Facing Han Lingsha’s expectant eyes, Fang Qin was silent for a moment and smiled:

“Well, there’s a heart.”

Han Lingsha was full of bright smiles, and his hands were folded:

“Brother Fang Qin, you know, this Thunder Spirit Pearl may not be anything to you, but this is a thank you gift from everyone in the clan, you can accept it, I… Very pleased. “,

As one of the five spirit beads left by the great god of Nuwa, there are definitely many places where the gods are different.

The Han family can become a hermit clan under the curse of life, and the function of this Thunder Spirit Pearl can be described as indispensable.

Although the number of times it is used is very small, and there are many taboos for mortals, it still brings immeasurable benefits!

But this is only for mortals, if it is Fang Qin…..

Han Lingsha felt in his heart that even if it was a mythical artifact, it might not be of much use to Fang Qin’s elder brother.

Fang Cai Fang Qin’s elder brother casually dissolved the thunder spirit power that the Thunder Spirit Pearl was raging, and he could glimpse one or two.

But the gift is not important, but the heart.

Han Lingsha smiled softly, and his face turned red:

“Of course, that’s a thank you gift within the clan, and I… I also want to thank you for the words I said to you before, but I have always remembered them.

You….. Do you remember? “,

There was a little trepidation in the words.

Fang Qin remembered what this lady had said when she first parted from the house, her eyes were soft, and her jaw dropped:

“Well, I’ve always remembered that.”

Han Lingsha heard the excitement in his heart, his eyes were bent, his face became more and more charming, and he nodded with a smile.

“Rhombori…” ·

Liu Mengli had some doubts, but seeing Ling Sha’s delicate and lovely face, of course, she had some understanding in her heart.

Han Lingsha saw that she was confused, and she was also a little embarrassed, and Jade held the hair around her ear, and her eyes were a little wandering:

“Hmm… Nothing, Big Brother Fang Qin has a great favor for me, I think….. I want to stay by his side and repay him well. ”

After saying that, the face became more and more rosy, between the shy, the eyebrows were picturesque.

“That’s the way it is…”

When Liu Mengli saw this, her face was somewhat subtle, and a slight smile appeared on her face.

Han Lingsha was looked at shyly and hurriedly said:

“Oops, don’t talk about this,

Oh, yes, Mengli, you just have a headache again, is there anything else? Will there be any discomfort? ”

Thinking about Mengli, he had been worried twice in a row today.

Liu Mengli was slightly stunned, and her look was also a little dazed, not quite sure what her time was up, and she was often a little uncomfortable.

However, seeing Han Lingsha and Fang Qin look over, they shook their heads slightly:

“Well, it’s all right, I’m now. Don’t worry. ”

“How can this be…”

Han Lingsha’s face was even more worried, worried that something bad had happened to Mengli’s body, but she was not proficient in the Qi Huang Technique, and could only look at Fang Qin as if asking for help:

“Elder Brother Fang Qin, can you help you see Mengli?”

Liu Mengli was slightly shocked, and quickly shook her head: “I’m fine, don’t bother sir…”,

Fang Qin groaned a little, Liu Mengli was in such a state he naturally knew the reason, but for a while, how to talk to her, or still need to be considered.

“Mengli, your body is actually not a big problem, and the innate deep spiritual power will not make you sick easily,

The discomfort of this time is caused by the gradual recovery of your memory. ”

After thinking about it for a while, he finally felt that if he told the truth, he could guide it a little.


Han Lingsha was a little surprised and didn’t quite understand.

Liu Mengli was also silent when she heard this, as if she thought of something, and thought in her heart, and only after a long time did she nod her head slightly:

“I think it is indeed as Mr. said, lately, somehow, some vague pictures have always appeared in my heart.

I guess that’s probably my missing memory…”

“Eh!? Dream glass… Missing memories? Me, how do you…,

Have you been hurt by Mengli? How can this be? ”

Han Lingsha exhaled slightly, and his heart was even more worried.

Then she seems to have lost her memory, and she thinks that she has suffered some very serious injury.

However, Mengli was the eldest lady of the Liu Mansion, and with the doting of the two adults of the Liu Mansion, how could she be hurt?

Liu Mengli shook her head slightly, “You also know my life, Lingsha, and I vaguely feel that those pictures should be before coming to Daddy’s Mansion.” ”

In the Liu Mansion, Liu Mengli’s life is not very evasive, and many people know it.

Previously, when a group of people first came to this Qingluan Peak, Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci had mentioned it once,

In addition, later, Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha gradually became acquainted, and privately told her about their own lives, so for Liu Mengli’s life, Han Lingsha was no stranger to her.

“But… At that time, you were so young, how could you remember what happened at that time? ”

Han Lingsha covered her mouth slightly, somewhat surprised.

“….. I have had spiritual power since I was a child, and I think it is because of this reason that I have some feelings about things that have been going on for a long time.

But before, I only roughly remembered that Uncle Yun saved me, and as for the rest, where I came from, how I came from, what I went through, I didn’t know anything. ”

“So, you’ve been feeling uncomfortable lately, and that’s why?” But…..”

Han Lingshayu’s hand slightly supported his chin, thinking about the uncomfortable timing of Mengli’s previous two times, he moaned slightly, and his face was a little nervous:

“Mengli, could it be that your life is related to the Qionghua Sect?”

The two times it was not very comfortable, it was when I heard about the Qionghua Sect, there was some coincidence, so I had such a conjecture.

“Well, it should be related to the Qionghua faction, I… Listening to this, I always feel uncomfortable in my heart, as if, as if I hate it, I don’t like it,

But I heard that Uncle Yun was also sent from this Qionghua, and I don’t know what is going on…”

Liu Mengli nodded slightly, her mood was somewhat depressed, and her memory was like a feeling hidden in the fog, which was not good, confusing and wandering.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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