Time passed, and I don’t know how long it took, Murong Ziying gradually withdrew from the state of enlightenment, opened his eyes, and his face was somewhat shocked and moved.

The Six Heavens Pass Method that came to his mind gave him an unprecedented understanding and shock.

It turns out that the Immortal Dao Fa can still be practiced in this way, and there is such a division of realms!

The six heavenly passes of practicing qi, building foundations, jin dan, yuan bao, transforming the gods, and crossing the robbery, each of which is a great advance in one’s own cultivation.

Moreover, like the martial arts method, every day is a transformation of life, and the number of years of life is gradually increasing!

It is not as illusory as the worldly immortal cultivation method today!

If Murong Ziying still had doubts about his future cultivation before, then now he already had unprecedented confidence.

With his current cultivation behavior, in fact, in terms of strength, it should roughly correspond to the Jindan Realm in these six days.

It is only hindered by the limitations of the cultivation method, although it has its power, it does not have a corresponding life essence and longevity!

Now that he had such an astonishing method, he was confident that he would be able to practice the Fa in it in a short period of time and break through to the Jindan Realm.

At that time, he will be able to live five hundred years as stated in this Dhamma! In the future, if you can reach the secret realm of the crossing, you can even get ten thousand years of life!

If such an amazing thing is passed out, I am afraid that it will attract the peeping of countless people in an instant!

The path of eternal life that the world dreamed of, he had obtained so simply!

Murong Ziying thought about this, his heart was moved, he looked in the direction of Fang Qin, and got up to go up to the front.

Directly kneeling down, he performed the great ritual of worshiping the master and said, “Thank you very much!” Such a preaching grace, Ziying will never forget! ”

He is not a man who does not know what to do, such a Dharma is unprecedented in the world, the grace of preaching is heavier than Tarzan, if he cannot respect him with the respect of his teacher, it is really against his heart!

It was only because of the friendship of Master Qionghua that with his nature, he could not really worship the Master again, but could only respect him in his heart and respect him as a Master!

Fang Qin saw what he meant, and did not break his jaw and smiled:

“Get up, you don’t need that!” How is it? Can you understand the method of closing these six days? ”

Murong Ziying stood up and said respectfully:

“The Fa passed down by my predecessors is very mysterious, I can only understand the Fa of the Jindan Realm, but the Yuan Infant after that is a bit inexplicable!”

“Oh, the matter of cultivation is unknown today, and when you reach that level, you may understand it on your own, and the cycle can be gradual, especially if you are practicing this path, you must not be greedy and adventurous, and it is hindered by your practice!”

“Yes! Ziying remember! ”

Yun Tianhe listened to some words, his eyes lit up, and he said interestingly:

“Golden eggs? And such an interesting realm? ”



Fang Qin stared at the sky wordlessly, not wanting to speak.

Murong Ziying was also a little helpless, and could only explain in some simple words:

“It is the elixir of elixirs!” Jindan Realm means …,

This is the third Heavenly Pass Realm among the Six Heavenly Passes, corresponding to the True Dan Realm in the Martial Arts! ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head with some embarrassment: “Oh, it was like this, huh.” ”

Then I remembered what said:

“Zi Ying, the eldest brother just told me that what Dao Fa you want to practice depends only on individuals, if you want to learn the Fa of Martial Arts, I can also teach it to you!” Do you want to learn? ”

Murong Ziying was a little surprised to hear this, and looked at Fang Qin and said, “Senior, this….”

“Oh, you can cultivate any one you want, if you think that the martial arts method is more desirable, it is okay to transfer cultivation, it all depends on you personally!”

Fang Qin said this, and then suggested, “If you want to cultivate the martial arts method, you can ask Tianhe, and he can teach it to you on my behalf.”

If you want to practice the Six Heavenly Passes, the previous martial arts innate method can also be practiced, and although you have cultivation, you have no foundation.

Recultivate the Spirit of Essence, and when the Spirit of Spirit reaches its peak, break through to the Innate Realm,

Having such a foundation and then transferring to the Six Heavenly Passes Fa later will be good for your future practice! ”

There were still many advantages between the martial arts method created by Fang Qin and other cultivation methods.

For example, this most fundamental method, the innate method of the Spirit of Essence, the innate realm of cultivation to the peak and then a breakthrough, has a life expectancy of five hundred.

It was not much different from the Shouyuan of the Golden Dan Realm of the Six Heavenly Passes, and even the strength would not be much different.

Murong Ziying’s talents were actually excellent, if he could first practice the Innate Fa and have a deep foundation,

Whether it is the method of cultivating martial arts or the method of immortal path, it can be achieved, and the difference between the two will not be too different.

However, now, Murong Ziying was naturally more suitable for the Immortal Dao Method, and Sui Fang Qin suggested the same.

Murong Ziying suddenly realized in his heart, before the strange way, the predecessors first passed on his martial innate method, and it turned out that there was such a reason for this.

But when you think about your feelings, it is true.

The method of returning to the heavens after tomorrow is indeed much more mysterious and perfect than the method of practicing qi and building foundations in the six days of passing!

Murong Ziying was grateful in his heart, and respectfully said, “As it is, Ziying knows it, and she will definitely remember it!” Thank you for the admonition! ”

Fang Qin bowed his head and immediately looked at the Yuntian River Dao:

“Tianhe, what you have cultivated is impossible to advance, so take this opportunity to break through to the Innate Realm!”

Ziying, you can just take this opportunity to take a look! ”

“The amount … Oh well! ”

“Yes, senior!”

Both Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying were shocked, and then they were both a little happy.

One is happy that you can finally start to break through!

The other is happy because his friend has cultivated to ascend!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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