At the beginning, there was still a little breath leaking, and in the next instant, Fang Qin concealed a trace of terror leaked by the Xuanhong Long Sword.

The sense of oppression between the surrounding heavens and the earth suddenly disappeared invisibly.

Fang Qin glanced at the sky slightly, somewhat condensed, but the next moment he was not paying attention.

Reaching out and holding this sword, he looked at it carefully, slightly chin up, quite satisfied, and some sighed.

In fact, if this refining method can refine a vital weapon, it can also have a great improvement in its own strength.

That Xuanxiao Cultivation and Sword Method, after twenty years or so, was already considered to be the Sword Weapon of Destiny, and the improvement of strength was extremely terrifying for the improvement of strength.

It’s just that this thing is just right for others, but it is not the case for Fang Qin.

It wasn’t that he definitely didn’t need it, but that there was no such unimaginable artifact to refine his mind now.

If you are practicing and refining a spiritual weapon now, ordinary materials are simply difficult to carry his strength, the maximum carrying power, and it is not yet powerful enough to exert itself, then what is the use!

Even if there are some rare divine objects in the world as materials, they can barely be cultivated into a spiritual weapon, in fact, there is no substantive effect.

Fang Qin’s cultivation strength had increased too quickly, and it was difficult for these things to keep up with his advance.

So it is better not to practice, and save things to the extreme.

Moreover, he was not a cultivator who relied on the power of weapons and magic weapons, and even if he did not have these strengths, he could burst out with absolute terror.

Moreover, with the Ten Thousand Swords, Zhou Tian, and Fu Zhen methods that he had created, such a mastery that was constantly getting stronger as the realm cultivation became stronger, and could be continuously improved by himself, he did not need such weapons and magic weapons.

Furthermore, the sword of mine [the Ten Thousand Swords] has already defeated countless so-called artifacts in the world.

Fang Qin smiled with satisfaction and looked up at the two Yun Tianhe people in front of him who looked shocked and stunned.

“Tianhe, have you practiced well?”

Murong Ziying looked at the Xuanhong Sword in Fang Qin’s hand with a look of confusion, and the shock in his heart was difficult to add.

Originally, Fang Cai was reading the contents of the notebook, and perhaps half an hour had passed, when he saw Yun Tianhe come back and was about to speak, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

The air nearby seemed to thicken, and when he looked around, he noticed Fang Qin’s movements.

In an instant, all eyes were attracted by the dark colored sword.

After a series of mysterious changes, his mood was even more difficult to calm down, and he was shocked and moved.

Until the moment when the Xuanhong Sword took shape, the breath leaking from it made him rise from the bottom of his heart with an unimaginable sense of oppression.

There was even a great shock as the world was about to be destroyed.

Fortunately, the feeling lasted only a moment, and then dissipated.

In fact, don’t say it’s him, even the simple Yun Tianhe Fang is a creepy one.

Yun Tianhe’s mind is clear, the heart of a child, since he was a child, there is a sense of crisis and killing, which is more intuitive for this kind of thing, and it is also particularly shocking.

Previously, I only knew how powerful Big Brother Fang Qin was, but I didn’t know how strong it really was.

Now we can face a glimmer of its power and understand the vast power contained in it.

Yun Tianhe was slightly dazed, and the next consciousness replied, “Ah… Cultivate, cultivate well. ”

Murong Ziying only felt that his mouth was a little dry and dry, and it took a while before he could barely calm down some of his mood, slightly hastily taking a few steps forward and trembling:

“This, my predecessor, this Excalibur…”

The shock in my heart was incomparable, but there was also a warm rise.

When Fang Qin saw this, he smiled slightly, “You want to see?” ”

Murong Ziying was touched by the words, took a deep breath, gathered his emotions, and respectfully said:

“Yes, Ziying took the liberty of wanting to… Look at this Excalibur, such an unimaginable sword, if you can see it, you will die without regret! ”

“Oh, your enthusiasm for the sword is strong, just look at it.”

Fang Qin’s eyes were slightly appreciative, perhaps it was this kind of devotion to the sword that could have the achievements that followed.

The long sword in his hand dimmed slightly, sealing all his power, and with a light hand, the Xuanhong long sword flew over the past slowly.

Murong Ziying’s face was moved, and he took the Xuanhong Sword with a cautious face.

As soon as you take over, you can feel an unparalleled sense of wonder.

His eyes burned as he looked at this incredible Excalibur!

Everything seemed to be natural, natural and harmonious, and the faint appearance of hidden Dao runes on it was even more shocking, as if this sword contained all the Dao Fa mysteries in the world.

An Excalibur that is infinitely powerful than Xi He and Wangshu!

Although he had never seen the power of Xi and Wangshu, no matter what, it was impossible to compare it to this Excalibur, and he was sure in his heart.

Whether it was the mysterious power of what he saw or the sense of power that was suddenly overwhelming, the divine power of this sword was absolutely unimaginable!

This is an inhuman thing! It is not something that can be forged by man.

Could it be an artifact in the Divine Realm?

The artifact is so powerful…

Yun Tianhe on the side also looked up curiously, and his face was somewhat subtle.

“This sword, I feel… Very strange! Both dangerous and dangerous: It feels very, well…”,

“Mysterious and reasonable, all the wonderful laws and rhymes in the world seem to be contained in it!”

Murong Ziying said, after only a few glances, he felt dizzy, tired, his mind was faintly tingling, and the scene in front of him seemed to be slightly distorted, and he was immediately shocked and looked at Yun Tianhe.

I found that he was also pinching his eyebrows, as if he was in some pain.

Such an artifact is seen and seen that no mortal like me can peep into.

Murong Ziying was shocked and raised his hands to Fang Qin’s face and said cautiously:

“Seniors, Ziying thank you! This sword is returned! ”

Fang Qin smiled lightly, “You do know good or bad, don’t look at it much, and seeing more in your realm is also not good, and it will damage yourself.” ”

With a flick of his hand, the Xuanhong Sword in Murong Ziying’s hand seemed to dissolve into nothingness and dissipate.

Murong Ziying’s eyes were a little shaken, and he opened his mouth and asked:

“Senior, Zi Ying dared to ask, I don’t know why this sword came from?”

Yun Tianhe shook his head slightly, much better, and his eyes lit up when he heard it:

“Yes, big brother, this sword is so powerful, I can feel it, my ‘this is a sword’ is completely incomparable, where did it come from?”

Fang Qin stretched his body and said casually, “It’s just a hint of strength.” ”

Murong Ziying: “…!? “,

Yun Tianhe: “Oh…”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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