On top of Qingluan Peak, by the ancient trees!


The sound of the wind suddenly rises, the aura gathers slightly, and the Yuntian River sits on the stone platform,

All I thought and thought was the method of martial arts, and the true qi of my body began to surge, adjusting my inner breath!

There seemed to be a hot and cold breath surging around the body, and between the two flows, there was a trace of mist that appeared as if there was nothing, which was quite mysterious.

Murong Ziying stood in the distance to observe, and when he saw this, he secretly thought:

‘So that the breath of heat and cold flow with each other, the heavenly river can be unhindered, peaceful as usual,

I don’t know whether it is the physique that is different from ordinary people, or the profound mysteries of the methods passed down by the predecessors, or both. ’

During this time, he had a lot of exchanges and practices with Tianhe, and he had already discovered the two yin and yang breaths circulating with each other.

Although the worldly immortal cultivation method is rarely seen and heard by ordinary people, there are also many in the earthly wonderland, the major caves and blessed places, and the forces of the climate.

Ordinary people’s cultivation is hindered by their qualifications and energy, and they mostly specialize in one of the Fa in order to cultivate pure and profound in order to achieve something.

Even if something else is involved, it is mostly a method of mutual help and mutual birth, and there will not be such an extreme, opposing breath, which is really a big taboo in cultivation!

Such visions are mostly crazy images, and if they are ordinary, it is best to end up with a backward or delirious end.

Such a thousand negligence, one careless, even in danger of falling!

It was only from what he saw that Tianhe had always looked unimpeded, his thoughts were clear and peaceful, and his temperament had always been so simple and sincere, and it was not at all like a situation of going crazy.

Moreover, even the most esoteric predecessors did not say anything, thinking that if there was really something, the predecessors should have found out and stopped it earlier!

In this way, it was not easy for him to explore the reasons for this, thinking that it was the secret of cultivation passed down by his predecessors.

Now it seems that he can’t really guess a few points correctly.

Fang Qin leaned on the edge of the wooden house, casually looking at it, with some satisfaction in his eyes.

Yun Tianhe’s physique was peculiar, inheriting the yin to cold body of the jade and absorbing the power of the yang que in the yin and yang purple que,

Although the latter is not congenital, it is actually almost the same when it is conceived at the fetal stage.

With such a divine physique formed by the confluence of yin and yang, he naturally would not let Tianhe waste such a great talent.

Therefore, in addition to the most fundamental method of the six-fold realm, the martial arts method passed down to him was actually another method that had been modified and perfected by Fang Qin.

The practice method simplified by the separation of “Tai Chi Yin and Yang” is integrated into the method of martial arts,

To better suit his physical talents! More able to tap into their natural potential!

In fact, in the original plot, the late Yun Tianhe also took this yin and yang path.

The Ice Determination that originated from Xuan Xiao and the Divine Dragon Breath of the Dragon of the Candle were yin and yang, and after that, yin and yang formed a special force with each other.

It’s just a pity that after all, it is not systematic, and the two are not of the same origin, and they cannot really achieve the intersection of yin and yang and integrate and penetrate.

In addition, he had experienced many hardships since then, and he had no intention of cultivating immortals, and in the end he might have stopped moving forward.

Although the breath of the divine dragon helps it to live forever, it is not endless.

When the dragon left, he said, ‘When your life is over, I will see you again…..’

Seeing it this way, the breath of the dragon is exhausted. The Dragon Town of the Candle is not well guarded, and when the merit is complete, it is the day of his death.

Although he has gained eternal life, it is not a very long time.

But now, with Fang Qin’s influence, things are naturally very different.

‘The way of one yin and one yang, the heavenly river, how far can you go, with your nature is worth looking forward to, I will help you with another ride!’ ’

In fact, now, with the foundation of the Yun Tianhe, there was no need for him to help.

The only place where you can help each other is …

Fang Qin’s mind moved, and the aura of the surrounding hundred meters gathered and concentrated around the Yun Tianhe!

Immediately a subtle trace of the dark color true element in the body differentiated into yin and yang.

