
The two incompatible breaths of hot and cold were surging, the raging fog was rising, and the Yuntian River gradually converged on the new mighty power.


Slowly breathing out a breath of cold and heat, Yun Tianhe opened his eyes, and an aura flashed.

Standing up, it was as if he had unshackled himself, like a new life.

Feeling the endless flow in the body, and the countless strength that has increased compared to the past, the face is a little surprised and happy!

Not only that, but the usual scene around him seemed to be clear all of a sudden.

“Haha, big brother, Ziying, I’ve broken through to the innate realm!”

It’s amazing, I feel better than ever, I can see farther away, I can hear more small sounds, everything seems to be different! ”

Fang Qin looked at the breath around Yun Tianhe, slightly chin up,

It seemed that the previous help had not been in vain, and that trace of Yin and Yang Qi had been refined into its own True Qi by Yun Tianhe and achieved its own foundation.

“Tianhe, although it has broken through the realm, completed the initial transformation and achieved the foundation foundation,

However, there are still several realms after the innate, and you must not be neglected, you need to practice diligently! ”

“I see! Just thank you big brother for your help! I don’t quite know what that is, but I also know that it’s of great benefit to me, huh. ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his smile and felt grateful.

Facing Fang Qin’s strength once again, he felt a little more about the strength of the eldest brother.

The feeling of heat and cold was so terrifying that he now remembered it with some palpitations!

But fortunately, it was controlled by Fang Qin’s elder brother and did not really hurt him.

On the contrary, because of this, his skills seemed to be affected by this, and his true qi became more and more mysterious and profound! Beneficial!

Murong Ziying on the side looked at Yun Tianhe with some surprise, although Tianhe had a good appearance in the past, his face was upright and handsome.

However, the simple and simple qi on the body is still quite heavy, but now the temperament described as if it has been reborn.

Although he was still the simple teenager, he had some more extraordinary temperament than before.

The change in the eyes of the eyes is even more amazed,

Within ten meters, it seemed to form a scene similar to the pattern of yin and yang fish, withering on the one hand, frost on the other, which was affected by the breath of talent, which was really quite magical!

As the elders said, the spirit of Tianhe had already reached its peak, and the innate realm of such a breakthrough was really terrible, and the strength of Tianhe now was only afraid that it was not weaker than mine. ’

He bowed his hand slightly and said seriously, “Tianhe, congratulations on your successful cultivation!” Now I’m afraid I can’t beat you. ”

Yun Tianhe said happily: “Haha, yes, I don’t know, I have to compare to know,

However, I feel that I am indeed much more powerful than before, Zi, also come to practice the martial arts method, it should soon become more powerful. ”

Murong Ziying nodded, “I will definitely practice the Innate Law, and as for the aftermath, I will also carefully consider it.” ”

Whether it is what his predecessors said or Fang Wen, he has strong expectations for the innate method of martial arts.

As for what happens after that, it is to ask him to cultivate until he is born before making plans.

“Oh, this way, if you want to learn, you can ask me at any time.”

Speaking of which, Yun Tianhe moved around his body for a while, and said on a whim:

“Ziying, do you want to fight?”

He felt that his strength was very strong now, but how powerful he was, he really wanted someone to practice, Ziying was very strong, and he was the most suitable person.

“….. Good! “·

Murong Ziying also wanted to see what level of strength he had reached after the breakthrough of the Tianhe River, and he readily agreed to it.

“You two practice, pay attention to the measure, I’ll go back to the house first.”

Fang Qin saw this and said a word, and with a wave of his hand, the range that had only been affected by the breakthrough realm of the Yun Tianhe regained his previous vitality and turned back into the room.

“Yes, seniors.”

“I see, big brother!”

Such a casual move, Murong Ziying and Yun Tianhe were not surprised, and they had all seen it even more amazingly, this kind of ‘small scene’ was naturally nothing, and it was a response to the sound.

The two looked at each other and headed for the distance.


Somewhere in the Shouyang area, two sword rays flew over and settled on top of a mountain, revealing the figures of a man and a woman.

It was Xuanjie and Huaishuo of the Qionghua Sect.

Xuan Jie’s face was a little low and anxious:

“Uncle Ziying, where did he go, how come he couldn’t find it all the time?”

Immediately I don’t know if I thought of something bad, and my face was a little worried:

“It won’t be… Something bad has happened, what a world change. “,

Huai Shuo heard this, although he was also worried, but shook his head slightly:

“Master Ziying’s cultivation strength, you and I know, are more powerful than many people in the Gate, and there will certainly be no problem.”

Murong Ziying’s strength and the ability he possessed to forge swords were honestly enough to qualify as the existence of the elders in the door.

I just don’t know why, there is no new elder promotion in the door.

Every time Huai Shuo thought about it, he thought that it should be that Master Ziying was still young, maybe the head of the door wanted to sharpen it for more time.

“That… Where did that go? I was very worried, and the boss also ordered us to come here to look for Uncle Shi, but I haven’t found it for a long time. ”

Originally, Qionghua was the head of the Qionghua Sect, Su Yao, who wanted to wait for Murong Ziying to return, and then learn about the change in Reiki.

I just didn’t expect that this wait was for many days, and Murong Ziying never returned.

Yin Yin felt that something was not quite right, and he was not at ease, so he sent Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo, who knew the most about the matter, to look for someone.

“Don’t worry, I asked some people in the city before, and they already have some eyebrows, so let’s go to the Huangshan Mountain.”

“Really? Where is Uncle Ziying? So let’s hurry up! ”

When Xuan Jie heard this, he was happy, and a sword light rose and headed for the distance.

“Sister Shi!?”

Huai Shuo was a little helpless, and could only keep up with the Royal Sword.

The two disappeared in a short time.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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