······ Ask for flowers…

Liu Mengli was also slightly stunned, took a slight look at Han Lingsha, and said softly:

“This depends on the heart of the Han girl.”

“The amount … This…”,

Han Lingsha subconsciously looked at Fang Qin.

Fang Qin was somewhat amused: “You decide these things yourself.” ”

“Well, well, bother.”

Han Lingsha muttered slightly, and then said to Ruan Ci.

Ruan Ci smiled and nodded, “Good.” ”


A crowd packed up their things and prepared to go down the mountain.

Taking advantage of the last opportunity, Han Lingsha ran to Fang Qin and said:

“Brother Fang Qin, after I, after the matter is over, I will come back and repay you…”


“You… Don’t run around, oh, if I can’t find you, I’ll go around looking for you until I find you…”

Behind the speech, the voice was a little inaudible, the face was extremely red, the hands were gently clinging, and the head was lowered.

Fang Qin touched Han Lingsha’s small head, smiled and said, “Okay, in the recent period, I will probably not leave here, rest assured.” ”

“Hmm…” ·

Han Lingsha’s face was full of joy, he raised his eyes and quietly looked at Fang Qin, his face was like a fire, his heart fluttered and jumped, and the hesitation in his eyes turned into firmness.

Slightly forward, Jade took a ring of hands, tiptoed up, lightly touched, and the next moment he stepped back again.

“Hee-hee, Brother Fang Qin, I’m leaving…”

Han Lingsha pretended not to care, bright and delicate, smiled and ran away, but his steps were slightly hurried, and his ears were already red.

Fang Qin slightly touched the warm feeling coming from his face, his eyes were somewhat soft, and he smiled helplessly.

Yun Tianhe, who was beside him, looked confused and asked:

“Elder Brother Fang Qin, what was she doing just now?” Father said that men and women are not intimate, how can it seem that it is not the same as what he said? ”


(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)

…. Under._

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