
A sword light flew by, and Murong Ziying stood on it, frowning and paying attention to the four directions and the changes in the aura around him.

“How did it disappear, and where did such a huge change come about?”

There was a slight anxiety between his eyebrows, he had sensed the change in heaven and earth before, and he had immediately rushed to the general source.

Halfway through, the aura change dissipated again, and there was no trace.

He could only continue to go forward with the imperial sword and probe carefully.

The change of that Heaven and Earth aura was really too terrifying, it was really an unimaginable scene, and if you couldn’t find out the reason, it would be really difficult to make people feel at ease.

However, it is good to know the general range, otherwise it is more difficult to pursue.

“Such a huge change, the people who want to come to this neighborhood should also be somewhat aware of it, and perhaps they can ask about it.”

Looking at the crowded villages below, Murong Ziying thought about it, drew a sword duel, leaned down, and the sword light disappeared.


The land of the Kunlun Mountains has always had the prominent status of the ancestor of the Dragon Vein.

Under this earth boundary is the place where many spiritual veins gather and meet, and there is a projection of heavenly light in the distant sky above the peak of Kunlun, which is the way to the immortals.

Heaven and Earth Reiki can be regarded as one of the most prosperous places in the world, and it is indeed a blessed place for cultivating immortals.

Such a blessed land, naturally gathered countless cultivators of great sects.

Among them, the most famous are the Eight Sects of Kunlun, namely Kunlun, Qionghua, Jasper, Zicui, Hanging Garden, Yuying, Langfeng, and Tianyong.

In fact, there are not many people who cultivate immortals in these ways, and each family’s cultivation method has its own strong and mysterious points, and the direction of enlightenment is different.

In the past few hundred years, if we talk about the strength of the momentum, it must be that the Qionghua Sect is more powerful.

Its sect mainly practices sword law, and has always respected the secret method of casting swords, paying attention to the way of ‘unity of man and sword’.

The fame and prestige can compete with the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect.

However, from the beginning of the previous generations to the devastation of the war more than a decade ago, the strength of the Qionghua Sect was already much worse than before.

Tracing back to the source, it is the turning point of the 20th generation of the Qionghua Sect’s leader Dao Yin Zhenren.

Qi Nian lamented that the world’s cultivation immortals asked, it was too difficult to do, even if he had talent and talent, he could not become an immortal with the strength of one person at a time.

If you want to become an immortal realm, there have not been many in the past and the present, it can be said.

Can we find another way to achieve immortality?

In this thought, I continued to understand the method of the ascension of the two swords.

If there are two divine soldiers that are rare in the world and have infinite power, with the concept of one yin and one yang, combining yin and yang to give birth to all things, the vast sword pillar can be raised, and there is infinite power, and it is also possible to ascend.

Therefore, the Qionghua Sect took the method of the double sword as the core, and the poor three generations of human and material resources poured all their strength into two swords of one yin and one yang, Xi He and Wang Shu,

In order to use these two so-called Excalibur swords that can be comparable to the power of gods and demons, two hosts with their own yin and yang bodies, each holding a sword, and practicing together, they will learn the method of double swords.

With this concerted effort, the power of the two swords was induced, the vast spiritual power was gathered to form a sword pillar, and the entire land of the Qionghua Sect was lifted, and the Xia soared to the infinite height of the peak of Kunlun, where the sky was light, and received the baptism of the heavenly light.

In this way, all the disciples and elders of the entire Qionghua Sect can abandon the mortal flesh and cultivate into immortal bodies under the projection of heavenly light, and become immortals.

However, this method also had a huge flaw, and the spiritual power required to form such a powerful sword pillar could be described as extremely vast.

Therefore, in the Qionghua Sect, they set their sights on the illusory demon world in the underworld and void.

This realm contains an unpredictable amount of spiritual power, enough to use the method of the double sword.

The Illusory Nether Realm is hidden in the void, like the stars moving, passing over the Qionghua Sect every nineteen years.

Therefore, with the power of the two swords, he first netted this realm and fixed it on the demon realm, and then he seized the vast spiritual power in it.

Thus there was a great war with the Illusory Demon Realm, the elders and disciples within the Qionghua Sect suffered heavy casualties, and even the then head of the Taiqing Zhenren was killed in this battle, and Qionghua and the Illusory Nether Realm were both defeated and injured.

In addition, at that time, Wangshu Sword Master Yu Yu couldn’t bear such a tragic scene in the world, and fled Qionghua with Wangshu Sword and Aura Algae Jade and Yun Tianqing, causing the image of the net to fail, and the Illusory Demon Realm began to operate on its own and leave.

Unable to seize the spiritual power in it, the method of the double sword naturally failed.

The two swords complement each other, one is indispensable, less Wangshu Sword Lord, Xi He Sword Lord is also greatly affected, can be regarded as invalid, huge losses.

All this made the entire Qionghua Sect seriously injured.

Although more than ten years have passed, it has still not eased, and the momentum is much worse than before.

Of course, even if it is not as big as before, the weather of the world’s Immortal Cultivation Sect is still a wonderful scene of the Immortal Family, between the clouds and clouds, and the attic temple is hidden between the peaks of Kunlun.

In the Qionghua Palace, there was some silence at this time.

A tall figure, dressed in a blue-and-white wide-sleeved long skirt, although a woman, but also quite majestic, is the contemporary Qionghua Sect leader Su Yao.

“Huai Shuo, Xuan Jie, you two are coming, what’s the matter?”

A faint voice came down and reverberated slightly in the Qionghua Palace.

Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie were performing a ritual, and then they took another step forward from Huai Shuo:

“Tell the boss that the disciple was entrusted by Master Ziying to come back and tell the boss of an important matter.”

Su Yao’s eyes narrowed slightly, flashed a trace of doubt, and said in a loud voice:

“Oh? Ziying wants you to come? What? ”

Huai Shuo nodded slightly, and then said:

“In the Shouyang generation, the entire earth realm seems to have changed, and the changes in the aura of heaven and earth are extremely amazing, and Uncle Shi suspects that there is some change in heaven and earth, and instructs me to wait until I come back to tell the master.”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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