Liu Mengli shook her head slightly:

“Don’t worry, both I and Ryosha have the power to protect ourselves, and there will be no danger.”

Pei Jian’s calm look was also a little anxious, and he advised:

“Miss, I will wait to escort you up the mountain, this place is too dangerous, I can’t rest assured.”

Before going out, the old man and the lady both asked me to be sure to keep safe, so that they were worried. ”

A group of guards echoed one after another, and Han Lingsha on the side saw this, looked at Liu Mengli, lifted his hair, and said:

“Oh, in fact, it doesn’t have to be so, this girl is very powerful, can protect the dream glass,

Moreover, since Brother Fang Qin was here, there would certainly be no danger. ”

Now that she is not the same as in the past, she is now practicing the Dharma of Martial Arts, and she has reached the six-fold realm of the day after tomorrow.

The strength of the body is much higher than when he first came, and he is naturally quite confident.

Liu Mengli also said softly, “Ling Sha is right, and I also know a lot of spells, you don’t have to worry, Daddy’s side, I have already said it earlier, they also agreed.” ”

Both of them insisted like this, Pei Jian still knew a lot about his own lady, and he must do what he decided, and he could only reluctantly agree.

Pei Jian’s face was a little hesitant, he looked at Liu Mengli and said seriously:

“Miss, please be sure to put your own safety first!”

Liu Mengli said slightly, “Thank you Brother Pei for your concern, I know.” ”

The guards could only regret it when they saw this, and sighed with their wrists.

They have self-knowledge, and the Liu family is related to the Han girl, and the gods and immortals on the mountain.

If you and others can go up the mountain in the name of escort, you may still be able to see the immortals, if you go up the mountain by yourself, you may not be able to see the immortals until you die!

After a quarter of an hour, Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha packed up some things and went up the mountain, and the two shadows quickly disappeared between the mountains and forests.

Pei Jian looked at it with some surprise, and it took a while to return to his senses, his look was a little dim, he sighed slightly, and turned around and led the guards away.


The two men walked on the mountain path, speaking softly.

“Mengli, why don’t you let those guards come up together?” Although we do do this faster. ”

Han Lingsha asked curiously, in her opinion, this is not a big deal.

Liu Mengli was silent for a while and said softly:

“Before… When I first visited Mr. Wang, I saw his face, although I didn’t say anything, but I didn’t seem to like so many people coming to the mountain.

I think it is disturbing the purity, I am afraid that the husband will not be happy, so…..”

“Eh? Is this so… Mengli you are really careful, if Brother Fang Qin does not like it, then it is indeed still a good thing. ”

Han Lingsha heard something in a trance,

Then he looked at Liu Mengli with a rather strange face, thought about it for a moment or said:

“Mengli, you are so beautiful, the most beautiful I have ever seen, why are you still …

Well….. Can Mengli have a favorite person? ”

As a child of the jianghu, she naturally does not need to say more, it is normal not to marry at such an age.

It’s just that the other party’s deep bridesmaid has such a beautiful appearance, and even now there is no …

It’s incredible.

Liu Mengli’s face was slightly stunned, and she subconsciously looked at the mountain, and then shook her head slightly:

“No, I don’t think much about those things, I just want to stay with my father.”

“Is this so… ·

I see that Pei catcher seems to like you very much, he seems to be Uncle Liu’s righteous son? ”

Han Lingsha looked at Liu Mengli thoughtfully and asked with a little tentativeness.

Liu Mengli did not seem to think of such a question, frowning slightly and pondering for a while:

“Lingsha, I don’t know much about this matter, but my father and mother both recognize Big Brother Pei as a righteous son, and I am also a brother when he is.

It’s just that I didn’t like to get along with people since I was a child, and I was very wary of outsiders, so in addition to my father, there were still some other people…..”

Then he looked at Han Lingsha again, and his face was slightly soft:

“Lingsha, you are different, you are my first friend, I, naturally I like you very much.”

Han Lingsha folded her hands and said somewhat apologetically, “I’m sorry, Mengli, I just said the wrong thing.” ”

Then a smile appeared in his eyes, and he said somewhat slyly:

“So, what do you think of Brother Fang Qin?” Is he also an outsider? ”

“….. Eh? “·

Liu Mengli’s face was hot when he heard the words, and his hands carrying the small basket were slightly tight, and he was a little overwhelmed.

“Sir is naturally a respectable man…

Lingsha you, how do you ask such a question? ”

Han Lingsha admired this beautiful scenery in the world with great interest, and it was really interesting that she had never seen this big lady have such a look.

“Hee-hee, Yumeri, you look so good when you’re shy.”

Liu Mengli turned her head slightly, did not speak, and said for a while:

“Lingsha, you don’t want to make such a joke, for fear of Mr. Joke.”

Han Lingsha laughed and said, “Well, I won’t say it.”

Liu Mengli saw the sly and sarcastic look in her flattering eyes, and there was some shame in her heart, and some did not know what to say, and could only be silent.

Han Lingsha smiled for a while, and gradually narrowed his smile, and his face was somewhat serious:

“Mengli, I know that you are a good girl with a very kind heart, and you think about everything for the people around you.”

But what if, if you meet a person and you like him in your heart, or …..

I think he has to do it, then don’t worry about anything, be sure to say it well! Don’t hold everything in your heart,

If you don’t say it, he may be a nerd and doesn’t know anything! ”

“Sir is not a nerd… Well…”,

Perhaps affected by her serious look, listening to it a little fascinatingly, Liu Mengli subconsciously retorted softly,

Immediately his face stagnated slightly, his snow-white face was stained with an intoxicating red halo, and his eyes wandered, and he did not dare to look at Han Lingsha again.

“Eh~Mengli just said it~”,

Han Lingsha’s serious look suddenly disappeared, and those peach blossom eyes seemed to have seen something remarkable, and his face was full of interest.

Liu Mengli bit her lip slightly, and the rosiness on her face seemed to be dripping blood.

For the next long time, Ren Han Lingsha said something, and Liu Mengli stopped speaking, seemingly a little angry.

Han Lingsha watched frequently from the sidelines, and his eyes were bent before he said:

“Mengli, don’t ignore me, don’t get angry, okay?”

The redness on Liu Mengli’s face had almost faded, and she was not angry, mostly shy, and softly muttered.

“I… I’m not angry. “,

“Wow! I knew that Yumeri was the best! ”

Han Lingsha gently went upstairs, full of warm fragrance.

“Ling Sha…” Liu Mengli was a little overwhelmed. ,

Han Lingsha took a while before she reluctantly let go, looked at the big lady in front of her with a slightly disgusted eyebrow, and said:

“Well, good dream, I was wrong just now, don’t be angry, I won’t say it again, okay?” Hee-hee-hee”

At the end, I don’t know what to think, some did not hold back, covered my mouth and smiled softly.

“Ryosha, I’m not angry, I’m just…”,

Han Lingsha gently covered Liu Mengli’s small mouth, and her face said softly:

“I know, although I have only been with you for a short time, but I always feel that we are very compatible,

You just said you liked me a lot, I’m really happy, I….. I also like the dream glass,,

With your nature, you will not be angry with me.

Also, just those words, I am all serious, oh, you must take it to heart. ”

“….. Well. “·

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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