Murong Ziying suppressed his anger and waved his hand lightly, and the Ice Blue Spirit Sword in his hand slowly flew towards the Yun Tianhe.

Although he was extremely displeased in his heart, he did not have the idea of taking away people’s things, and with his nature, he could not do such a thing.

Yun Tianhe raised his hand and took it back.

Looking at Murong Ziying with some surprise, he said:

“That, thank you so much, you… It seemed to be very powerful, and it was possible to hold a sword so far away. “·

Speaking with some embarrassment, he said:

“I can’t do it, it’s too far to take, I can only take some close, huh.”

Yun Tianhe cultivation belonged to the Ten Heavenly Heavens, although the Imperial Flying Heaven Fa Men considered that during the period of laying the foundation and enhancing the Spirit of the Spirit, Fang Qin did not teach him, but the Fa Men such as Dragon Capture Gong were taught to him.

Therefore, Yun Tianhe now has the ability to take things out of the air, but he is not yet skilled.

Murong Ziying heard the words, and there was some doubt in his eyes, could it be that the other party also knew the art of the Royal Sword?

I don’t know what I learned from what door and what school.

The Imperial Sword Technique was not arbitrary, although it was a fundamental study, but even among the many sects that the Cultivators asked, not every sect had this kind of method.

Even if there is, the power, speed, and sophistication are far apart, and each sect is different.

And the Imperial Sword Technique in their Qionghua Sect was the top method in the world.

However, his mind was not here now, so he did not care.

Taking a few deep breaths, calming down a little angry, he took the first few steps and earnestly admonished:

“This brother… That spiritual sword is not an ordinary thing, it needs to be cherished and treasured in a good life, and it is not necessary to do such a humiliating thing again! ”

Yun Tianhe was startled by his serious expression, and Wen Yan asked with some curiosity:

“Insulting the sword? What do you mean? But this sword is really powerful, it was given to me by my father, and I like it.

You can hunt, you can peel, you can chop wood, barbecue, shave… It’s useful, huh. “·



Murong Ziying only felt that the anger he had just calmed down had soared again, and when he saw Yun Tianhe with a thick smile, he threw up his sleeve and shouted angrily:

“Ahem! It is really inappropriate to act in this way! ”

“Oh…” ·

Yun Tianhe didn’t quite understand, and he looked puzzled.

Murong Ziying had never had such a moment of anger, but when he saw the look on the other side, he didn’t seem to understand it very well, and he could only put up with it for the time being.

Yun Tianhe didn’t know the manipulation on the other side, but he didn’t care, and thought about it and asked:

“That, my name is Yun Tianhe, what is your name?” Why.? Is it also the person who wants to see Daddy? Or do you mean to come to find Brother Fang Qin? ”

In his opinion, during this time, all the people who went up the mountain had only two purposes, either to find Fang Qin’s eldest brother or to find their father, so they asked this question.

Murong Ziying took a deep breath and no longer paid attention to the other party’s indecent behavior, and the matter was important.

Because of the character of many years, it is still the way to carry out the ritual:

“Murong Ziying, a subordinate of the Kunlun Qionghua Sect, came here to investigate the movement of the Heaven and Earth aura.”

Looking at the mysterious breath around him, his heart moved slightly, and he asked:

“I see that the brother’s breath is pure and peaceful, and there is an extraordinary image, I think it must be learning from the famous door, I don’t know….. Where does the teacher come from? ”

Yun Tianhe had a headache when he heard it, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn’t understand what it meant, shook his head, and said:

“Poor Huapai? Where is it from? What do you mean? I don’t understand. ”


Murong Ziying carefully examined Yun Tianhe’s expression for a while, and found that he really had a confused look on his face, and he couldn’t help but be a little silent.

The anger in my heart also dissipated, and the other party’s dress and some words, thinking carefully, should have been living on this mountain, so it seems that there are many things that do not understand common sense.

If this is the case, the previous events are not so difficult to accept, although it is not right to treat the Spirit Sword in this way, but if the other party does not know, it is also forgivable.

His face improved a lot, and he said:

“Studied by… Anyway, let’s leave it at that.

Some time ago, I sensed a huge change in the aura in the Shouyang area, and the general location was near here, so I inquired about the neighborhood.

Speaking of this yellow mountain…

So, I went up the mountain to investigate, and I didn’t know if my brother could know the reason for this? ”

Yun Tianhe was slightly stunned, but this time he understood that the other party was talking about the light emitted by the sky when Fang Qin’s eldest brother was cultivating.

Yi Liang suddenly said, “Oh, you said that…”,

Murong Ziying’s eyes lit up and he asked, “Does Brother Tai know?” ”

“Haha, when Elder Brother Fang Qin was cultivating, the whole sky would have this kind of beautiful light.”


When Murong Ziying heard this, his face was slightly stagnant, and his heart was a little incredulous.

Caused by cultivation!?

The vision that could be seen hundreds of miles away from this Huangshan Mountain, or even farther away, was actually caused by human cultivation!

How is this possible!

He thought that it should be caused by the violent changes in the earth’s veins, or some earth-shattering thing was born, or …

However, I never thought that there would be any spiritual practice.

Because it’s simply not possible!

The worldly cultivation method, absorbing the heaven and earth aura to cultivate mana can be said to be a common thing, but this kind of basically only in the vicinity of the range,

Being able to influence a hundred meters of land is already extremely profound, and the Tao is profound.

However, the other party directly affected the terrifying distance of at least hundreds of miles, and the radiation range of the aura change was extremely vast and unimaginable.

In this way, it is not at all the power of one person, that is, the other party and even the realm of immortals, and it is impossible to think of it.

“Ridiculous! Brother Tai is in…”

If you don’t believe it, just look at Yun Tianhe’s simple appearance, and don’t look like someone who can lie.

Could this really be the case?

If this is the case, who is the other party who is sacred!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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