Murong Ziying said in the right way:

“Seniors, the handwriting runes contained in this book are Qionghua secret scripts, and they should have been written by my Sect Alchemist.

Sect Alchemist Gong is the sword-wielding elder of the Qionghua Sect, and his old man has died many years ago, I don’t know…

Why do you have a handwritten copy left in the hands of your predecessors? ”

Fang Qin smiled, “This is indeed your master’s handwriting, as for why this book is here, it is not owned by me, but it is left by Tianhe’s father.” ”

Yun Tianhe watched from the sidelines, and was a little surprised to hear it, and thought about it and said:

“Elder Brother Fang Qin, this is one of the books that Dad left behind?”

“Well, it can be counted, but he didn’t leave it for you, but stored it in his burial chamber.”

“Oh, so…”

Yun Tianhe nodded his head in a daze, and did not have any doubts about why Fang Qin would get the things inside the tomb.

For some time, he had basically decided that Big Brother Fang Qin was an omnipotent being and could do anything.

Moreover, the eldest brother was very good to himself, those such powerful martial arts cultivation methods were taught to himself, naturally it was impossible to harm himself, and there was a reason for taking out his father’s ancient books.

Murong Ziying was extremely surprised, looked at Yun Tianhe, and inquired doubtfully:

“Is this brother’s father?” Could it be that he has a relationship with the Qionghua Sect? ”

Yun Tianhe shook his head, “I don’t know, Daddy never said this.” ”

Murong Ziying couldn’t help but look at Fang Qin, this mysterious senior, who should know something from what he said.

However, seeing that Fang Qin was just smiling and had no words, he guessed that the other party might not want to say more.

After thinking about it for a while, I could only skip this topic, picked up the notebook, and asked: “What the predecessors said before, is it possible that they want to understand the content of the note?” ”

Before saying that you want to help yourself, you can be the other party’s supernatural powers, and the decision cannot be some ordinary thing,

His own path is so small compared to it, where it is possible to help him, thinking about it, there is only such a possibility.

It’s just that this handwriting is the secret method of sword casting written by the Sect Alchemist Gong, and when he takes a quick look, he knows that the content inside is extremely advanced and obscure, and he thinks that it is a new law that Master Gong has understood.

The Qionghua Sect is the world’s great sect of cultivating immortals, and the most core is the method of casting swords and cultivating swords, and the famous sword of the spirit sword collected in the sect is even worse than the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect.

The Sect Alchemist Gong is the person who has learned the most essence of the method of sword casting in the door, and is the sword casting master.

Legend has it that it seems to have forged a unique Excalibur before.

It’s just a pity that the door seems to be taboo about this, and he doesn’t know much about it, and he has always been deeply sorry.

However, it is never an exaggeration to say that the Sect Alchemist is one of the most and top sword casting masters in the human world.

The handwriting he left behind is naturally also extremely precious, so how can such a secret art be known to others at will.

However, having said that, this handwritten book was held, and Murong Ziying was also a little undecided, not knowing what to do.

The other party is powerful and too mysterious, and there are still some hesitations, and they do not want to offend and provoke unhappiness.

Murong Ziying was silent for a moment and said thoughtfully:

“Although I don’t know why the predecessors had the handwriting of the master, but this handwriting involves the secret of the casting of the sword in this door, it has always been passed down, Ziying does not have this power to be the master, and it is necessary to inform the boss, only the leader of the sect has this power.”

If the seniors really want to know, why not wait for Ziying to go back and ask for instructions? ”

Fang Qin glanced at Murong Ziying, shook his head and smiled:

“Okay, no, you don’t have to bother, it’s already helped me, and I know the contents.”

“This…” ·

Murong Ziying was surprised in his heart, the words written in this handwriting should only be known to the Qionghua Sect in the world, why would the other party … ·

However, thinking about the other party may be the gods of the Divine Realm, the realm of divine power is extremely vast, and it seems that it is not impossible to recognize these words, and it feels that it is taken for granted.

Just like that, why did the seniors say that they let themselves help before, and now they say that they have helped?

Thinking about it is also incomprehensible.

I can only sigh that the actions of the high people are really mysterious and unpredictable, and it is difficult for mortals to guess and understand.

As for Fang Qin knowing the method of forging swords inside, he thought about it and ignored them.

If the other party does not know, it is really difficult for him to tell, after all, he does not have this right to do things in the door.

But if the seniors already knew, then he couldn’t control it.

With the cultivation of the other party as a divine power, I think that even if the boss knows it, he will not have any ideas.

Murong Ziying pondered in his heart, and once again said:

“The seniors are knowledgeable, and Ziying admires!

….. In the next venture, there is a matter to ask for, I don’t know if it may let me borrow this handwriting?

This handwriting, even in the Qionghua Sect, does not have this note, if it is possible, Ziying is grateful. ”

“You need to ask Tianhe about this, after all, it was his father’s custody during his lifetime.”

Fang Qin stopped and said casually.

Now that he knew the contents, this notebook was useless to him, and it didn’t matter, it only depended on how Tianhe handled it.


Yun Tianhe pointed to himself, smiled and scratched his head:

“Oh, I just listened to what you said, this thing should be your master’s, since this is the case, then return it to you, anyway, I have no use.”

Murong Ziying was stunned, took a deep breath, and held his fist in earnest thanks: “Thank you Brother Tai!” Grateful under that! ”

Yun Tianhe stopped and said:

“Oh, nothing, but can you tell me about your Qionghua Sect?”

Daddy seems to have something to do with this? Brother Fang Qin, do you say so? ”

He had only recently learned about some of his father’s deeds from Liu Bobo, but his life was still a blur.

He also wanted to know about his father.

Fang Qin secretly said that this boy had become more and more clever recently, and nodded with a smile:

“Indeed, everything about your father can be known in the Qionghua Sect, and I only know some of them.”

If you really want to understand clearly, you need to visit the Qionghua Sect. ”

For this Yun Tianqing, Fang Qin really only knew a little, how it was, after all, he was not the protagonist of the Immortal Sword, and he really didn’t know much.

The person who knows his life as a cultivator the most now should be Xuan Xiao, who is frozen in the Qionghua Forbidden Land, that is, the Xihe Sword Lord, one of the two swords.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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