“Heaven and earth change? Reiki changes? ”

Su Yao was slightly shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously questioned the exit.

Huai Shuo confirmed, “Yes, Xuan Jie and I were also in the Shouyang area at that time, and the change in Reiki was indeed extremely amazing.

However, the disciple was stupid and could only feel the initial change, but after that, he could not detect the cause of the change, and Master Ziying had already gone to track it down and ordered me to wait for me to come back and send the middle of the sect to pray. ”

“Shouyang, Reiki changes…”,

With some thought in her eyes, she was silent for a moment and asked again:

“Huai Shuo, Xuan Jie, and bring your feelings at that time together.”


Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie immediately responded, and then they all said what they felt at that time.

Su Yao was full of doubts in her heart, this degree of change was indeed extremely amazing, even if she only listened to the words, she felt the significance and implicit horror of this matter.

Moreover, there had never been such a huge change in the Shouyang area, but I didn’t know what the reason was.

“….. I already know about this, but what else is important? ”

“Boss, no.”

“Well, I’ll discuss the matter with the elders in the door, so you can back off for the time being.”

“Yes, disciple retreat!”

After letting the two retreat, the Qionghua Palace returned to silence, and Su Yao’s better face frowned slightly, thinking about things.

Listening to what Huai Shuo and the two said, if the matter is true, then this change is extremely amazing, the Heaven and Earth Reiki is particularly vast, Shouyang …

It doesn’t seem to be a blessed place near this place, why is there such a degree of change, is it a change in the earth’s vein, or is there some amazing treasure born, can such a vast aura …

Unfortunately, the Wangshu Sword was lost, missing one of the two swords that he eventually wanted, even with vast spiritual power, it was useless.

….. Anyway, the specific how to still need Ziying to come back to know one or two. ’,

Su Yao’s eyes flickered slightly, and her face was a little deep.


Outside the Liu Mansion in Shouyang City, two horse-drawn carriages were parked outside the gate.

“Miss Han, it’s not too early for such a day, why don’t you rest in the palace for a day before making plans?”

Liu Mengli said softly, in the carriage for a period of time, the two people gradually became acquainted, and they both felt that each other got along quite comfortably.

Seeing that the sky was already a little dark, he spoke out to save it, hoping that the other party could rest in the house for a day.

Ruan Ci, who had just come down from the carriage, also said:

“Yes, Miss Han, how about I ask the house to clean up a room for you to rest?”

Han Lingsha smiled and politely refused, “Well, thank you, but don’t use it, I won’t bother you.” ”

Liu Mengli’s eyes lifted slightly, and then she said, “If Han Girl is not disgusted, she can also come to my room and live with Mengli.” ”

Ruan Ci and Liu Shifeng on the side were a little surprised to hear that this indifferent daughter had invited this girl…,.. It’s incredible.

Han Lingsha smiled brightly when he heard this, stepped forward to take Liu Mengli’s jade hand, and said:

“Good dream glass, I’m sorry, there is an important matter, really very anxious, I need to hurry back.”

Thank you for your kindness, how about I come back to visit you again when I’m done? ”

Although Liu Mengli was a little disappointed, she also nodded her head understandingly:

“The matter of Lady Han is certainly extremely important, and Mengli will no longer be retained, and if there is a chance, Lady Han can come to Liu Mansion at any time to sit as a guest.”

“Hee-hee, well, it will.”

Han Lingsha held Liu Mengli’s slender and delicate white jade hand, secretly rejoicing.

Then his face turned slightly disgusted: “Good dream glass, didn’t I say it, call me Lingsha just fine?” How can it still be so raw. ”

“Well, Rhombo…”

“Hey, that’s right, that… Mengli, I left first. “,

Liu Mengli was slightly silent, revealing a hint of reluctance, and said:

“Well, Ling Yarn needs to pay attention to safety outside, here are some medicinal incense I concocted, there are many wonderful uses, have written the function, you accept it, take care of it.”

“Good dream glass, you are the best, thank you very much.”

You don’t have to worry, this girl broke into the rivers and lakes, went south to the north, where has not been, but just a trip home, hee-hee, then I go. ”

Han Lingsha took a few medicinal incense, was a little happy, said proudly, and said to Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci on the side:

“Thank you for your care this time, I left first.”

He smiled at Liu Mengli, turned away, and disappeared in a moment.

Ruan Ci sighed, “It’s a good girl, I don’t know why I came out to run around at a young age, Li Er, how do you get along with Han Girl?” ”

“Rhombus… It’s a very nice guy, very nice to get along with. ”

Liu Shifeng smiled and nodded:

“Well, you can have a girl who can get along, that’s the best.”

Over the years, I have always been lonely when I see you with your mother, which is not a taste in my heart, and now that I see that you can make friends, my husband is also slightly relieved. ”

“Father, mother, daughter has worried you.”

“Oh, if Li Er can be happy, go back to the house, go out for such a long time, it is time to rest for a while.”


“By the way, Li Er, in the future, if we have time, how about going to Qingluan Peak in our spare time?”

First of all, to visit your Uncle Yun’s son, although Brother Yun Xian has passed away, but this friendship, we will never forget, Tianhe is also a good child.

Second, it can also be seen that Mr. Sir, Mr. Immortal Figure, can communicate with it a lot, which is also wonderful. ”

Liu Mengli lost her mind slightly, so to speak, she can often go to Qingluan Peak to see him in the future…..

The soft pink lips took a slight sip and softly muttered.

Liu Shifeng nodded with a smile and glanced at Ruan Ci, both seeing the subtle meaning in his eyes.

Although the daughter is still a calm and indifferent look, but as parents, they know best, where can not see, Li Er’s mood is much better.

It seems that this is indeed the case…

Liu Shifeng touched his beard, thought about it, and smiled:

“Haha, well, since Li Er also agrees, then Daddy will take more time in the future, accompany you to Qingluan Peak, and see Mr. Li more.”

Ruan Ci touched Liu Shifeng slightly, “Lord~”

“Ahaha, well, go to see Mr. and Yunxian nephew, hehe, Yunxian nephew seems to love the pastries in the house, next time you pass, bring more.”

Oh, let’s go, let’s go back to the house to rest. ”

Liu Shifeng reacted, quickly changed his speech, did not dare to say anything more, and walked into the palace with Ruan Ci.

Liu Mengli was slightly stunned, as if she thought of something,

On the beautiful face of the white jade, a trace of imperceptible red halo flashed, silently lowered his head, and followed the palace.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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