“Ah, really? That…… Can I go down the hill? Is now the perfect time? ”

Yun Tianhe’s eyes lit up, and he asked with some anticipation.

During this time, since listening to a lot of things under the mountain from Liu Bobo, his thoughts about going down the mountain were getting stronger and stronger.

It’s not a yearning, it’s just curiosity.

One is to want to see how it is outside and whether there is a lot of good food;

The second is to understand the past of my father and mother.

It was only when he asked about Elder Brother Fang Qin before, he said that it was not a perfect time, although he did not know exactly what was the time, but he did not continue to ask, no longer think more.

Who knows that today seems to be it, Brother Fang Qin said that it seems that he can go down the mountain.

Fang Qin shook his head slightly, “It’s not that fast, your strength is still low, if you want to go out, you need to practice again.” ”

“Oh, then, I can’t go out yet…”

Yun Tianhe was a little disappointed, but he didn’t care, he actually saw it very openly.

If you can naturally go out to the outside world to see, if not, don’t feel how.

Fang Qin smiled and said nothing, then looked at Murong Ziying and said:

“If you don’t stay for a while, how about practicing with Tianhe?” This is also a place where Reiki is abundant, and it is also good for practice. ”

The strength of the other party is much higher than that of Tianhe, and it is not bad to stay and practice together.

Moreover, he could also take a look at Qionghua’s cultivation method and Dao Fa.

Murong Ziying was stunned when he heard this, looked at Yun Tianhe, and nodded slightly:

“Since the predecessors said so, there is nothing wrong with it.”

He could see that this senior wanted to hone this Yun Brother for a while.

I had just accepted the benefits of others, and I had to return the handwriting of the Sect Practitioner, it was not good to refuse, and I really needed to repay one or two.

Moreover, he still had some doubts about the previous changes in the Heaven and Earth Reiki, and before he really saw it, it could only be regarded as a one-sided statement and could not be confirmed.

I was thinking about how to stay for a while, observe, and now the other party invited first, and it was just in line with his own wishes, so naturally he directly agreed to it.

What’s more, he was also somewhat curious about the Fa that Yun Tianhe had learned and practiced, and that mysterious aura made him quite concerned.

Moreover, now it seems that Yun Tianhe’s cultivation method is indeed taught by this mysterious and unfathomable predecessor, and with the other party’s realm strength, it must be extremely extraordinary.

If you can see one or two, it is also very good, and it is good for your own cultivation.

“Eh? You’re going to stay, that’s great, haha. ”

Yun Tianhe’s eyes lit up, and he was a little happy, but he liked to be lively lately.

Fang Qin smiled, and his eyes glanced at the boundless sky, which had some other meanings in it.

Why did he let Tianhe go to the Qionghua Sect, in fact, it was to let this boy see the world and grind more.

And with his protection, I am not afraid of what will happen to him.

The second is to want to meet, this time Han Lingsha did not activate the Wangshu Sword,

Without the Yin Host, with the Sword of Wangshu without awakening, whether the Qionghua Sect could find other ways to soar like the original plot.

If not, that’s fine, and he’s not disappointed anyway.

If you can, that’s interesting.

When the so-called Nine Heavenly Geniuses of the Divine Realm arrived, he would go over and test the strength of this Divine Daughter.

In this way, we can also peek at the general strength of the Divine Realm.

After all, no matter how much speculation was made before, using the power of “omniscience” to learn about the world’s information was only a vague concept.

Only by really facing the confrontation can we know exactly how it is, and there can be a reference.

Judging from the original work, the strength of the Nine Heavenly Virgins is actually a mystery.

Judging from Xuan Xiao’s demonic strength, the other party directly injured Xuan Xiao at will, easily banning all the remaining disciples in the entire Qionghua Sect and beating them into the East Sea Vortex.

The whole process is as easy and casual, as if invincible.

The difference in strength between man and God is evident.

Not only in terms of life, but also in terms of strength.

In fact, if you want to talk about the human cultivation system in the Immortal Sword, it is really a bit peculiar.

This Dao has no perfect realm level, and there is no corresponding life level of gradual promotion, which is indeed a major flaw.

However, this cultivation method has a great advantage, that is, the combat effectiveness is formed very quickly, and if there is a person with extraordinary talent, practicing this method can have a decisive power in a relatively short period of time.

Don’t look at the protagonists of the past generations are mostly tragic endings, but in fact, each one is open and hanging.

Taking Yun Tianhe as an example, how long has this boy been out, from the appearance to the end of the final battle is only one or two years at most,

In such a short period of time, he could confront a number of powerful people, such as the Dragon of the Candle and the Divine Realm Gods such as Jurchen and so on.

Although many are not exerting strength, let the sea behavior.

The Dragon of the Candle only let go of a projection that had not been made before it had attained enlightenment, and the Jurchen God General was also a doppelganger, and it was also the kind that had not yet contributed.

Even if it is the final battle, the battle with Xuanxiao, is actually in the case that the other party wants to support the sword pillar and can only exert 10% of the strength.

But even so, a teenager who grew up on the mountain has achieved such a degree in a year or so.

Even if he finally took charge of the Sun-Shooting Bow and shot down the huge mountain mass that destroyed the entire Qionghua Sect, all these things could still see the horror of the increase in the combat effectiveness of this cultivation method.

There are other small aspects, such as the Imperial Sword Technique, Yun Tianhe has not touched the cultivation method before, just after hearing about it, he can directly learn and master it within two hours.

Although there were some reasons for the basic immortal arts of the Han Ling Sha Sect before, it was really terrifying!

This kind of Imperial Sword Method, even with Fang Qin’s Six-Fold Martial Method, can only be a time when the True Dan Realm is universally feasible, and only a highly gifted being can do so in the Innate Realm.

Of course, there was a reason why Fang Qin couldn’t look at this way.

It is useless to improve the combat effectiveness quickly, it cannot complete the transformation of life, and the essence of life and longevity cannot be promoted.

As long as he had not yet become an immortal, in the end he could only be a mortal with mana.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness increases quickly, and it can only be those who are talented, and most of them are explosive improvements in the early stage, and gradually tend to be flat in the later stage.

If you can’t take the last step to become an immortal, you can only get stuck at a point where you can’t get up and down.

This is also one of the most important flaws in the world’s human practice.

Without a perfect practice system, follow-up potential is limited.

No matter how fast the combat effectiveness in the early stage is also blind, there is no own life level, the deep foundation as the foundation, the progress of the later period can only be followed by lack of strength.

A powerful mana spiritual power is like a rootless Ping, which is difficult to maintain.

This is also the reason why there are very few immortals in the world, and many of the immortals still rely on opening and hanging drugs.

If there was a systematic and perfect cultivation method, the human race would not be so powerless to the Divine Realm.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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