Murong Ziying’s heart was shocked, and his look was somewhat incredible.

Although it is difficult for him to peek into the mystery, he knows it only from what he sees and feels. The power of this must be unimaginable might.

Such a mysterious and extraordinary supreme artifact was only transformed by a trace of power!?

The power can have such a real feeling, thinking about the scene that Fang Cai saw, it seems to be in line with what the predecessors said.

It’s just that this is too mysterious, but what is made in a few moments will defeat the Wangshu, Xihe and countless things that Master Gong has exhausted his painstaking efforts.

The face was extremely complex, so who was this ancestor who could do such earth-shattering things.

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and thought for a while, then said, “Big Brother, although I don’t quite understand what’s going on, it looks so powerful!” ”

Murong Ziying narrowed his mood for a moment and bowed his hand to the ceremony: “The ability of the predecessors is really unheard of, never seen, Ziying is deeply shocked. ”

Fang Qin bowed his head slightly, looked at the Sect Refining Notes he was holding in his hand, and smiled: “The handwriting has already been read?” ”

Mentioning this, Murong Ziying’s spirit was shocked, his heart turned, he looked at the ice-blue sword in Yun Tianhe’s hand and said:

“Yes, Master’s handwriting, I’ve read it in roughly its entirety.”

After hesitating, he added:

“Senior, is one of the two swords recorded in the handwriting, Wangshu, the one in Tianhe’s hand?”

Yun Tianhe was a little surprised, unclear so.

Fang Qin nodded slightly, “Indeed, the sword in Tianhe’s hand is the Wangshu Sword.” ”

Murong Ziying secretly said that this was indeed the case, and his face changed a little, so it seemed that Tianhe’s father and the Qionghua Sect did have a deep relationship.

He pondered in his heart, but did not continue to ask deeply, but said in the ceremony:

“Yes, I know it in the next, thank you for the explanation!”

“All right, you can continue to cultivate first, and I’ll go back to the house first.”

Fang Qin nodded lightly and got up and walked towards the house, the initial deduction was completed, and there were still some details worth improving.

Murong Ziying saluted slightly, watching Fang Qin’s figure walk into the wooden house, with some complicated faces.

Yun Tianhe turned and thought for a moment, “Ziying my sword is what Wangshu sword are you talking about?” Then this…”·

Murong Ziying saw what he meant, shook his head slightly, and said:

“No, although it was cast by the Master and the Father, but it was previously held by your father, I think there should be a reason.” Since you have inherited this sword, I only hope that you will treat it well.


Tianhe, can you let me observe the Wangshu Sword again? ”

“Okay, no problem, huh!”

Yun Tianhe smiled and handed over the Wangshu Sword, and Ying took it, his eyes were slightly condensed, and his face was deep.

If it was only an immortal Excalibur before, although it liked it, but other emotions, then now that it knew that it was forged by the Sect Alchemist, it had different moods.

Slightly brushing the sword blade, a touch of bone-chilling cold came slightly, and Murong Ziying was a little distracted.

“Shi Gong…” ·

It took a while to return to his senses, carefully observing every detail of his sword, corresponding to the one recorded in his handwriting.

After a moment of silence, he handed Wangshu back to Yun Tianhe and said, “Thank you!” ”

Yun Tianhe smiled and said:

“No, it’s not a big deal, by the way, Ziying, my cultivation task today has been completed, do you want to fight with me?”

“….. Good. “·


Time passes, and in the blink of an eye, it is half a month.

Above the Yellow Mountain, the aura gathered, and the Dao Xiaguang was faintly emitted from the sky, and the heavens and earth around it were full of pure spirits.

Fang Qin sat with his eyes closed, breathing in and out, constantly devouring the vast aura.

The Heaven and Earth aura in this world was indeed strong, and just being a realm with a relatively abundant aura was enough for him to practice.

If the Qionghua Sect was blessed with such a cave, the aura would be even more abundant and vast.


A hundred meters away, there was a loud noise, and the Dao Dao sword light floated and flew towards the Yuntian River.


Several rain of arrows shot at the incoming sword light like streamers, although it could not be counteracted, but it also prevented a few moments, and Yun Tianhe’s body nodded and instantly dodged.

The sword light also gradually dissipated.

Both Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying tacitly agreed to stop the armistice.

“Ziying! Hello awesome, haha, I haven’t won you once now. ”


Murong Ziying was slightly silent, and after spending some time together, he also knew a lot about Yun Tianhe’s affairs, and knew that he was still a young man in the mountains who didn’t understand any cultivation method a month ago.

Now that it has only been a month, he already has such a good strength, which is really a bit strange, and it is not too much to say that he is a cultivation wizard.

“You don’t have to mind, I grew up in the Qionghua Sect since I was a child, and I’ve been exposed to the Cultivation Immortal Dao Method since I was a child, and now I’ve had more than ten years.

By practicing diligently every day, we have today’s cultivation behavior.

You have only been practicing for a month or so, and you can have such strength and talent to show that your future achievements are far greater than mine. ”

When Murong Ziying said this, his face was complex, and he already knew a little about the martial arts that Tianhe was practicing.

When I first heard about it, I was shocked!

I never thought that in the world, in addition to the Immortal Dao, there was such an incredible martial arts method, which could be immortalized and could be practiced with the magic of the Dao!

Although the specific cultivation method is unknown, if you look at the daily progress of Tianhe, you will know the mysteries in it!

And what shocked him the most was that this martial arts method was divided into six major realms.

If it is only the division of cultivation strength, it will be enough, but these six realms, each time you ascend, can obtain the transformation of the essence of life and the great improvement of Shouyuan!

Hearing that the innate realm can already increase the life expectancy of one hundred to hundreds of years, and the final divine realm is even more to the number of ten thousand years of life, which is really terrifying!

It is not like the ethereal eternal life of the Immortal Dao Fa, but really every major progress, even every small layer of progress, can have considerable small transformations.

In Murong Ziying’s view, this was really an incredible thing, and there was a feeling that the worldview had collapsed and been reshaped.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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