Xuan Xiao’s mind turned, and he was a little moved, but he still sighed for a long time.

‘Unfortunately, the man that Su Yao said was…’

Although he wanted to know that this method might be of great benefit to him,

But by his nature, he would not have done anything inferior, and besides, the mysterious man was indeed not to be provoked.

Previously, although he was surprised by what Su Yao said, after all, he did not know whether it was true or false, and he was not really jealous.

It’s just that now when I look at the mysterious breath of this yin and yang mutual benefit, I have already made up my mind that this method is indeed infinitely more advanced than the Qionghua Heart Method.

Those who can pass on such a Dao Fa should definitely not be underestimated!

Perhaps it was really as Su Yao said, a Taoist immortal.

But even so, this has given me a lot of insight, and maybe I can use it to improve my Dharma…”

Thinking of this, Xuan Xiao stared at it and carefully felt the magic of the balance of yin and yang.

The face of Su Yao on the side changed slightly, and he also looked at the breath of Yun Tianhe, and he also hoped to gain something.


After a while, Yun Tianhe breathed out, slowly gathered his breath, looked at Xuan Xiao in the icicles and said softly:

“Well, now it’s time for you to talk about my father-in-law!”

Xuan Xiao was slightly disappointed, such a short time, very little gains, if it could be longer, it might be very different.

However, although disappointed, with his arrogant nature, he was not prepared to say anything more in this matter.

“This method is really very mysterious, and it can be done like this…

The person who preached your Dao Fa must be unfathomable to him, and the realm cultivation is unimaginable.

I want to thank you for seeing such a method!

As for…… Your parents, alas, let me tell you carefully about the events of that year.

At that time, I was the same door as your parents…”

Su Yao’s heart hummed slightly, but with Xuan Xiao’s description, there seemed to be a trace of remembrance in his eyes, and he didn’t look over his head slightly, and was silent.

Time passed, and Xuan Xiao’s words gradually came to an end.

“…… At that time, Su Yu and Yun Tianqing looked for me, hoping that I could think like them, and persuaded me to give up this net…

Oh, what I have learned in my life, but in order to become an immortal, coupled with the painstaking efforts of countless generations of people in the gate,

If they retreated, wouldn’t all of them be turned into useless deeds, and those elder disciples who had already sacrificed themselves would also die worthlessly!

How can I stop there…

The last thing, you know, I will not say more. ”

“Yun Tianhe, you say I hate your father?”

Oh ~ hate or resentment, maybe you are right?

Countless sacrifices have been lost under the escape of the two of them, and I naturally have a grudge.

But this mood, but there is still a layer of regret, I have been thinking about it for nineteen years…

If yes, if I am… Alas, who can say clearly what was right and wrong back then…”

Su Yao’s face was slightly moved, and she wanted to say something and stopped, and finally she also sighed slightly.

Yun Tianhe listened carefully, and rarely thought about it carefully, and only after a while did he say:

“Just now you said the Netted Demon Realm… What is it going to do? ”

Previously, Su Yao did not say much about this matter, only said the battle of the demon world, but did not explain the reason.

Su Yao’s eyes were slightly condensed, which involved Qionghua’s secrets, but he thought that this person knew so much about the Qionghua Sect’s secrets, and it was not bad for this.

He continued, “The method of the ascension of the two swords of this gate requires a vast spiritual power, and there is a huge spiritual power contained in that demon world.” ”

Yun Tianhe heard that there was some trance, thinking about what his father had done, and finally breathed a sigh of relief,

He said, “I understand now!” You want to ascend to immortality, but you want to rob other people’s things,

The so-called Double Sword Net Demon Realm and the Great War between the Illusion Realm and the Illusion Realm were also provoked by yourselves, and in the final analysis, it was you who also provoked it…”

He paused again, thought about it, got nothing, and scratched his head.


Xuan Xiao’s inexplicable voice came and said softly:

“Are you trying to say we’re to blame?” Yun Tianhe, you are a son of the same as your father…”

‘The benevolence of a woman. ’

Su Yao, who was beside him, also said with some sarcasm, “Slaying demons and exorcising demons is a natural and righteous act, and it is also reasonable for me to be able to sweep away the demons for the people of the world and seize the Purple Spirit Crystal in this way.” ”

Yun Tianhe frowned, “No! You’re talking about fallacies! The eldest brother said that there are no only beings in the world, and if they are not evil, why should they be killed! ”

Su Yao frowned when he heard the words, but he did not think that it was reasonable, but he had some scruples, and it was not easy to refute it.

“The one… So much so!?

Is it the one who is high above and has only compassion for the weak? ……

Anyway, things have already told you, whatever you think, I want to suppress the Yang Qi in my body, Su Yao, take him away. ”

Xuan Xiao was quite surprised, but now, he had no mind to say much, and with a hint of understanding from Fang Cai, he wanted to participate in the study for a while, so he issued an eviction order.

Su Yao turned back to look at Yun Tianhe and said, “Let’s go.” ”

Yun Tianhe did not respond, but said to Xuan Xiao, who was frozen in the ice:

“Xuan Xiao! How are you going to get out? ”

Su Yao was shocked and said, “Yun Tianhe! What are you doing here? ”

Xuan Xiao: “…! ”

“Oh? You want to get me out? In this way, do you think that your parents are doing something wrong? ”

Yun Tianhe shook his head, “No! If things are the same as you say, I think my daddy did the right thing!

It’s just that……

I think they just left you like this, and it doesn’t seem good that you are frozen, so tell me how to save you out? ”

“…… Haha, interesting, Yun Tianhe, I appreciate you more than your father!

No wonder that one is willing to teach you the Fa, if I see it, I can’t say that I will also pass on your Fa…

However, there is no need, if I wanted to come out, this Xuan Bing would have been unable to trap me!

It’s just that…… Just have some scruples. ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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