Shouyang City, the inner courtyard of Liu Province.

Liu Shifeng sighed a little, “Hey, sir, don’t stay a little longer.” ”

Ruan Ci said: “Sir, naturally there is his reason for leaving, so why should I force it?” ”

Fang Qin only stayed in the Liu Mansion for a little half an hour before he resigned and went back, which made Liu Shifeng and the two regret for a while.

As he was speaking, Liu Shifeng’s rather regretful face suddenly became interested, and he looked at Liu Mengli and said:

“Li Er, how are you and your husband?”

Although it seems that there seems to be some signs between the two, after all, they don’t know much.

Liu Mengli’s heart jumped, and his eyes were a little wandering, “… Dad, not what you think, I…”

Ruan Ci lightly touched Liu Shifeng and said, “Lord, let me tell you.” ”

After saying that, he sat down next to Liu Mengli, shook her jade hand, and said in a serious voice:

“Li Er, my father and I watched you grow up, can we still not understand you?”

If you don’t like Mr. You, you certainly won’t be so concerned, and in the recent past, you have obviously been much happier than before, how to hide from us.

Li Er grew up, and she was very happy to have someone she liked, and her father and mother were very happy. ”

Liu Mengli’s face was slightly red, and she sipped her red lips, but did not refute it again, and softly muttered.

When Ruan Ci saw this, a smile appeared on his face.

Liu Shifeng, who was beside him, was also secretly happy, and finally determined his daughter’s intentions in his heart, touched his beard and said:

“Good, good, Li Er finally found someone she likes, Daddy is very happy, or Mr. and other characters, I am also relieved.”

As he spoke, another burst of tears blurred his eyes, wiping his tears and saying:

“Hey, when Uncle Yun brought it over, you were so small, so you became a big girl,

I am really happy to get married, and I am reluctant to …”,

Ruan Ci had some helplessness in his heart, but he also said with some emotion, saying: “When my daughter is older, she will always marry out.” ”

“Marrying … Father… Mother, my husband and I have not yet reached such a close….. Don’t say that,……”

Ruan Ci smiled and looked at her daughter’s rather shy appearance, but also felt fresh,

In the past, her daughter’s indifferent nature was like water, and she and her grandfather could make her smile a lot,

Other times the look was extremely plain, and the two of them looked in the eyes and were often worried.

Now it’s good, not only made friends like Han Girl, but also liked people,

The whole person’s spirit seems to be different than before, although it is still a beautiful and elegant, quiet and silent nature, but I can feel that it is a lot more cheerful.” Well, the mother knows, the mother does not say. ”

Ruan Ci smiled and then looked at Feng Dao:.” Lord, you see, do we have to pick some more time to visit that Qingluan Peak with Li Er? It’s also good to have them more contact. – Liu Shifeng heard the words and said with a deep face: .

“Indeed, since Li Er has intentions, my father will operate more, take some time every month, and accompany him.”

Both of them knew that this was not an ordinary family’s marriage,

If it is ordinary, the door is right, the heart is in harmony, and the marriage contract can be made.

But now, it is a little unusual, but it can only give them more opportunities to get along.

Liu Mengli shook her head slightly and whispered, “No, sir, he told me that if you want to see him, you will…,..”

In short, don’t bother with Daddy so much. ”

Liu Shifeng and Ruan Ci were both relieved when they heard the words, well, even the way to meet had already been said, and it seemed that they didn’t have to worry about the two of them.

Liu Shifeng touched his beard, thought for a while, sighed inexplicably, looked at Liu Mengli’s eyes and had some hidden concern, and his smile narrowed a lot, saying:

“Madam, yesterday I was waiting for something to talk about, and you and Li Er said a word, and I will go to deal with the affairs of the city first.”

Ruan Ci nodded, “Okay, I see, sir, just go.” ”

“Li Er, when your mother speaks to you, listen carefully.”

Liu Shifeng nodded, stood up, and went out the door.

Some things are more appropriate for mothers and mothers.

Ruan Ci looked at Liu Mengli, who was a little confused, and his face was also serious:

“Li Er, I and your father, this period of time, but also think a lot, there are some things, need to talk to you.”

“We don’t oppose your affair with your husband, on the contrary, we agree very much, if it can be done, I and your father don’t have to worry about your future affairs, and after a hundred years, we can also feel at ease.”

“It’s just that there are some things that we think about carefully, and there are also a lot of hidden worries.

Mr. Immortal Figure, I want to live a long life for him, it is nothing, but Li Er, you are different. ”

“There is always an end to the life of mortals, if you …

After that, maybe you can only accompany her for a few decades, and by then, you are already the end of your life and your face is old, can you still maintain this heart?

After all, there is a difference between man and god, and there are some…

Me and your father, the only thing we have to worry about is this matter, Li Er, have you really thought about it? Must it be? ”

Liu Mengli heard the words and also fell silent.

In the past, she was very open to the matter of life span, and although she was curious about the legend of Qiu Xianqing, she would not be so eager to do so.

Now I also care about it…. (Deno Good)..,

Even if she knew and was taught the martial arts, she wasn’t sure if she could embark on the path of immortality, and if she could really keep going…

“Mother… Well, Li Er, I have already thought about it…,

Ruan Ci saw her thoughts and sighed,

Knowing her daughter, looking soft and weak, is actually very assertive, once the matter is determined, it will never change.

I think that even if she and others do not agree, she is afraid that she will not like others anymore…..

There was still some worry in my heart, but there was still a smile on my face:

“Well, it’s best if you can think clearly, no matter what decision you make, Daddy and Mother will support you!”

“Hmm…” ·

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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