When Han Lingsha heard this, he also felt that the matter was extremely complicated, since it was related to the Qionghua Sect, but Mengli did not like it in her heart, could it be that there was a grudge?

“Brother Fang Qin…”

Fang Qin nodded and said softly, “Mengli, I do know a thing or two about this, but …..

The things inside, all kinds of grievances, entangled, if you know, maybe everything after this is very different.

Of course, no matter what, if you want to know, I will tell you what I know. ”

“I…” ·

Liu Mengli’s heart shook, and he opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but he stopped saying nothing, and his heart was extremely complicated.

Know your own origins…

Since childhood, although she has been pampered in the Liu Mansion, her father and mother have regarded her as her own and treated her as her own daughter.

She also loved the two of them in her heart.

However, from time to time, there is still some grumpiness in my heart about my own life, and every time I think about it, I feel lost.

Where was she born, who her blood relatives were, whether she was still alive, why was she like this in the past, why she was saved by Uncle Yun…

It seems that these things now have a chance to know, but only when these are really in front of her,

In addition to the desire to know the truth, there is also a strong uneasiness in the heart.

If it had been, with her nature,

In any case, it is necessary to know the truth of one’s own life, and there will be no retreat.

Only now, it’s not easy to …

Liu Mengli looked up at Fang Qin, a little uneasy.

“Sir… Still, don’t talk about it, the previous thing, let it be…”

Shaking her head slightly, she said that she longed to know her origins,

But I vaguely feel that this matter is very likely to break the current calm, and subconsciously feel uneasy in my heart.

Although she knew that even if Fang Qin didn’t say it, with the passage of time, her memory might slowly awaken, but she was a little afraid in her heart and unwilling to face it immediately.

Han Lingsha was a little surprised, “Mengli, don’t you want to know your own origins?” ”

“I…” ·

Liu Mengli reluctantly smiled and shook her head slightly.

Fang Qin sensed her state of mind, and he actually knew a lot about Liu Mengli’s personality.

Soft on the outside and strong on the inside, very assertive, but somewhat unusually made such a choice, silent for a while:

“Actually, no matter what, if you need help, I’ll help, you don’t have to worry too much.”

Liu Mengli heard the words, and the worry in her heart was stable, revealing a smile:

“Well, Yumeru knows, thank you sir, I, I’ll do it again, if ….. I’ll ask sir. “·

Fang Qin nodded, “Well, just as you like, if you want to know when, feel free to come to me.” ”

“Well.” Liu Mengli’s heart was slightly warm, inexplicably, she didn’t want to explore her own origins, if she could always do so…

Han Lingsha was a little worried, and reached out and shook Mengli’s tender jade hand.

“Mengli, if there is anything to do, you must tell me Oh, I will definitely help you!”

“Well, Ryosha, don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

The two gently leaned together and whispered comforting words to themselves, and Fang Qin drank tea with soft eyes.

For some reason, Han Lingsha and Liu Mengli gradually relaxed in their hearts, a sense of clarification.


For the next period of time, Liu Mengli and Han Lingsha lived in a wooden house, which was the place where Han Lingsha had previously lived.

As the three of them got along, they became more and more familiar and close.

Whenever Liu Mengli was in a bad mood, Fang Qin and Han Lingsha warmly comforted her when they saw her, and occasionally made Liu Mengli blush.

However, Fang Qin enjoyed the beauty of the world, and also took advantage of this time to teach the innate method to Liu Mengli.

As for the later cultivation method, it has not been taught for the time being, in fact, her talent, the method of practicing martial arts or the method of demon cultivation of the Six Heavens Pass, are all extremely good.

It’s just that the Martial Way Method was created by Fang Qin according to the cultivation of the Terran race, and as far as the Demon Clan was concerned, it was not so suitable.

Nowadays, in addition to the newly perfected innate law, it can be said that it is suitable for most beings in the world.

The back quadruple realm of martial arts is still the most applicable to humans.

Of course, other beings are not unable to practice, but when they are practicing, they may not be very suitable, but if they are gifted, they can also cultivate to the peak.

It was only these subsequent paths that Liu Mengli needed to make her own choices, and it was not too late to say it after she had cultivated to the innate realm and recovered her memory.

In this way, after Liu Mengli stayed for a few days, she was afraid that her parents at home were worried, so she wanted to quit her and go down the mountain to return to Shouyang.

“Mengli, do you really want to go down the mountain?” Not staying for a while? ”

Han Lingsha was a little reluctant and kept it.

Liu Mengli shook her head slightly, “No, I said to my father and mother before that I would return in a few days at most, and now it is already a little late, and if I don’t go back, they will have to worry.” ”

“That… Mengli take good care of yourself and come here more. ”

“Hmm…” ·

Liu Mengli’s face was slightly red, and she quietly glanced at Fang Qin.

Even if Ling Sha didn’t say it, she was willing to come over often.

Fang Qin smiled, “Shouyang is not far from here, but it is not easy for you to go alone, I will send you.” ”

Unlike the crowd of guards who came, it would not be good to go back to her alone.

“Wouldn’t it be troublesome?”

Liu Mengli did not refuse and asked softly.

“No, let’s go.”

Fang Qin shook his head, and then said to Han Lingsha:

“Lingsha, I’ll send Yumeru a little bit and I’ll be back soon.”

After saying that, he slightly wrapped his waist around Liu Mengli, and the beautiful and elegant aroma grew.

“Well…” ·

Liu Mengli’s face was rosy, and she lowered her head slightly, but did not speak.


In the next instant, the figures of the two suddenly disappeared.

Han Lingsha blushed, looked at the direction in which the two disappeared, and spat out his tongue.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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