The figures of a crowd of people in the distance gradually faded away, and Yun Tianhe saw this, scratched his head, and his face was a little strange.

Fang Qin glanced at him and said:

“What’s wrong? Suddenly a lot of desertion, feel uncomfortable? ”

“Oh, there is a little, hehe, before I lived alone on the mountain, and I have never seen anyone under the mountain,

Now that I see it, I think it seems that many people are lively together.

Yamashita should also be very lively, I don’t know what it is…..”

Yun Tianhe smiled, and there was some yearning in his words.

Today Liu Bobo talked with him a lot, he himself listened to a lot, and he had a lot of curiosity about the situation under the mountain.

Fang Qin heard this and smiled, “Want to go down the mountain?” After a while, maybe there’s a great chance.

Before that, you still cultivated well, the outside is not as cold as this mountain, and there are many dangers, no matter what, the strong itself can better cope with various situations. ”

This Yun Tianhe had been suffocating on this mountain for more than ten years, and it could indeed let him go out and have a walk.

“Oh…” ·

Yun Tianhe replied, although some did not quite understand when the so-called perfect time was, but there was nothing wrong with listening to Fang Qin’s big brother.

Putting the matter aside for the time being, I couldn’t help but ask curiously:

“Elder Brother Fang Qin, just now you and Lingsha, what are you doing?” I heard my dad say…”

“….. Cough, I’ll talk to you about this later.

Well, you haven’t completed today’s task yet, hurry up and complete it, starting tomorrow, your cultivation task will be added to what is newly taught to you today, don’t be sloppy. ”

“Oh…” ·

Yun Tianhe listened to it, did not hear what he wanted to know, and was a little disappointed, but he could only go to a place outside to start today’s practice.

Fang Qin shook his head, stopped talking, and returned to his wooden house.


After half an hour, Liu Shifeng and the others marched to the carriage, and several people sat separately.

Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci sat in a carriage, and Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli sat in a carriage.

There was some silence in the carriage, and Han Lingsha looked up at Liu Mengli, secretly muttering.

This Miss Qianjin is indeed a beautiful person, dignified and virtuous.

But it is too stuffy, the words spoken along the way add up to no more than ten sentences, and most of them are asked by themselves to talk.

I was thinking about what I wanted to say to ease the atmosphere.

“Han girl…”

Liu Mengli bit her pink lip slightly and shouted softly.

“Huh? What’s wrong? What do you have to do with Mengli? ”

Han Lingsha’s eyes lit up slightly, which was strange, this big lady actually took the initiative to speak.

“I don’t know what girl Han is going down the mountain for this time?”

“Ah, this, I have an important time to go back to the house to tell you.”

Liu Mengli nodded slightly, and did not continue to investigate deeply, although she had, in fact, the purpose was not to understand this.

Thinking about what Fang Cai saw, some of the pictures, silent for a while, wanted not to say, but still couldn’t help it, if you don’t understand, your heart is really a little uncomfortable.

After deliberating, he asked, “Han. You… How did you meet Mr. Fang? ”


Han Lingsha was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he looked at Liu Mengli with some hesitation, and he was quite surprised.

“This… I can’t say I’m sorry, it’s Yumeri. ”

Liu Mengli saw Han Lingsha’s delicate eyes, and her heart tightened, and she said apologetically.

“No, I have known Brother Fang Qin for a short time, and it is nothing to say that I have nothing to listen to you…”

Han Lingsha gave up, and then he told some things about his meeting with Fang Qin.

Thinking about what happened in this short period of time, my heart was warm and happy, and I couldn’t help but show a soft and happy smile on my face.

After Liu Mengli heard about it, he was a little distracted, he did not expect that the two had only recently met, and somehow a trace of inexplicable meaning arose in his heart, and he subconsciously said:

“Does Lady Han like Mr. Han?” It’s nice that you guys seem to be intimate. ”

Looking into Han Lingsha’s eyes, he unconsciously brought some envy.

Envy her liveliness, but also envy her…

He obviously knew Mr. Fang first, but he was not as familiar and intimate as she was.

Fang Cai didn’t say much…,

Han Lingsha was slightly stunned, his face suddenly turned red, and he hurriedly said:

“Intimacy… No cheer me with Fang Qin big brother… Well, he treats me very well….. Me, I like him too, lol. ”

His words were full of shyness, but he also looked at Liu Mengli with some surprise.

What did she mean by that? Can it be that too…

Han Lingsha’s eyes widened slightly, and he asked in a loud voice:

“Mengli, when did you and Brother Fang meet?”

“Well, before that…”,

Liu Mengli showed a slight smile, saying some things before, and felt quite relaxed and happy in retrospect.

‘So beautiful, it turns out that she can laugh too.’ ’

Han Lingsha lost her mind slightly, but with such a look, she had already seen something, and hesitated for a moment and asked:

“Yumeri, you…”

“Huh? What’s wrong? ”

“Oh, no, nothing…”,


On the other side of the carriage, Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci were also talking.

Liu Shifeng said strangely, “Madam, how do you…”

“Lord, can’t you see Li Er’s mind?”

Liu Shifeng heard some silence and sighed, he naturally saw some things, but …

“Oh, Li’er…”

“In fact, the old man does not have to worry, I also felt inappropriate at first, and then I thought about it carefully,

The relationship between that Han girl and her husband seemed to be unusual, and although the other party was a god, she did not care about the difference between man and god. ”

Liu Shifeng nodded slightly in agreement: “When I talk to my husband, it is indeed very peaceful and casual, and it is indeed possible… But Li Er her nature, how…,

“So didn’t I invite Lady Han along?” I think this girl is a kind person, maybe they can have some communication.

If it really doesn’t work, sir, we can also come here more in the future, with the dream glass together, and we can also visit the Tianhe, killing two birds with one stone. ”

Liu Shifeng was a little stunned when he heard this, and he sighed and said, “Madam, good means.” ”

Ruan Ci said with some disgust: “What did the old master say, this is just to let them meet more, whether they succeed or not, or look at Li Er himself.” ”

Liu Shifeng touched his beard, smacked his lips and nodded:

“If only with sir… Oh, that’s the best, Li Er’s future life, we don’t need to worry about it.

It must be possible to live happily, and most importantly, Li Er herself likes it, haha. ”

“Lord, although Li Er is indifferent, but her face is thin, we have to pay attention to it.”

“Madam, rest assured, I will save.”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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