Fang Qin sat in the room, sorting out what he had gained since this period of time.

Murong Ziying’s skill, he already knew everything once he saw it.

There are various Dao Fa about the Qionghua Sect, such as the Qionghua Sect’s Heart Method, the Imperial Sword Technique, the Three Talents Chaoyuan, the Four Directions Suru, the Five Spirits Returning to the Sect, the True Transformation of the Sword, the Thousand Directions Remnant Lightsaber, the Shangqing Cloud Breaking Sword, and so on.

Among these Dao Fa, many of them Fang Qin found quite interesting, so they were incorporated into the Ten Thousand Swords and Zhou Tian’s Methods.

However, in fact, for most people, there was no substantial improvement in Fang Qin’s strength.

These Dao Fa Sword Techniques were not unseen methods for him, there were many similarities, just sweep them at will, and they already knew everything.

His current level of strength was too high, and it was no longer possible for these relatively low-level weak Dao Methods to enhance their strength.

The most powerful Shangqing Cloud Breaking Sword really didn’t have any power in Fang Qin’s eyes.

The power of doing whatever you want can be more terrifying than that!

On the contrary, Fang Qin felt a little interesting about the fundamental principles of these Dao Fa Sword Techniques.

Or to put it mildly, I am quite curious about the principles of the Dao Fa in this world.

Being able to perform these relatively powerful Dao Fa with such a weak body is actually amazing.

For example, the Imperial Sword Technique, you only need to practice that Qionghua Heart Method for a while,

After studying this Imperial Sword Technique and practicing diligently, it will take only a few years at most to master the Imperial Sword Flying Technique.

Even if it is a person with extraordinary talent like Yun Tianhe, it can already be used in one or two hours.

The difficulty of these cultivations surprised Fang Qin, and after having a lot of Qionghua Sect’s Dao Fa as a reference,

After a closer look, I found that this does not mean that there are no restrictions at all.

Being able to perform all kinds of powerful Dao Techniques and Sword Techniques in such a low and weak realm,

It is not all their own strength, most of them use their own [god] ditch to borrow the five elements of spiritual power between heaven and earth, in order to perform all kinds of so-called Dao magic immortals.

This is a unique method of communicating spiritual powers, simple but also quite mysteriously applied.

In the original plot, Han Lingsha and Yun Tianhe actually did not have many cultivation methods to lay the foundation.

However, after knowing the mantra and some essentials of the Immortal Arts, he could directly perform the Five Spirit Immortal Arts.

In fact, what they were causing was not their own mana, they themselves did not have the method of cultivating immortals, naturally they did not have these manas, but directly induced the spiritual power that was wandering between heaven and earth to perform immortal magic.

To be able to do this, the qualifications of their own [gods] are by no means bad, and their perception is strong.

Of course, the most crucial thing is that the heaven and earth aura in this side of the world is extremely strong,

Mortals with stronger perception involve immortals to roughly sense these spiritual powers, and it is naturally feasible to perform such a cast.

If it is such a thin concentration of aura in the martial arts world, let alone mortals who have no cultivation,

Even the innate realm is difficult to perceive the slightest bit of aura,

It was only when it reached the True Dan Realm that it could begin, so naturally it was impossible to derive the Dao Magic Immortal Technique like the Immortal World.

Of course, the cultivation of immortals in this world also attaches great importance to qualifications, and those who can worship the cultivators of the Immortal Gate Sect are extremely good in their own qualifications.

It was also extremely easy to perceive spiritual power, so it was not difficult to cast these Dao Magic Immortals.

Qualified people, as long as they study and practice hard, can do it roughly, and the difference is only the size of the power and the degree of subtlety.

Of course, this does not mean that the cultivators of this world do not need to cultivate mana at all, and the deeper the requirements for mana, the better.

The deeper the mana, the more extensive the range of perception,

The more spiritual power that could be borrowed, the power of the Dao Magic Immortal Technique that could be cast was also constantly improving!

It’s just that this Fa took the wrong path at the beginning, paying too much attention to receiving spiritual power from heaven and earth, but neglecting its own practice.

Such non-unprecedented luck and qualifications, it is absolutely difficult to become an immortal!

“However, it is possible to modify some martial arts and Taoist methods to make them more suitable for the world.”

Fang Qin smiled, and he didn’t care anymore, these things were in his realm, but a few thoughts of things, which would be said later.

Looking somewhere, two shadows appeared, and there was some smile on his face.


At the foot of the Yellow Mountain, a horse-drawn carriage approached, surrounded by guards, and two shadows got off the carriage.

Han Lingsha looked at the majestic peaks in front of him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes bent and smiled:

“Xi Xi, finally arrived, I will soon be able to see Brother Fang Qin, so happy~”

He took the beautiful figure beside him and said, “Mengli, let’s go up.” ”

“Hmm…” ·

Liu Mengli’s head tapped, and her beautiful eyes looked at the top of the Yellow Mountain, slightly bright, and there was some joy in her heart, but it was not revealed.

Then he turned to look at the guards and said slightly, “Mengli thanks you for escorting, and then I and Lingsha can go up on our own.” ”

The guards looked at each other, somewhat overwhelmed.

Liu Xian Ling asked them to escort the young lady and this Han girl to the top of Qingluan Peak.

The leading Pei Jian was also slightly stunned when he heard this, and went to the front:

“Miss, there are so many beasts on this Yellow Mountain, how can you two go up the mountain alone, it is too dangerous?”

Some of the guards also echoed the words:

“Yes, Miss, this mountain is dangerous, it has been here once before, so many tigers and beasts, it is really dangerous!”

“Yes, wouldn’t it be best for me to wait for the escort up the mountain!”

These guards were loyal to the Liu family, and naturally did not want Miss Qianjin of the Liu Mansion to be in any danger.

And besides, the gods of this mountain, they are looking forward to seeing them again,

The last time I was fortunate to go once, after returning to Shouyang, I found that I was completely sick and painless, and I was more healthy and energetic than before.

Privately, where can you not know, this immortal family blessing must be full of immortal qi, ordinary people breathing a breath is a great favor.

If you can go to the blessed land of the immortals again, it will be really a great luck!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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