‘I didn’t expect that even if I didn’t pass on the advanced and profound immortal arts in his door, I could have such an earth-shattering encounter, which was really enviable…’

Su Yao looked at Murong Ziying, her face was somewhat subtle, and her perception of this Sect Elder was complicated in her heart.

There is both a sense of appreciation, but also a lingering jealousy in the heart.

She was jealous of all the most gifted people!

Among the disciples of the previous generation of Qionghua leaders of the Qing Dynasty, it can be said that they are the dragons and phoenixes among all the people, and they are talented.

Those who are as knowledgeable as Yu Yu and Xuan Xiao, and who have the body of the yin or the body of the yang, belong to the first gradient,

Lian Xihe and Wangshu double swords were also mastered by the two of them, becoming the double sword masters, and the strength of the talent was evident.

Although Xuan Zhen and Yun Tianqing did not have any strange physiques, their talents, roots, and understanding were not bad at all.

Although she alone is more talented than the others in the party, her talent is also decent.

However, among several extremely talented brothers and sisters, they can only be reduced to foils.

It is classified as the most ‘mediocre qualification’ category, and has never been valued by the Taiqing Zhenren and many elders in the door.

Over the years, I have developed a jealous heart, but I do not want to accept defeat, and I am the most diligent and diligent, strict with myself, and diligent in my practice.

I hope that Master and the Elder of the Gate will be impressed by her.

However, the talent is so good, no matter how hard you try, it is not as good as a few of your peers, and it is difficult for you to keep up with a few people.

Even the last beginner Yu Yu also came to the top, not only that, but also obtained one of the most important double swords in the door, the Wangshu Sword!

As a result, the jealousy in his heart deepened.

Speaking of the leader of the Qionghua Sect, it would have been impossible for her to fall on her no matter what,

It’s just that the chaos of nineteen years ago, the battle between Qionghua and the Illusion Realm, changed many things.

Qionghua suffered heavy casualties after this battle, and his vitality was seriously injured, and the Taiqing Zhenren, who was in charge, fell,

Even Taiqing’s eldest disciple, Xuan Zhen, died in this melee.

And Yun Tianqing and Su Yu could not bear this kind of purgatory-like fight on earth, and fled to Qionghua hand in hand.

The law of the two swords is indispensable, although the lord of the two swords is holding Xihe and Wangshu, the power is infinite,

However, it will also be affected by this extremely cold qi and yang qi, and it is necessary for both parties to support each other in order to maintain this harm.

In this way, it is also difficult to leave the other party, Xuan Xiao is the master of Xi and the sword, and loses the protection of the sword of Wangshu,

It also gradually fell into a state of rage eroded by Yang Yan, so it was finally frozen in the forbidden land by the combined forces of the elders and Su Yao!

In all these ways, under the karmic meeting, among the disciples of Taiqing, she was the only one left.

In the end, it turned out that she was the most inconspicuous of the many disciples and became the new leader of the Qionghua Sect.

This is something that no one has thought of, even herself.

However, on the one hand, she has aroused a competitive mentality in her heart, and she wants to prove her talent, which will never be worse than others;

On the other hand, she was anxious in her heart, afraid that some talented disciples under her would surpass her and lose her position as the leader.

Under the burden of gain and loss, the complexity of the heart is difficult for outsiders to be humane!

Seeing Murong Ziying’s talent, even she was extremely jealous in her heart, worried that he had cultivated too much and threatened her own leader.

So he deliberately suppressed his cultivation, and did not pass on his further Qionghua Dao Fa, and even his remarkable sword-casting ability was ignored.

If this were not the case, with Murong Ziying’s talent, in Qionghua, who was now in a depressed state, he would have been promoted to the elder generation a long time ago!

Only now, it seems that it can no longer be treated like this…

Her thoughts were chaotic, things were so strange and amazing that she didn’t know what to do now.

We can only leave it alone for the time being, and then we will talk about it after we think about it clearly.

Looking at Yun Tianhe, who seemed to be a little impatient, and seeing his face that was very similar to Yun Tianqing, he felt some inexplicable anger in his heart, and secretly said:

‘Yun Tianqing, Yun Tianqing, you have given birth to a good son, and the depth of the source of happiness is much higher than yours!’

I was able to make friends with such beings, and I thought I had gained a lot of inheritance, which is enviable, ahem!

…… Is it true that all in this world is so unreasonable?

It seems that the descendants of such rebels as you have been able to get this amazing opportunity, and I am still anxious about the sins you have committed…’

What Murong Ziying said, although it did not involve much Yun Tianhe, but it was roughly said,

Moreover, as long as you look at the mysterious breath on his body, you can know that he must have been taught the Fa just like Murong Ziying.

However, although my heart was uncomfortable, I could only bear my thoughts.

He said in a deep voice, “You… Is it the son of Yun Tianqing? ”

Yun Tianhe was looking around curiously, coldly asked by such a question, suddenly stunned, then surprised and happy, said:

“How do you know that you know my father?” Did he really stay here before? ”

Murong Ziying was also slightly shocked, and it seemed that Tianhe’s father did have a huge relationship with this gate.

“You are so similar to Yun Tianqing’s appearance, I don’t have to think about it.”

Su Yao had the past in his mind, and his face was somewhat cold:

“As for whether you know it? Oh, nature is to know, not only know, but also very familiar with, he, or my fellow disciples! ”


Both Yun Tianhe and Murong Ziying were shocked and looked at each other.

Su Yao’s face was a little cold, but in fact, he was helpless in his heart, and his previous plan was naturally to retrieve the Sword of Wangshu and calculate it.

Only now, knowing that the other party’s backstage is so terrible, does she dare to continue to calculate against him?

Naturally, it can only be done, and it is better to tell the truth.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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