
After spending a while together, Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo both knew the nature of Yun Tianhe, discordant of the world, simple to the extreme,

So for what he said, he also knew that he was not really speaking badly.

It is only a matter involving the gods, or it is better to be cautious.

Huai Shuo said in a serious tone, “Tianhe, you may not know the matter of the mythical gods, but you can’t arbitrarily arrange the Lady Xuan, it is disrespectful.” ”

The little girl Xuanjie also said, “Yes, yes, I have heard people say before that if you do not respect the gods, you will be punished by heaven, so terrible!” Aren’t you afraid? ”


Yun Tianhe only felt strange when he heard this, and said:

“I didn’t disrespect her, but I did think so, and I think the big brother is very powerful!”

He really thought this in his heart, first of all, he instinctively felt that the big brother could do anything,

It must be much more powerful than everyone else, and those gods will not be an exception.

The second was that the eldest brother passed on his martial arts method, and he felt it himself, feeling that it was much more powerful than the Qionghua Sect’s method.

Moreover, after seeing that Zi Ying had recently cultivated the Innate Fa, her breath had become much stronger.

Hence the conclusion.

Huai Shuo smiled bitterly, thinking about the mysterious person who was indeed extremely unfathomable,

But no matter what, how can man compare with the legendary gods?

Although he also vaguely felt that the predecessor might be an immortal who had attained immortality,

But even the immortals are not as good as the famous Nine Heavenly Virgins in mythology.

“Tianhe, I know that the predecessor is very advanced and extremely powerful, but for the Heavenly God, he still needs to be respected.”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head, still feeling wrong, but seeing that Huai Shuo was so insistent, he did not refute it.

“Is that so…”

Then he looked at Ziying and asked, “Ziying, do you think so too?” ”

He thought that Zi Ying had practiced both methods and should have felt something.

Huai Shuo and Xuan Jie also looked at Uncle Ziying with some strangeness, if it was ordinary, Uncle Shi should have stopped Tianhe from saying it earlier, so this time he hadn’t spoken for such a long time.

Murong Ziying opened his mouth, somewhat speechless.

Although it was a little bad to say it like this, he didn’t feel that there was anything wrong in Tianhe’s words.

After practicing the Innate Fa, in just ten days, his cultivation had already made great progress, and the magic of the three of them cultivating together was extremely amazing.

Moreover, thanks to his long cultivation and profound mana, although it was incompatible with the martial arts method, it was much faster to change cultivation than to start from scratch from scratch than to cultivate from scratch.

Now that it is already the Ten Heavenly Realms of Martial Arts, only if you cultivate your own spirit and spirit, when you reach the peak, you can break through the realm, you can reach the mysterious innate realm and gain a life expectancy of hundreds of years!

This is only a small part of the martial arts method, and this is already more mysterious than Qionghua’s mental method!

After that, there were four major realms, plus the other six heavenly closing methods handed down by the predecessors, which were all amazing laws, and all of them were truly immortal.

If you only look at the cultivation methods passed down by the Nine Heavenly Ladies and Daughters and the predecessors, there is no doubt that the two are more mysterious and more perfect and compatible with the predecessors.


Thinking about that astonishing glimpse at that time, the terrifying Excalibur I saw!

The vastness of the divine power that is faintly revealed, the heaviness of the pressure, makes people feel the most primitive fear and trembling!

It was definitely a terrifying power that destroyed the heavens and the earth, and even made him feel that the heavens and the earth were about to fall!

Such a vast and mighty power could never be a human power, and he had long guessed that the ancestors might be the gods of legend, the divine beings who only existed in the divine realm!

If this was the case, perhaps in the Divine Realm, the ancestors and the Nine Heavenly Maidens also knew each other.

I just don’t know which god the predecessor is,

He had a correspondence in his heart, but he couldn’t find a god that could correspond to it in many myths.

Moreover, in terms of mythology, the status of the Nine Heavenly Virgins is also extremely exalted,

Except for the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor who ruled the Divine Realm, there were only a very few who could hold on to it.

Such a comparison is completely incompatible, so that it is even more difficult to know the identity of the predecessors.

Whenever he thought about it, he felt that the predecessors were extremely mysterious, and it was really difficult to guess!

In fact, he had previously been skeptical about the records of gods and strange things that were only circulated in mythology.

After all, I’ve never really seen it,

The miracles circulating in the world are already recorded in a very long time ago, and it is difficult to determine whether they are true or not.

The only thing that could be judged was those mysterious and vast scenes in the world, but in his opinion, it was not necessarily only the work of the gods.

Even the legendary Fuxi Heavenly Emperor’s innate Bagua Formation that spread in Chen Prefecture, although the gods were incomparable, it was difficult to say that it was not the heavens and the earth that were generated by themselves.

After all, it is not impossible for the mysteries of the world to have such a divine image generated.

Therefore, for the Nine Heavenly Divine Lady Lady who had been worshipped for generations in the door, there was also some half-belief in her heart.

After all, it is only recorded on the scrolls of the Zongmen, but it seems to be a mythical story.

If there was indeed a divine bead in the door, it would certainly be even more difficult to believe.

Until he knew the senior, although he had never seen him shoot,

But only from the few means he occasionally used, he felt that all the legal truths in the world were contained in it.

There is also the vague shadow of the Excalibur that is still engraved in the mind, the sense of vast terror, and now I think that I will have a cold sweat on my back;

Just like the law of the martial path and the law of the six heavenly passes, such an incredible method, I think only the gods can do it.

After a long silence, Murong Ziying said slowly:

“I don’t want to discuss the matter of the gods later, but I should go to the boss first.”

If both were gods, he vaguely felt that no matter how he said it, it seemed inappropriate, and it was better to ignore it.

Although Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo both felt strange, they also agreed that it was reasonable and nodded their heads.

Yun Tianhe sighed, and still felt that his big brother was powerful, but seeing Xuanjie and Huai Shuo’s reaction, he didn’t say anything.

Anyway, he thought so in his heart, Xuan Jie couldn’t control what they thought.

I thought to myself, Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo must have never seen the power of the eldest brother, if they had seen it, they would certainly think the same as me.

The four of them were not talking about this, but talking about some other topics, but in a quarter of an hour, they had already arrived in front of the Qionghua Palace.


(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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