Murong Ziying thought about going and going, but he didn’t know the reason, so he could only put it down for the time being.

Looking at the double swords recorded in the secretary, he sighed:

“Shi Gong’s sword-casting technique is really unfathomable!” Just by looking at the description, these two swords already knew that they must be rare divine soldiers in the world…”

Thinking about this, he couldn’t help but think of the mysterious long sword that Yun Tianhe was holding in his hand before, and thought slightly.

‘This Excalibur is also a rarity in the world, and in comparison, there may be no high or low…..’

I was thinking about things when I suddenly had a flash of inspiration.


Murong Ziying’s eyes froze slightly, and he quickly flipped through the previous pages and looked at the part of the handwriting about the materials needed for this double sword.

“This is… The Pure Stone, the Cold Jade, and the Ancient Spirit Wood of the Ancient Underworld, these spiritual objects were similar to the Excalibur in Tianhe’s hand! Can it be!! ”

Murong Ziying’s mind turned, and he was also extremely proficient in the way of refining instruments.

Yun Tianhe’s sword, he only looked at it for a while, and he had already roughly guessed that it must contain these kinds of spiritual objects that were difficult to find in the world.

In this way, it actually corresponded to the material of the Wangshu Sword in the Zong Alchemist’s Notebook.

Thinking that Tianhe’s father was also related to the Qionghua Sect, this solitary manuscript in his own hand had been kept in his father’s hands before.

So… ·

“That sword is the Sword of Wangshu!!”

Murong Ziying’s face was slightly moved, and he quickly opened all the descriptions about the Wangshu Sword from scratch, corresponding, and it took a while before he lost his concentration.

“One by one, it corresponds to it, and it really belongs to the yin of the double sword, Wangshu…,

From this point of view, Tianhe’s father is certainly not simple, even such a divine treasure in the door, why is it so, and what causes are involved….”

Murong Ziying only felt a little unimaginable, originally just investigating the changes in the aura around Shouyang, but he did not think that it seemed that the karma would involve some secrets in the door.

The boss should know about this matter, and when he returns after a while, he needs to inform and ask for advice.

This mysterious ancestor should also know things..’

Murong Ziying glanced at Fang Qin, who was sitting on the stone platform, and did not disturb him, but could only leave the back to take action.

Now for a moment, it is difficult for him to understand the cause and effect of this.

Forcibly suppress these doubts, settle your mind, and continue to look through the notes.


Fang Qin’s eyes closed, his mind sank slightly, and all the mysteries of the Divine Sea about the Way of Refining Instruments emerged.

There are several volumes in the Zong Lian Handbook, the first few of which should be related to the casting techniques of the Qionghua Sect.

Most of the contents of this last book are about the double sword, but there is also the program and general essence of the way of the general refiner.

And these were enough for Fang Qin to deduce and perfect, and it would be easy for his “god” to do this.

Time passed, roughly passed, and after some deduction, Fang Qin was quite happy in his heart.

The so-called way of refining instruments can actually be seen as countless spiritual beings converging and merging in the most appropriate way to refine a relatively perfect state of spiritual weapons.

It involves a perfect fusion of spiritual objects, refining, various enchantments and so on.

The more perfect the refinement, the more advanced the final achievement of the artifact, and the more mysterious and powerful it can play.

Fang Qin’s own realm, that is, not learning the way of refining instruments, making up his own tricks, and using his cultivation as a terrifying blessing of strength is unimaginable to the world.

It is like the stone stele left in the deserted village in the evil world.

The text engraved on it, in addition to some other mysteries, also implies some formations similar to gathering spirits, so acting arbitrarily is also a god that protects the entire village.

Although it was only a prototype, it was not a kind of spiritual weapon, but it was also infinitely more powerful than the real spiritual weapons of some other cultivators.

If Fang Qin wanted to, he could also carve a rune array on it and refine it into a true spiritual weapon, and the power would be even more terrifying.

However, after now that he had a more systematic understanding and mastery, if Fang Qin continued to want to forge this type of spiritual weapon, he would be more free than ever, and he would be more mysterious and infinite.

Moreover, unlike the path of refining instruments in the evil world, the way of refining instruments in this world does not involve the blessings within the formation method and the forbidden one.

However, with Fang Qin’s ability, such formations, prohibitions, and even Fang Qin’s “Fu Zhen” methods can improve the refining method and make it more mysterious.

Now if I use the Ten Thousand Swords, the True Yuan Sword that I have gathered at random,

It was also more reasonable than before, dark and mysterious, and the power was even more terrifying, and this sect refining manual was unexpectedly useful. ’

The method of “Ten Thousand Swords” that Fang Qin himself created was originally to remove the confinement of the magic weapon and the spirit sword, and to transform the sword with his own strength, the True Yuan, the Blood Gang, and the Spirit with his heart.

The power was terrifying, and the Dao Fa power that could be exerted was also ever-changing, which was Fang Qin’s main means of defending the Dao Tactics.

Nowadays, the way of Fang Qin’s refining instrument can also be regarded as comprehension in the heart, so that the sword transformed by the Ten Thousand Swords Method, the use of power is even greater than before, and the power is even more mysterious and terrifying!

Fang Qin opened his eyes and his mind moved.


A Xuan-colored True Yuan Sword appeared out of thin air, this sword was very delicate and atmospheric, and the sharp light was hidden and did not appear.

The Dao Dao Red Gold Blood Marks spread, and the void was slightly rippled, slightly shaking, which was the blessing of the blood qi and its spiritual power, abrupt but harmonious to the extreme.

In the next instant, the True Yuan, Flesh Qi, and Spirit blended and intertwined, and the extremely mysterious runes and prohibitions of the Dao Dao appeared and inscribed, and each other formed a series of tiny formations.

However, in a few moments, a long sword of two colors of Xuan and Red, like substance, was exquisite and introverted, and there were subtle runes on the sword body that appeared and crossed, and there was an inexplicable sense of oppression just by seeing it.



The whole sky was slightly dim, the wind and clouds were surging, there seemed to be some depression between heaven and earth, and all the beings within the range trembled slightly from the heart, and there was silence.

“Vaillant is good…..

Fang Qin’s eyes lit up slightly, quite admiringly.

This Ten Thousand Swords method merged with the method of refining weapons, and after going further, the transformed sword was indeed more terrifying than before.

The void around it was slightly distorted and deformed, and if it weren’t for Fang Qin’s power to suppress it, this entire Huangshan land would have turned into ashes and died in an instant.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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