“The boss and Tianhe’s father are the same door…”

Although Murong Ziying knew that there must be a source in it, he did not expect that there was such a relationship.

“Good value for money”

Su Yao looked at Yun Tianhe and saw the look of surprise on his face, his face was slightly cold, and he couldn’t help but say:

“How? Didn’t Yun Tianqing say anything related to you? Also……

He is a traitor who has done such a rebellious thing, and it is estimated that he is ashamed to mention it to you, and you do not know that it is also forgivable. ”

Murong Ziying’s heart was shocked, his face was moved, and he was a little shocked:

“Rebel!? This…… How could this be! Boss, is there a misunderstanding here! ”

It didn’t seem as simple as he thought!

Yun Tianhe was also slightly stunned when he heard this: “Traitor? ”

Immediately his face was slightly dark, and he frowned at Su Yao and said:

“You’re saying bad things about Daddy! I don’t quite understand what’s going on, but my dad certainly won’t be what you say! ”

Although his father did not teach him the cultivation method like Fang Qin’s elder brother, he was taught clearly and clearly as the principles and goodness that people should have in dealing with the world.

Many things he wanted to come to now were as clear as his father’s words.

How could someone as powerful as Daddy be like she said!

Naturally he wouldn’t believe what this woman was saying!

In addition, the love of father and son is thicker than water, and how can you see others talking about their fathers at will!


Some anger surged, the strength of the body rose slightly, the two breaths of one yin and one yang suddenly flowed, and the red and blue aura flashed!

The whole Qionghua Palace seemed to be caught in a situation of hot and cold, although it was not an extreme situation, but it was still quite amazing.


Su Yao’s heart jumped, and he was shocked by the momentum of Yun Tianhe, and his face was somewhat uncertain.

‘Such a strong breath, how can a young age have such a cultivation behavior!’ Although not as good as me, but there is a sense of danger,

And…… Is this breath, one yin and one yang, one cold and one hot, such an extremely antagonistic breath, is it a fire and a demon?

Wrong! It could be that it was also preached by the One…

It’s so mysterious! What kind of Dao Fa can possess such a divine image? ’

Su Yao’s face was solemn, and her heart was both marvel and envy, and her impression of the mysterious person was even more profound!

Seeing the image of yin and yang around him, Su Yao’s heart moved, and he thought about it.

Murong Ziyingxin suddenly lifted up, rushed to Tianhe’s side, stopped him slightly, and said:

“Tianhe! Calm down! There may be some misunderstanding in this! Listen to what the boss has to say! ”

Yun Tianhe frowned, “I know, I don’t do it!” ”

With his nature, he naturally will not shoot at will until he understands the situation.

Murong Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, not expecting that the atmosphere was still relatively gentle, and suddenly became tense.

He was also a little shocked when he was sandwiched between the two sides, worried that there was really a conflict.

If at that time, he really doesn’t know what to do!

Looking at Su Yao, he said, “Please also speak clearly!” There may be a misunderstanding here! ”

Yun Tianhe also gathered his own momentum, but he was still a little angry, frowning, and did not speak.

Su Yao’s face was not very good-looking, and he snorted coldly in his heart and said:

“When you and Ziying came to my Qionghua land, Yun Tianqing really didn’t say anything to you?”

Yun Tianhe frowned and said, “My father passed away at an early age, it has been many years.” ”

“Dead!? How could this be… Both men…”

The things that Murong Ziying said did not involve Yun Tianhe, so she did not know about it.

Su Yao heard that there was a momentary trance, thinking about the various things of the previous several fellow disciples, although there were many contradictions, but after all, there were still some feelings, and he sighed slightly.

Turning back, he took a serious look at Yun Tianhe, was silent for a while, and then asked:

“Your mother is Yuyu?” She…… Also died early? ”

Wangshu Sword’s spiritual power was silent, and when she first saw it, she had already realized that her jade master sister was afraid that she had passed away.

Without the support of Xi He’s sword, Wangshu was cold and helpless, and such a consequence was also reasonably expected.

“You even know my mother?” Indeed, listening to my father, my mother’s health was not very good, and she died not long after giving birth to me. ”

Yun Tianhe was shocked in his heart, and he wanted to know more about the past and answered silently.

Originally, I just wanted to know about my father’s affairs, but I didn’t think that my mother was actually related to this Qionghua Sect.

Since this woman knows her father, she should know a lot about her father!

He wanted to know about his father, and he still needed her to tell him.

Murong Ziying reacted, feeling a little incredulous in his heart, and said in a loud voice:

“The mother of Mo Fei Tianhe, is also in charge…”

“Yes, Su Yu and Yun Tianqing are both my disciples and sisters.”

Looking at the Yuntian River Dao in a state of surprise:

“Your father and mother must have died of cold invading their bodies!” Look at your look, I think what I said is not bad.

You know why I speak of Qionghua as a rebel, and I will tell you one by one now! ”

“Nineteen years ago…”

Su Yao knew that the deceased people had all died one by one, and she did not have the heart to mock again,

He began to talk about the old days in a whisper, from the Law of the Two Swords, the Great War of the Demon Realm, and finally to the escape of Yun Tianqing and Yu Yu, and the great war came to an end.

It took a while to finish speaking, looking at the two people’s somewhat shocked eyes, Su Yao looked inexplicable and said in a deep voice:

“Now, know why I said that!” Yun Tianqing and Su Yu were traitors to my Qionghua Sect!

The escape made my long-cherished wish soar in the past hundred years, and the painstaking efforts of several generations were wasted!

Since the Great War, countless disciples and elders, and even the former leader Tai Qing Zhenren’s fall, all the sacrifices have been wiped out!

The elders who still knew about this matter in the door, which one did not feel resentful in their hearts!

There is also a person who is most friendly with your father, and is also a brother of the same disciple, named Xuan Xiao!

He can be regarded as hating your father to the bone! Losing the protection of the Sword of Wangshu, day and night need to experience the burning of Xi and Yang,

The elders of the door and I had no choice but to freeze it into the forbidden land, and now it has been nineteen years!

Nineteen years! The vitality in the door was seriously injured, and now it has not yet recovered one-tenth of the previous pomp! I say that they are rebellious, and it is not too much! ”

“This!! Double Sword… Uncle Xuanxiao…”

Murong Ziying’s heart was shaken, and he did not expect that there was such a twist and strange reason for this.

Those two double swords were actually used for the method of ascension! More than ten years ago, the Demon World War contained so many things!

“Father, mother…”

Yun Tianhe was also in shock, and with some disbelief in his heart, he took out the Wangshu Sword, and he was a little stunned!

(ps: ask for customization, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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