After half an hour, the aura gathered around him gradually dissipated, and the Dao Dao light in the sky disappeared, and Fang Qin stopped practicing.

The mind was immersed in the center of the Divine Sea, and there seemed to be a slight ripple of mysterious ripples on the surface of the Endless Sea, and there seemed to be some kind of taboo in the Divine Sea.

Fang Qin breathed a slight sigh of relief, and his face was somewhat subtle.

The image that is conceived in this sea of gods may not be until it is truly conceived and produced by its own [Dao Body]…

It’s just that the needs of this Dao Body are probably too amazing, and I am cultivating like this now, and I don’t have a hint of forming. ’

Since the time when Fang Qin achieved the Dao Body Realm, a lot of time had passed.

As his cultivation speed increased steadily, his cultivation still had no trace of a true Dao body to be conceived, and the needs of such a Dao body were too amazing.

“Well, I can’t rush it anyway, just practice slowly.”

He didn’t really care that he was now in the period of strength climbing, and he was constantly improving his cultivation at every moment.

This is true even when there is no active practice, but the speed is not as good.

Fang Qin stood up, his body was extremely comfortable, the Spirit Qi was getting more and more vast, and the scope of perception was also becoming more and more terrifying.

A little casual, he went to Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying and sat down next to them.


Murong Ziying arched his hand slightly, even if he knew that the other party was a peaceful and casual person, he had never put down the courtesy.

“Big brother, eat meat!”

Yun Tianhe was much more relaxed and casual, and directly handed over the kebabs grilled around him.

Fang Qin nodded at Ziying, reached out and took the meat skewer from Yun Tianhe’s hand, and said:

“Sigh, you boy, you really miss the mountain pig.”

Yun Tianhe smiled and did not speak, and the three of them sat by the campfire individually.

When he was almost finished eating, Fang Qin looked at Yun Tianhe a few times and said:

“Tianhe, now that you have reached the peak of the Heavenly Peak of the Spirit of Spirit, you can begin to break through to the Innate Realm.”

In just one month, he had reached such a situation from a mortal with no cultivation, and the entry of Yun Tianhe was terrifying.

This is not the martial arts world of those individual dying martial arts celebrities,

Most of them are approaching the limit, or they are not talented enough, and they have to only take the refining qi together, and the innate realm of breakthrough is the lowest and weakest, the strength is not high, and the potential foundation is also greatly insufficient.

As long as other people are possible, they will not be willing to go alone, but as much as possible, to involve more, enhance their own background and then make a breakthrough.

In this way, in the past half a year of preaching, except for a few little dragon girls, no one with deep roots has broken through the realm.

It can be seen that it is extremely difficult to cultivate the three paths and cultivate the same path.

However, Yun Tianhe was able to achieve the peak of the Spirit Spirit in just one month, and the foundation was amazing!

First, naturally, his own talent was extremely rich in cultivation resources.

First of all, in the world of the Immortal Sword, the heavens and the earth are full of aura,

In addition, he himself has been in a state of spiritual nourishment since he was a child, and he himself has a much higher starting point than people in the martial arts world and the real world.

Moreover, due to Fang Qin’s frequent cultivation, the concentration of aura within a hundred meters range was even thicker than that of the Heavenly Blessing of the Cave.

Finally, the most important thing is that practicing the method of martial arts, with Fang Qin, the martial ancestor, teach, so all kinds of additions, the improvement of strength is naturally extremely terrifying!

Yun Tianhe was chewing on the mouth of the large meat skewer for a meal, when he heard Fang Qin’s words, his eyes lit up, and he swallowed it hurriedly, and said with some happiness:

“Really? No wonder there seems to be no progress recently, hehe, it turns out that it can already break through the realm! I don’t know how powerful the innate realm is! ”

Murong Ziying on the side was also a little surprised, and then there was also some anticipation.

Although I have heard about the six-fold realm of martial arts, I have to see how it is to know it.

Yun Tianhe was happy for a moment, remembered what he had just said, looked at Ziying, and asked Fang Qin:

“Big Brother, Zi Ying, can he also practice the martial arts method?”

Murong Ziying was shocked: “Tianhe! ”

Seeing Fang Qin’s gaze, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly said, “Seniors…”,

Fang Qin stopped his words, looked at him slightly, and said:

“With your talent, in fact, as long as you understand the truth, the method of cultivating immortals in this world is also suitable for you, and you can make a difference.”

The corners of his mouth cocked slightly, and he said with interest, “But if you want to practice the martial arts method, it is not impossible, I can teach you.” ”

Murong Ziying did not expect that this senior had such an evaluation of him.

When he heard the words behind him, Dengshi’s face was moved, and he had never thought that such an amazing Dao Fa would agree to teach it to him so casually.

It’s just that he is not such a greedy and casual person after all, or he is still the one who performs the ritual:

“Seniors, such a method, Ziying is ashamed of it!” And…..

I am a subordinate of Qionghua, and the seniors are not worried that this method has been accidentally passed out? ”

Yun Tianhe saw this and said, “Ziying, it is impossible to pass on your personality!” You’re not that kind of person either, I can see that! ”

Fang Qin smiled slightly:

“If it is passed on, it will be passed on, so why not?” Anyway, this martial art method will not be passed on today, and I will pass it on to the world in the future! If you can help me pass it on, it will save me effort. ”


Murong Ziying was completely shocked and suddenly stood up, somewhat incredulously: “Senior! You…”

Even Yun Tianhe was a little surprised, although he was simple in nature, he did not know anything.

In addition, I have seen a lot of people recently, and under the conversation, there are also many things that I know.

Where such an astonishing method might be easily revealed, Elder Brother Fang Qin said that he would pass it on to the world.

Just thinking about it for a moment, I felt that an inexplicable feeling was surging, some blood was boiling, and my emotions were high:

“Big Brother! Although I don’t know much about things here, I know that Big Brother is a man who stands tall in the world! ”

Fang Qin looked at Tianhe a little wordlessly, but he still couldn’t help but not complain, with his vocabulary, it was already very good to have such a statement.

Looking at Murong Ziying:

“To tell you the truth, what you are practicing now is roughly formed, and if you completely switch to martial arts, I don’t recommend it, but…

Oh, it just so happens that I have some other methods, maybe you can try? ”

Murong Ziying: “…!? “,

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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