On the other hand, looking at the Immortal Dao Fa that he had cultivated, the Qionghua Heart Method, although with his talent, he could improve from time to time, but it was really difficult to predict what the road ahead would be.

Each step of improvement is only manifested in the deeper and deeper the mana, or the more refined the understanding of the sword method.

The path of immortality, which is revered by the world, is difficult to gain much.

The elders in the door, Qingyang and Chongguang Elders, can be regarded as one of the highest people in the Qionghua Sect’s current generational cultivation.

The cultivation of a body can be imagined to be profound, but the life span is only twenty or thirty years more than ordinary people.

The vision of immortality is that there is not even a side.

In such a comparison between the two phases, Murong Ziying felt that the realm cultivation of that Fang Qin’s predecessor was also extremely advanced among the gods of the Divine Realm.

The martial arts he had passed down could have such the ability to live forever.

And if this is the case, this predecessor can also be called the ancestor of the same lineage!

In any case, just from the matter of teaching the Heavenly River Martial Arts, there is a great favor for the human race!

After that, if the Tianhe River can leave behind the Taoist system, then after the world is passed down, there is no doubt that it will certainly be praised as a martial ancestor and admired by the world.

When Yun Tianhe heard this, he pondered for a moment and proposed:

“Zi Ying, why don’t you practice martial arts with Brother Fang Qin like me?” I can feel that if you cultivate the martial arts method, you must be very powerful! ”

Speaking of this, he scratched his head, “I heard Elder Brother Fang Qin say that it is difficult for cultivators to live forever, and it takes a lot of experience to succeed, it is very difficult, or the martial arts method is better.” ”

Murong Ziying heard the words and said with a smile:

“Thank you for your kindness, but such a cultivation method is too earth-shattering, and it is not a method that can be passed on at will, and I am a member of the Qionghua Sect, so it is inconvenient for me to do so!”

In his opinion, Yun Tianhe could be regarded as a disciple of Fang Qin’s predecessor, and it was naturally reasonable to cultivate the martial arts he had passed down;

But the words of a foreign teacher are certainly inappropriate.

Although he was very curious about such a mysterious martial arts method, he had never asked Tianhe, and he had nothing to do with the cultivation method in it.

Even when Yun Tianhe was practicing, he would avoid suspicion and leave.

This is all because the worldly cultivation methods are generally the same, but the exclusive mental methods of each sect are different.

Each family has its own inheritance secret, which is naturally not something that others can easily peep at.

Moreover, if such an astonishing Fa, such a six-fold realm of martial arts, were to be passed on, I was afraid that it would cause a shock in the cultivation world in an instant.

With Murong Ziying’s nature, he naturally wouldn’t peek into this way.

Yun Tianhe hesitated a little, thought about it or said.

“Elder Brother Fang Qin doesn’t seem to care much about this, I’ll ask later.”

Murong Ziying was slightly shocked and hurriedly said, “No, thank you for your kindness.” ”

“Oh…” ·

Murong Ziying explained, “Tianhe, you can be like this, I am glad to have a friend like you, but it really doesn’t have to.

In fact, the Fa I have been practicing since I was a child has long been accustomed to nature, and the practice is arbitrary, so if I transfer to other Fa, it will not be beautiful, and it may be harmful or beneficial to my practice. ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, “Is that so?” Okay, I get it.

But in fact, it is good to ask Fang Qin’s opinion, I think the eldest brother is very powerful, you have also said so, if it is him, you should be able to understand these things better. ”

Murong Ziying’s face was also a little hesitant.

This is true, although it is impossible to learn the martial arts method, but if you ask him about cultivation, he should really have no problem thinking about it.

With the ability of the predecessors to penetrate the heavens and the earth, it is naturally easy to point out.

“This… Well, I do have some doubts about my practice and would like to ask for advice. “,

Yun Tianhe said happily, “Haha, this is good, now it is just about the same time, let’s go together.” ”

Murong Ziying shook his head slightly:

“Now that the Reiki is gathering, the predecessors are practicing, so we’ll talk about it later.”

After staying on this Qingluan Peak for a little half a month, he had already determined that such a huge aura change before was indeed just as Tianhe had said, not the Heaven and Earth Mutation that he was worried about.

Looking back in the direction of the ancient tree, even though this scene has been seen many times, I can’t help but marvel at it every time I see it.

Just because of cultivation, it triggered such a vast heaven and earth aura, which was really terrifying.

Nowadays, it is also difficult for him to guess what the true strength of this predecessor really is.

“Oh, yes, that’s just right! I went hunting mountain pigs, Ziying do you want to go together? ”

Speaking of mountain pigs, Yun Tianhe’s eyes were shining.

Earlier, Fang Qin had said that the mountain pig was tired of eating, and he did not go hunting for a long time after that, but caught some others.

But now that such a long time has passed, there should be no problem, Yun Tianhe thought.

“….. No, I’ll practice here for a while. “,

Murong Ziying was a little speechless and said softly.

This is also a place that is very different from the pursuit of the Immortal Path.

Many of the worldly immortal path methods emphasize that the five grains and meat of the human world are cloudy qi, and eating more is hindering practice.

However, Yun Tianhe and that predecessor did not shy away from these things at all, and Yun Tianhe was even more special to eat every day, and the horrible amount of food made him occasionally subconsciously feel shocked and inappropriate.

I asked the senior uneasily, but I got a word

The essence of cultivation is to swallow the essence of the sun and the moon, the aura of heaven and earth, and become one’s own body.

Those grains and meat-eating things are actually born and nourished by heaven and earth, and they also contain energy, but they are far inferior to the heaven and earth aura.

These are actually food supplements, which can’t get in the way, but have some benefits, and then say that the desire of the tongue is actually a pleasure in the world, let him go. ‘s reply.

Such a concept also made Murong Ziying somewhat shocked, which was quite difficult to understand.

It’s just that he doesn’t know much about the martial arts method after all, and since his predecessors have said so, he naturally nodded his head.

“Well, I’ll go on my own, and I’ll see you later!”

Yun Tianhe said, picked up his bow and arrow and ran down the mountain, and in a moment he disappeared.

When Murong Ziying saw this, he shook his head slightly, walked to the side and sat down, and also began to practice the core mental method of the Qionghua Sect.

In such an amazing environment, practicing does have a multiplier effect with half the effort.

During this period of time, his cultivation also made a lot of progress.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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