Murong Ziying’s face changed slightly, and after pondering for a while, he held his fist and said:

“Here I came down, just for this matter, I don’t know if I can meet you!”

Yun Tianhe smiled, “Oh, what’s this, come with me.” ”

Saying that, he turned around and marched upwards, and Murong Ziying followed.

Before following the mountain road, Murong Ziying was still quite hesitant in his heart, it was really too incredible for this kind of thing.

But now, no matter how much you want to do, it is useless, it is better to go to visit to understand, then maybe the truth is self-explanatory.

Seeing the Yun Tianhe in front of him, there was some surprise in his eyes.

That should be a kind of martial arts in the world, but why is there such a mysterious and profound feeling? ’

Martial arts are different from the cultivation immortal system, although there are some similarities, but they are far apart, and in general, they are infinitely worse than the immortal path system.

I don’t know from the He family of the method used by this Yun Tianhe, and there are such strange martial arts methods.

The other party called the mysterious person the big brother, and it was because of this strange ability that he could not have been.

After walking with the Yuntian River for a quarter of an hour, I saw a huge ancient tree in the distance.

Murong Ziying looked at a small cabin hidden in the tree with some surprise and glanced at the Yun Tianhe, somewhat silently.

Yun Tianhe looked around, his eyes lit up, and shouted:

“Big Brother Fang Qin! Here’s a look for you! Haha, his name is Murong Ziying, and he is a very powerful person. ”

Murong Ziying looked over and saw a man sitting on a stone platform, with a good appearance, an extraordinary temperament, and a peaceful and casual look.

But there were some doubts in his heart, this person saw that he was extremely young, and there was no trace of cultivation around him, but he looked like an ordinary person.

However, such an arrogance, coupled with what he had seen and heard and what Yun Tianhe had said, was certainly not simple.

I thought that this person should have reached the realm of returning to the realm of simplicity, and he was far worse than him, and it should be normal to not be able to see it.

Take a deep breath and slowly walk up the road:

“Under Murong Ziying, he is a member of the Kunlun Qionghua Sect and has seen this senior!”

Fang Qin looked at the last protagonist slightly, his breath was thick and long, and his cultivation mana was indeed good at such an age, and his qualifications could be described as good.

No wonder that in the end, he could achieve the Immortal Realm, which was a fulfillment of what the entire Qionghua Sect had been thinking and thinking.

He bowed his head slightly, “No need to be polite.” ”

Seeing what Murong Ziying wanted to say, he smiled and said:

“I already know the purpose of your coming here, and I am worried that the vision is just a slight change in the aura nearby, which is harmless to the human world, or rather, it has some benefits.”

Murong Ziying’s face was slightly shocked, so to speak, such a shocking change was the other party’s doing.

Even the immortals and the like can’t do it.

After listening to Fang Qin’s words, Ziying was somewhat silent.

The so-called neighborhood, but the distance of hundreds of miles up.

The scope of influence is so terrifying that the other party seems to be indifferent.

It seems that he is indeed a divine of the world, and he is not a god in the legendary god realm, and he does not know why he will come to the human world.

However, he also nodded slightly, agreeing with these words.

When he came, he had already discovered the problem, the whole area of the place was more abundant, and it was indeed a blessing for the mortal people, especially near the Huangshan Mountain.

But the stakes were high, and he was also worried about whether there would be an implicit crisis in it, so he had to come here to investigate.

Slightly relieved, he saluted again and said, “Yes! The eyes of the predecessors were like torches, and Ziying understood. ”

Fang Qin held an ancient book in his hand and said with great interest:

“I have answered your affairs for you, but I also have one thing on my side that needs your help.”

“Oh, the predecessors are miraculous, why can the generations …,

However, seniors, please say that Ziying did her best. ”

Murong Ziying was taken aback and said hurriedly.

As soon as Fang Qin handed it lightly, the ancient book in his hand floated past.

Yun Tianhe’s eyes lit up on the side, and the Dark Dao Dragon Capture Gong could not do such a slow and leisurely action.

After that, it was certain that he would let Brother Fang Qin teach him such a move, how interesting.

Murong Ziying took a look at it, changed color when he boarded, and subconsciously exclaimed:

“This is… Shi Gong’s handwriting. “,

At his age, when he was young, he coincided with the great battle between the Illusion World and the Qionghua Sect, with countless deaths and injuries.

His own master also died of serious injury in it, so Murong Ziying’s cultivation was taught by Zong Lian, and he was very familiar with the handwriting of Zong Lian.

Moreover, the symbol of this book is the secret script of the Qionghua Sect, and only those in the Qionghua Sect who know the secret method of forging swords can understand it.

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, a faint light rose, and the Divine Sea rippled slightly.

Cultivation has reached the point where he is now, and the level of life is constantly changing, not only cultivating to be a divine power, but also having a terrible transformation of understanding and thinking.

With his ability, all of Murong Ziying’s thoughts were naturally invisible.

At the moment when the other party looks at the content, everything in his heart is related to the content of this secret text.

As soon as Fang Qin sensed it at will, he already knew a little, and the rest had a lead, and he deduced it on his own, and he already had a general understanding.

However, in a few breaths, the corresponding translation of this text was already known.

Looking back on the content of the ancient books I had seen before, there was no obstacle, and my face was a little thoughtful.

“Seniors, this ancient book of handwritings, I don’t know where it came from, why it …”

Murong Ziying hurriedly read some of them, and he was already sure that it was the handwriting of Shi Gong’s book.

What was recorded in it seemed to be related to the two divine soldiers, and he couldn’t help but be shocked, and some of them were not sure of their ideas.

Somehow, this mysterious ancestor had his own master’s handwriting in his hands, and it was also the only book that had never been collected in this sect.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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