After taking a look at the Yun Tianhe, the faint trace of strength in his hand dispersed countless more, trying to maintain it to the most appropriate point.

A little bit, that trace of yin and yang qi was like a tiny two-color line of light, floating into the body of Yun Tianhe.

When Murong Ziying saw this, his pupils shrank slightly, and there was obviously no breath leaking out of it, but he inexplicably had a feeling of shock in his heart.

Secretly uncertain, he glanced in Fang Qin’s direction.

‘This is… What did the predecessors do? ’,

Yun Tianhe was the person who felt it the most, and at first he seemed to be surrounded by aura, and he was comfortable.

The feeling of the next moment, however, was that he was suddenly shocked, stiff, and a little shocked!

It’s cold to the bone! It’s hot as fire!

This unprecedented feeling is like being in the double heaven of ice and fire!

Yun Tianhe has had a special physique since he was a child, and on this Qingluan Peak, whether it is spring, summer or autumn or winter, he has never felt the slightest sense of heat and cold!

In the original plot, even the cold air of the Three Cold Instruments, the Cold Qi of Wangshu, or the scorching heat in the Yandi Shennong Cave did not make him feel much, so it can be seen that his amazing resistance to hot and cold is amazing.

Nowadays, he is full of uncontrollable horror and burning and cold, and his heart can’t help but be shocked!

Just when I was a little flustered, a familiar voice came from my head.

“Tianhe, guard your mind, run the exercises, and try to refine this breath!” I will control it so that it does not hurt you! ”

‘It’s Big Brother! ’

Yun Tianhe felt some joy in his heart, breathed a sigh of relief, completely relaxed his mind, no longer thought about it, and hurriedly broke through according to what Fang Qin said.

The cold and burning heat really only made him feel unusually uncomfortable, but it was within the critical point of not harming him.

Countless aura was absorbed and refined, constantly running internal energy, resisting the horror of hot and cold.

With the passage of time, Yun Tianhe gradually had some adaptation, and the spirit was also in the midst of confrontation, and it had reached its peak state.

Yun Tianhe gritted his teeth, his mind moved, and he took the last step of the method of returning to the heavens after tomorrow and began to transform!


His own heat and cold breath rose violently, and the momentum rippled slightly, Murong Ziying was quite far away, and he also personally felt the feeling of heat and cold, his face was slightly condensed, and he was a little frightened.

If you said that before, with the cultivation of Tianhe, there was still no threat to him.

Then the breath that emanates now has begun to have a sense of danger.

Is this the power that the Spirit Spirit can possess when it reaches its peak and then makes a breakthrough?

No wonder my predecessors suggested that I practice the martial arts first! But it is a good word of gold, and it is definitely not worthwhile! ’

And… ·

Murong Ziying keenly noticed that there seemed to be another yin and yang aura between the movements.

With the circulation, he unconsciously leaked his breath, which was a cold and hot breath that was more terrifying than the breath of the Heavenly River itself, giving him an inexplicable sense of crisis!

Is it the force that the predecessors have incarnated? It’s amazing!

Tianhe he… I never thought that Tianhe’s physique would be so amazing, and he could endure such terrible cold and scorching heat.

However, with the predecessors protecting its breakthrough, there should be no problem..’

As time passed, the momentum around Yun Tianhe became stronger and stronger, and the cold and hot seemed to have lost the sense of danger as before.

Yin and yang flow more frequently, and when the strength of the body is boiling, the heart is shocked, and the Gong Fa is directly operated with full force!

In an instant, the breath stirred, and the faint breath in the body gradually melted into the true qi, and the aura surged and moved, becoming more and more arbitrary.

I don’t know how long it took, but finally, that cold and hot yin and yang breath was completely refined into the true qi in Yun Tianhe’s body along with countless auras.


A fiery red breath and a cold breath surged at the same time, and a fierce mist rose!

At a faster absorption rate than before, the momentum rose sharply and began to spread around.

It lasted for a while before it gradually stopped, and the aura around it dispersed.

Yun Tianhe was covered with a red and a blue aura, and the power of the new transformation slowly returned to calm!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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