Fang Qin thought about it for a while, and then he didn’t think much about it, these things would be known after meeting.

Nowadays, there is no need to pay attention to it, and with a slight chin on his head, he closes his eyes and recuperates his spirit, and begins to consult the contents recorded in the Zong Lian Handbook.

This refining instrument had been in contact with Fang Qin in the Evil World before, but he had not studied it in depth.

Although with his ability, he did not specialize in it, and acted arbitrarily, he could also be countless more powerful than other monks who had been studying this path for many years.

The small gap that completes the realm of samsara involves this path, but after all, there is no deep and systematic understanding and understanding, and it is not systematic.

Now that there is exactly this practice of refining the refining tools recorded by this human refining master, it can be touched on a little, and perhaps there can be a lot of gains.

Xihe Sword and Wangshu Sword, although Fang Qin’s strength is not good,

However, the other party can use such cultivation to gather all kinds of spiritual objects and forge such two sword weapons with great power, which can also be described as powerful.

Compared to others, Xuan Xiao’s strength was so strong, and the talent cultivation was certainly part of the reason, but it was more about his identity as a sword master.

Holding the sword of Xi He, he stirred up the relatively vast power in it, thus defeating countless cultivators in the world.

Such two sword weapons can be called divine soldiers in the human cultivation world.

Fang Qin also agreed with the way of refining tools and casting swords.

As a sword casting master who can forge sword weapons of this level as Xihe and Wangshu, the way of refining and casting swords recorded by him can be described as the highest level in the world.

Fang Qin was naturally a little curious about this, not thinking too much, and closing his eyes to enlightenment.

When Murong Ziying saw this, he did not dare to continue to disturb him, and he slightly performed the ritual, and then looked at the Yuntian River Road:

“Brother, do I have to avoid one or two?”

In his opinion, this senior seemed to be in the process of practicing, and he and others were afraid that there was something wrong with it.

“Oh, no, as long as you don’t disturb Big Brother Fang Qin, the previous big brother’s cultivation was all cultivated near here, and he didn’t say that he couldn’t get close.”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and said:

“And why do you keep calling me Bear Too?” My name is Yun Tianhe, you can just call me Tianhe. ”

Murong Ziying was slightly stunned, seeing his strange look, his heart was a little speechless.

“….. This, all right, Tianhe, but I’ll wait to back off a little as well. ”

Yun Tianhe nodded in agreement, and the two retreated to a hundred meters away.

Murong Ziying bowed his hand slightly, “Tianhe, since my predecessors asked me to come and practice with you, should I start with the discussion?” ”

Yun Tianhe said, “Oh, I still have a lot of tasks to complete today, so let’s fight with you after I finish it.” ”

“….. Or not. ”

Murong Ziying gently picked up the Zong Lian Handbook, and he only took a look at the things inside.

I already felt esoteric and obscure, and I also felt that the essence of the sword forged for the refining instrument was written by the master, and the content inside was extremely amazing.

For a person like him who loves swords and casts swords, he also wants to study the contents of the study as early as possible.

Just hindered by things, did not directly understand it, heard Yun Tianhe say this, thought about it and directly agreed.

Yun Tianhe smiled and said, “Then I want to continue the cultivation I just had, or is the place just now good, do you want to go over together?” ”

When Murong Ziying heard this, he recalled what had just happened, his face turned black, he took a few steps forward, he was silent for a while, but he still did not hold back, and seriously exhorted:

“Tianhe, your sword is definitely not bad, it is not an ordinary thing, it needs to be cherished well!”

Used as a bow and arrow, and so on… The indecent thing is really falling into this immortal divine sword! ”

“Oh…” ·

Yun Tianhe looked at Murong Ziying with a serious look, not quite sure why he wanted to do this, in his opinion, ‘This is the use of the sword is many, but why can’t it be used to grill it anymore.’

“….. Well, I took the liberty, but this is really my idea, such a sword, should be treated kindly. “·

Murong Ziying sighed, this sword is owned by the other party, he has just known this person, such an act has actually been a shallow and deep speech, if he did not really love the sword, he would not have made this remark, and gently bowed his hand.

“Oh, if that’s the case, then I’m not going to take it for barbecue in the future.”

Yun Tianhe didn’t quite understand, but when he saw him like this, he agreed to it, anyway, he didn’t only have one sword to use, the others were the same, just for convenience.

“Thank you…” ·

Murong Ziying was relieved.


Looking at the distant figure of Yun Tianhe, Murong Ziying glanced at the direction where Fang Qin was located, and with a slight arch of his hand, he picked up Zong Lian’s handwriting and looked for a place.

This is different from Fang Cai’s hurried glances, and now that I look closely, my heart is more and more shocked.

The way of refining and forging swords is really profound, obscure, and there are many unimaginable methods.

It is imaginative, but it can justify itself, have some roots, and it seems that it can be done when it is displayed, and the level of the master and the prince is really a thousand times better than me. ’

Murong Ziying was secretly amazed that he had been taught the secret art of sword casting since he was a child, and his understanding of the way of refining and casting swords at a young age had already flourished many of his peers.

Some elders also determined that in time, this son must be the most proficient person in the secret method of sword casting in the door, and it can be said that he has been able to pass on the practice of the sect.

But in the general outline of this handwriting, there are too many methods that he has never heard of, and it is really shocking.

And… ·

Why is the unique double sword recorded in this article never mentioned inside the door? The Sword of Xihe and the Sword of Wangshu… Such a skill, a godsend! ’

Except for the alchemy program and various alchemy methods introduced in the opening chapter, most of the rest can be all the records of those two divine soldiers.

Including the various materials of the double sword, the alchemy, and the various blessing refining methods attached to it, all of which were really eye-opening and made him suspicious.

In the words of Shi Gong, these two divine soldiers should have been cast,

However, if such an immortal divine soldier had already been cast, why had there never been a relevant statement in the Qionghua Sect?

There doesn’t seem to be anything related to it in the Door Notes scroll.

Moreover, with the spiritual objects of the various worldly treasures recorded above, it is not easy for the Master to collect one of them.

And why is it possible to collect so many spiritual objects that can be encountered and unattainable?

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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