The land of the Kunlun Mountains, the Qionghua Sect hidden on the peaks, a wonderful scene of the Immortal Family!

The four sword rays fell, and it was Murong Ziying who was a few people.

A little further away is the huge mountain gate of the Qionghua Sect, which reads ‘Kunlun Qionghua Sect’.

Xuan Jie exhaled, glanced at Yun Tianhe, and said with a delicate face:

“Ahem! Finally came back, all blame Tianhe, running around, wasting so much time. ”

After spending some time together, Xuanjie, Huai Shuo and Yun Tianhe also gradually became acquainted with each other, and their words were much more casual.

Yun Tianhe looked at the extremely magnificent scene in this vicinity with some amazement, listened to the voice, and scratched his head:

“No way, the bottom of the mountain is really interesting, everywhere is delicious, fun!” Oh well”

During this time, when he came to the bottom of the mountain, there were new and strange things everywhere, and he was very curious about it, plus he learned the art of the Royal Sword, and he could not avoid a rush.

Everywhere he saw things that seemed to him to be spectacles, and things that seemed ordinary to others.

Of course, it is not only interesting things, but also encountered some not very good things, such as the Taiping Village that I just met when I went down the mountain, which is not very friendly…..

Xuan Jie’s eyes lit up, as if he also thought of something, but 163 still hummed:

“It’s just average, and it’s not much fun.”

Huai Shuo said with some tears and laughter: “Xuan Jie, you still mean to say Tianhe, I see that you are also playing quite crazy.” ”

“Where’s the best for a living”

Murong Ziying said softly, “Well, there is no need to say more, first go to meet the boss and then say something else.” ”

He looked at Yun Tianhe and said, “Tianhe, you should also join us, if you want to know those secret things, maybe only the boss can know.” ”

Yun Tianhe clapped his fists and smiled, “I came here for this matter, I naturally want to go over together, hehe, ask about Daddy.” ”

Murong Ziying nodded, walked forward to lead the way, walked over a hundred meters, and when he reached the huge mountain gate, the two disciples who were guarding the gate were surprised to see several people.

“Uncle Ziying! You’re back? ”

“I heard that Uncle Shi went to Chen Zhou to investigate the formation, how did he go so long?” You okay? ”

Murong Ziying nodded, “Well, something happened halfway through, the two of you worked hard, I went to meet the boss first.” ”

Mingguang and Mingchen nodded in salute, and then looked at Yuntian Hedao, dressed as a hunter, with some doubt:

“Uncle Master, who is this?”

Murong Ziying said softly, “This is my friend, Yun Tianhe.” “,

The two looked at each other, their faces grimacing.

“This… Uncle Shi, you also know that martial law has recently begun in the door, and non-Qionghua people have been instructed by the boss not to enter at will. ”

“It doesn’t matter, there is me at the helm to talk about it, and besides, Tianhe and I Qionghua also have a relationship, you don’t need to worry.”

Murong Ziying’s face remained unchanged and he said softly.

Mingguang and Mingchen were a little hesitant, glanced at each other, or let go of the body.. After all, Master Ziying is the leader in the door, and his reputation is also quite high, and he has always been calm,

They also did not believe that Uncle Shi would bring irrelevant people back to the Qionghua Sect at will.” ….. Since Uncle Shi has said so, then·

Murong Ziying nodded slightly, glanced at the Yun Tianhe people, and signaled to follow.

Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo performed a ritual with Ming Chen and Ming Guang, and they immediately followed.

The four of them passed through the mountain gate, and Yun Tianhe couldn’t help but look around, and the first thing he saw was a tall jade statue standing in the center of the huge round platform in the distance.

It was a statue of a woman wearing a wide-sleeved fairy dress, and although the face made of jade was slightly blurred, it was faintly visible.

Peaceful in appearance, standing in the world, like a goddess who came to earth, holy and holy.

Yun Tianhe looked at it with some shock, and vaguely felt that there was an inexplicable sense of majesty on it, and he couldn’t help but be surprised:

“This, that’s…”

Murong Ziying looked at Tianhe and smiled:

“My Qionghua lineage believes in the Nine Heavenly Virgins, and this is the strength of the Qionghua Kaimei ancestors to find the treasure of the world,

The jade statue of the Lady of the Xuan, painstakingly cast, stands in the center of the entire Qionghua to allow the generations inside the Qionghua Gate to worship and worship! ”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and wondered:

“She… Is it awesome? Why do so many people worship her? ”

Xuan Jie smiled and said, “Stupid! I don’t understand this, the Nine Heavenly Goddesses are legendary and mythical gods, of course, very powerful! ”

Murong Ziying also considered it and said:

“According to legend, the Nine Heavenly Virgins are the daughters of the Heavenly Emperor, in a high position of authority, the Lord is in charge of the affairs of the soldiers, cursing the dangers of the world, saving the gods of the troubled and chaotic world, there are not many gods in the Divine Realm that can be invincible, and the divine powers are extremely vast!”

Yun Tianhe’s face was a little confused and he was about to speak.

Huai Shuo glanced at Yun Tianhe, and before he could ask, he knew what he wanted to say, and helped answer:

“In mythology, the Heavenly Emperor is the god who dominates everything in the world, rules over the gods of the god realm, and the innate gossip array that Uncle Shi went to Chen Zhou to check before

The legend is that it was laid down by the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor, so that all demons did not dare to come here to hurt people!

It also makes Chenzhou an excellent treasure on the bank of the Huai River, which is favored by the world! ”

Yun Tianhe was a little unaware and thoughtful:

“Oh, it sounds really powerful, so is it because of this that a stone statue is erected here?”

Xuan Jie corrected, “It’s a jade statue…”

Murong Ziying shook his head slightly, “Talk as you go.” ”

Several people headed in the direction of Qionghua Palace, and Murong Ziying said again:

“Tianhe, Qionghua Liyu is like this, not as you said,

If we trace the source, we can talk about the cause of the Qionghua Li School in a very long time.

The scroll in the door records that the ancestor of Qionghua had great fortune in his body, and in his dream, he was guided by the niece of the Xuan Maiden and understood the method of ‘unity of man and sword’.

He also gave the Heavenly Jewels, so I had the Dao Fa Xuan Gong and the Secret Sword Casting Secret Method of my Qionghua lineage.

In order to thank the niece for her favor, for this reason, Qionghua has believed in the Nine Heavenly Nieniang for generations. ”

Yun Tianhe suddenly realized, “It turns out that this is the case, so the martial arts of the Qionghua Sect are all taught by her.” ”

Thinking that the eldest brother had passed on his martial arts method, it seemed to be about the same as what these Nine Heavenly Nieces had done, and he scratched his head and smiled:

“In that way, I think the eldest brother is much stronger than her, huh.”

Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo were suddenly shocked, and looked at Yun Tianhe with stunned eyes, some unable to speak.

“Tianhe! Words of caution! ”

“You idiot, you can’t talk nonsense!” Aren’t you afraid of the punishment of the Nine Heavenly Virgins! ”

Although Xuanji Huaishuo was not like Murong Ziying, when Xiao Xiao was extremely young, he entered the Qionghua Sect.

But when I started worshipping, I was only when I was ten years old.

Worship and worship the Nine Heavenly Virgins with the Gate of the Day and the Heavens, and they are all those who believe in the gods in their hearts,

Naturally, there is a sense of awe of the gods who lift their heads three feet tall, especially in the current situation of the jade statue of Lady Xuanniang.

Seeing that Tianhe was a bit ‘out of his word’, he hurriedly reminded him.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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