Murong Ziying’s face was moved, and the amount of information in his words was too great, and it was difficult for him to react for a moment.

What the predecessors said meant not only that they were willing to teach their own martial arts, but also that they were willing to pass them on to the world in the future!

If such a martial art were to be spread all over the world, there would be one more broad and broad path in the world than the path of cultivating immortals!

Such a magnanimity is unimaginable!

And… ·

What other methods? Are there other ways?

It was already unimaginable that the cultivation method would be opened up in another way, and it was really inconceivable that this predecessor would even open up another cultivation path method!

I don’t know what a god it is!

After being stunned for a long time, he returned to God, and with some excitement in his heart, he said respectfully:

“As the elders said, they want to spread the Fa to the world, so they do it – it is really …..

After that, the Terrans will certainly flourish in cultivation events, and Ziying worship-obedience! ”

Fang Qin smiled, “That is a matter for later, let’s not talk about it now.” How, what I mean by the method, do you want to try it? ”

Yun Tianhe smiled and said happily, “Ziying, the eldest brother is very powerful, and the things he teaches are absolutely very powerful!” ”

Murong Ziying nodded at Tianhe, “With the realm of the ancestors, I naturally know!” ”

Immediately stood up and said to Fang Qin in a serious and respectful manner:

“Thanks to the seniors! Willing to preach my way! Ziying was grateful. ”

Fang Qin bowed his head slightly, “Get up, I will first pass on to you three Spiritual Spirit Innate Methods, which are the fundamental methods of the Sixfold Realm of Martial Arts.” ”

Without waiting for Ziying to speak back, an aura flashed.


Only the acquired heaven to the innate law, although mysterious, was not so vast, Murong Ziying had already recovered in a moment.

There was a lot of shock and amazement in the eyes, no matter how much speculation before, it was only their own thoughts, only if they really saw it, they would know the mysteries of it!

“The three spirits of the Spirit and Spirit have all been refined at the same time, and the three treasures are one, so as to become innate, and there is such a mysterious method!”

Although the mental method in the Qionghua Sect is involved in this, it is only for the practice of “God” and “Qi”, and there is no such in-depth cultivation method, and the practice of “Jing” is not even involved!

There is absolutely no such lofty and extraordinary method as the Martial Method, which is completely incomparable!

Fang Qin said, “I only passed on your Innate Fa, but I didn’t pass on your Ancestral Fa in the future realm!” Do you know why? ”

“This… Could it be that the Fa of the future is Ziying? Murong Ziying pondered for a moment and replied.

Fang Qin shook his head slightly:

“No, this martial art, which I have deduced from the Spirit of Harmony, is applicable to the situation of people in the world, and if you take this path, you can actually do it with your talent!”

It’s just that I see that your Qionghua Sect’s Fa has been practiced from the heart, and in this way it is considered to be deeply rooted, and if you continue to take the Immortal Dao, it is also okay, the key is on yourself! ”

“I…” Murong Ziying fell into thought. ,

In fact, he had the same idea in his heart, and what he had said with Tianhe before was not all a matter of evasion, but part of his feelings were in it.

Fang Qin smiled and said, “Of the other methods I just mentioned, there is one of them, but there are many similarities with the path you have cultivated.

Some complementary and mutually beneficial effects are also divided into six levels, which are six days off! Since you and I have the Fa, and seeing that you have a good disposition in recent times, this Fa has been taught to you! ”

This time, unlike the Innate Fa that was only in the early stages, it was the Ancient Practice of the Six Heavenly Pass Fa in the Evil World, which was naturally even more vast.

·· Ask for flowers…

As soon as he pointed it out, the soft aura shone brightly and fell into Murong Ziying’s eyebrows.


Murong Ziying only felt a shock in his heart, as if endless mysterious chapters appeared in his mind, too late to perform the ceremony, did not dare to be sloppy, and quickly closed his eyes and immersed in his mind, feeling the mysteries in it.

Yun Tianhe remembered his previous feelings, and he also knew that Ziying was experiencing it again, so he was no longer bothering.

Looking back, he said with some pity: “Elder Brother Fang Qin, in this way, Zi Ying doesn’t learn the martial arts method?” What a shame! ”

Fang Qin said with a smile, “Learning or not learning, cultivating or not cultivating, all depends on himself, if he really wants to learn this martial arts method, even if I don’t pass it on, but can’t you still teach it to him?” ”


Yun Tianhe’s face suddenly realized, and he said that this was the case.

Then he scratched his head and asked curiously, “Elder Brother Fang Qin, you are really powerful, you know so many things, and there are so many cultivation methods.”

Big brother, I’m a little curious, what you said about this martial art and what you just passed on to Ziying… The Law of Six Days of Light, which is more powerful? ”

“Tianhe, although there are many differences between these two paths, in fact, there is no distinction between high and low, and it all depends on personal practice.”

What Fang Qin said was actually suitable for most people’s situations, although the martial arts method, if the spirit of the spirit could be practiced to the peak at the same time, would definitely be much stronger than the Six Heavenly Passes.

But that is when every weight can be practiced to the peak, so even a person with extraordinary talent can hardly achieve such a point, not great talent, great luck, great perseverance.

Therefore, for most people, if there is no such worldly asset, the difference between these two methods is really that each has its own advantages, and it only depends on whether it is suitable or not.

“Oh, so… I get it. ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)

…. Lose._

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