At the Liu Mansion in Shouyang, a sigh came out, and Liu Shifeng looked sad and worried.

Ruan Ci on the side comforted: “Lord, don’t worry, Li Er she will definitely be fine.”

You also don’t want to think, Li Er and Han Girl went to Qingluan Peak together, how could that gentleman’s godlike figure be here again? ”

Liu Shifeng wiped away his tears and said, “That’s right, but after all, Li Er has never been away from home for such a long time, and I really can’t rest assured with this heart!” ”

As he spoke, tears fell again, and Baba said:

“It is too dangerous to promise Li Er in the first place, and I can’t promise her anything next time.”

Ruan Ci was a little speechless, with her understanding of her husband and her love for her daughter,

This sentence also means that if at that time, Li Er has some requirements, as long as he feels that it is not excessive, he will respond to them one by one.

But it was also a sigh, why didn’t she worry, she could only say:

“Lord, it’s all right, if you really don’t feel at ease, we might as well go over?”

Liu Shifeng nodded fiercely, “Well, Madame is right, I immediately asked someone to prepare the car…..”,

The next moment he remembered something, his face collapsed, and he said helplessly:

“Recently, the affairs in the city have been really busy, and I can only summon Pei Jian to go for a trip.”

Ruan Ci nodded, just at this moment, someone outside passed the news.

“Lord, ma’am! Miss is back! ”


Liu Shifeng stood up and said with surprise on his face, “Li Er is back?” That’s great! ”

Ruan Ci was also relieved and smiled: “Go out and have a look, see what you are worried about.” ”

“That’s right! Hurry up! ”

The two of them left the room and walked outside, and Lu Rong, who was beside them, seemed to be very happy, covering her mouth and smiling:

“Lord, the young lady has not only returned, but also seems to have a crush on an aunt.”

Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci were both kind of people who were close to peace in private, and the atmosphere in the whole Liu Mansion was relatively peaceful and casual, and the people in the house were extremely fond of their families.

In particular, Liu Mengli’s personal servant Lu Rong and Dewdrops, and several people in the Liu family are considered to be close people, so when they talk, they do not have the scruples of the places next to them.

Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci took a step, their hearts jumped, and they both looked over.

Liu Shifeng touched his beard and whispered, “What kind of person is the aunt you are talking about?” Have you ever seen it? ”

Lu Rong smiled and said, “Hee-hee, that aunt came here once, I remember what seems to have happened more than a month ago, and I saw it from a distance.”

At that time, I felt that this person was so handsome that he and our lady were really a natural couple, and I didn’t think that now it had come true!

Only then did I see them both hugging each other, the lady’s face was red, I had never seen it before, it was really strange ~”

The little girl’s face was a little red, excited, and chattering.

Liu Shifeng heard the words, his face changed a little, and when he looked back at Ruan Ci, he saw the surprise and joy in the eyes of the other party.

“Lord, is it sir he…”,

Liu Shifeng reluctantly retracted his imminent affection, then stopped and said, “Don’t rush to make up your mind, first go and see before talking!” Ruan Ci glanced at it slightly, if it weren’t for his happy smile, how serious he was. – “Hurry up, don’t make people wait for a long time.” ”



In the hall, the redness on Liu Mengli’s face had not faded, and she looked at Fang Qin with some shyness.

Fang Cai’s intimacy had never existed, and she was still a little upset, and it took a while before she whispered:

“Thank you sir for sending Mengli back.”

There was also some amazement in my heart, even though Shouyang was not far from Huangshan.

But even a quick horse and whip also took a lot of time, but the husband brought her back, but it was only a moment’s time.

‘Ancient books have clouds, and they are close to the end of the world, and it is said that they are so magical, sir is really a very powerful person…’

Fang Qin smiled and said, “No thanks, I can’t see you come back alone.” ”

Liu Mengli’s heart was slightly warm, and she nodded slightly: “Sir, since you have come here, why don’t you stay and eat something before it is too late?” ”

“Oh, this… No need, stay to meet Liu Xian Ling and the two people, and then go back. “,

“Is this so…”

Although Liu Mengli was a little disappointed, he did not force it and nodded slightly.

“Sir, Mengli knows, and later… Mengli will often visit Mr. Mengli, hoping that Mr. will not be disgusted.”

Liu Mengli said softly, a little shy, the red halo that had just faded was burning again, but her eyes were full of seriousness.

Fang Qin said with a smile, “Good, but if you come so hard every time, but it is mine, if you want to come over in the future, you can just call me.” ”

Liu Mengli was slightly stunned, some understanding, thinking about the intimacy of Fang Cai, his heart was slightly sweet, and he softly muttered and agreed to come down.

In the middle of the conversation, there were footsteps outside.

“Sweet spot”


“Sir, thank you for sending Li Er back, you don’t know, how worried I am to be a father, hey~”

Liu Shifeng sighed and wiped his tears again.

Liu Mengli said apologetically, “I’m sorry to worry my father and mother.” ”

Ruan Ci smiled and said, “Don’t get in the way, don’t get in the way, as long as Li Er is all right, it’s also thanks to sir.” ”

Looking at his daughter and then at Fang Qin, he only felt relieved in his heart.

Fang Qin shook his head and said, “It’s okay, don’t be so polite.” ”

“Oh, yes, the future is a family, really do not have to be so polite, huh huh ~ ”

Liu Shifeng smiled and nodded, if it was not obvious before, then the look of her daughter now already explains everything.

The daughter’s lifelong events have finally come to an end, and she is still such a divine figure, and her heart is extremely happy.

In fact, if he didn’t know how the other party was, he would definitely be worried and uneasy in his heart.

However, this gentleman, although he is a god and immortal, but he has never had any discomfort in his several conversations, he is close to peace, and he also knows his personality quite well.

He was also extremely relieved to give his daughter to him.



Liu Mengli’s face was slightly stagnant, stained with a seductive red halo, wanting to say something.

“Lord, you say two less, Li Er’s affairs, just leave it to herself, don’t worry about us.”

Ruan Ci touched Liu Shifeng slightly and reminded.

Now that things have not come to fruition, don’t drag Li Er backwards on your side, let them decide for themselves.

“Ahaha, yeah, yeah, I don’t ask, I don’t ask, haha!”

Liu Shifeng was in a trance, and said hurriedly, and then remembered what Tao:

“Well, by the way, I don’t know what happened to Yun Xian’s nephew now?”

“He’s been out on a trip and probably won’t be back for a while.”


Both Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci were shocked and quickly asked why.

After a while of understanding, Liu Shifeng sighed:

“As it is, it’s really not good to stay in the mountains all the time, and it’s also right to go out and break in.”

“Sir, thank you for always taking care of Yunxian and his nephew, hey, this child~”

Fang Qin smiled, “I am related to him, and I don’t need to say thank you.” ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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