There were also two Qionghua people waiting outside the gate of Qionghua Palace, but the generation score was even higher.

“Brother Xuanyi, Brother Yuanyue!”

The two of them did not seem to be surprised to see this, and they bowed their hands and said, “Master Ziying! ”

“Brother Lao’s brother went to the head of the court, and Ziying begged to see him!”

Murong Ziying bowed to the two brothers of the same generation in the door and said softly.

The two looked at several people behind Murong Ziying, and their eyes stayed on Yun Tianhe’s body for a few moments, then they moved away and said:

“No, she has been waiting for a long time, so you can just go in and meet her.”

Murong Ziying was surprised for a moment, but still nodded:

“I know, thanks for informing! Tianhe, Xuanjie, Huaishuo, let’s go in. ”

The four of them slowly walked into the Qionghua Palace, and both Xuan Yi and Yuan Yue looked back, and they were frowning a little.

Seeing several people hiding inside, Yuan Yue said:

“Who is that man?” Looks…… It seems to be quite a bit of cultivation, but it feels weird and unusual…”

After a moment of silence, he said, “He is definitely not my Qionghua person, but he can get permission from the boss to enter, and I don’t know why.” ”

“I don’t know, the matter of the boss is not something that I can discuss, but Ziying…

Seeing that his breath was long, and his cultivation seemed to have made full progress, I couldn’t even see his depth. ”

Xuan Yi’s face was somewhat subtle, quite jealous.

Qionghua has been passed down from generation to generation, and to this day, Murong Ziying’s generation is the mainstay of the sect.

In the previous generation, most of them had already suffered heavy losses in the Demon World War nineteen years ago, and there was not much left;

In the next generation, the generation of Xuanjie and Huaishuo, they had just begun to cultivate and had not yet become a climate.

So today’s Qionghua values this generation.

Murong Ziying had entered the Qionghua Sect since childhood, and his talent was extraordinary, and he had fulfilled the inheritance of the sword-casting method that the Elder Sect had refined, which could be described as a superb cultivation and the ability to cast swords, which had always attracted the attention of the door.

Except for some brothers who started much earlier and had good talent who could stand up to them, the rest were difficult to compare.

There are many people in Suimen who are envious and jealous of his natural talents, and there are many criticisms in private, and Xuan Yi is one of them.

Yuan Yue thought about what Fang Cai was seeing, but also frowned and shook his head: “I can’t see it either, some time ago I obviously still …”

The two looked at each other, both a little hazy.


Qionghua Palace is full of aura, carved from jade, revealing extraordinary images.

Murong Ziying and the others came to the palace, and when they reached the center, they saw a tall figure standing on the platform in front of them, respectfully performing the ritual:

“Disciple Murong Ziying, see the boss!”

Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo, the two juniors, also hurriedly saluted, “See the boss!” ”

Su Yao looked back, slightly chin up, and first noticed the animal skin teenager,

Looking at Yun Tianhe and the slender sword he was carrying behind him, his eyes lit up slightly, and there was a faint excitement in his heart.

‘Son of the clouds… Wangshu Sword… It seems that his feelings are not wrong,

The loss and recovery of the Excalibur in the door also happens to be nineteen years now, and it is also providence….’

It’s just that……

Looking at Yun Tianhe’s eyes was a little strange, frowning slightly.

Yun Tianqing could not have taught him the Qionghua Secret Method, and saw that there seemed to be some cultivation,

Wrong…… It wasn’t the breath of the Qionghua Law, it was very strange, what was going on…’

His mind turned slightly, his doubts were heavy, and he calmed down his mood before he said softly:

“Well, Xuan Jie and Huai Shuo, you two go down first, I have something important to talk about with Zi Ying.”

“Yes, sir!”

The two should claim to be yes, looked at Murong Ziying and the two of them, and then retreated.

Su Yao temporarily ignored the matter of Yun Tianqing’s son and Wang Shujian, and looked at Murong Ziying:

“Zi Ying, tell me what happened during this time, do you know the reason for the so-called aura change?”

As he spoke, his face was suddenly a little suspicious, and he looked up and down at Murong Ziying, frowned, and said:

“You… Ziying, is your cultivation a great advance? ”

Fang Cai was attracted by the Wangshu Sword, and for a moment he did not notice it, but now when he saw it, he immediately noticed something strange.

When Murong Ziying had never descended the mountain before, although the cultivation was also quite profound, it was definitely not as deep as it was now, the breath was mysterious, and the cultivation of the situation seemed to be much deeper than before.

The most important thing is that strange mysterious aura, which makes her quite strange and difficult to explore.

After taking a look at the Yun Tianhe, I wondered in my heart, this faintly revealing breath was somewhat similar to this person, could there be any reason for this?

Murong Ziying had already anticipated this, and if the cultivation breath was not a much higher realm, it would be difficult to hide it, and he didn’t care.

The priest said, “Returning to the head of the family, I will be allowed to come with this matter.” ”

After saying that, he explained the general course of events, starting from feeling the change of the heaven and earth aura in the land of the female Luoyan to the general passage of the final return.

Hearing this, Su Yao’s heart skipped a beat, and his face changed suddenly,

The first reaction was ridiculous, just based on her understanding of Murong Ziying, she could never be the kind of gibberish, could she… Is it true!?

But that’s just too incredible!

The Yuntian River on the side is looking around, and I think this big room is interesting.

As for what Ziying said, he had long been commonplace, and he was not so surprised.

Murong Ziying finished speaking for a while, and Su Yao could not contain the shock and doubt in his heart, and frowned and asked:

“Are you saying that it covers the entire Shouyang, Huangshan, and even more extensive range, and the changes in Heaven and Earth Reiki are caused by one person!?” That’s what you said… Predecessor? ”


Murong Ziying also knew in his heart that this matter was too shocking, and saying that he knew about it with others would definitely cause shock and doubt.


Su Yao’s face changed, and with her cultivation realm, she could also be regarded as high and profound,

Except for the elders of the oldest generation and the frozen Xuanxiao in the forbidden land, no one in the door could surpass her.

But even so, it was hard for her to imagine what kind of realm of cultivation she needed to achieve, and what great power she needed to accomplish such a terrifying worldly thing!

Even her master, Tai Qing Zhen, could never do what Zi Ying had said.

If someone could really achieve such a mighty power, then the Qionghua Sect’s practice of netting the demon world did not need to be so at all.

Directly converging the aura around them, they could use enough vast spiritual power to stimulate the method of the double sword.

‘Wrong!! If anyone can do this, I’m afraid he’s not a mortal either, could it be…’

Su Yao’s face froze slightly, and she asked in a deep voice, “Ziying, the person you are talking about, could it be… Immortal? ”

Murong Ziying was silent for a moment, thinking that if he were to use the power of his predecessors, it would be difficult for the immortals to speak of their might, but it was the legendary gods who could have such a terrible divine power.

But he deliberated for a moment, or said: “Ziying does not know, the predecessors are extremely unpredictable, and Ziying is difficult to guess!” ”

The conjecture in his heart can only be a conjecture, although the predecessors let him do as he pleased.

However, he naturally did not arrange it arbitrarily, nor did he dare to talk nonsense and speak at will.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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