Su Yao’s face darkened slightly, but he also knew that what he said was right, and the momentum of yesterday had proved this matter.

The other party’s cultivation should not be difficult to break through the ice.

Yun Tianhe was a little confused and asked:


“…… Naxi and Yang Yan are growing stronger every day, and without the help of this Xuan Ice Cold Qi, it won’t be long before I will be burned again.

Although I am much stronger now than I was nineteen years ago, but… In less than half a year, it may fall into the consequences of the erosion of Xi and Yang Yan,

In the end, it is not much different, what is the use of going out? Just lingering in this Xuan Ice! ”

Xuan Xiao preached here, in a calm tone, as if the frozen person was not like him, without emotion.

Yun Tianhe was surprised for a moment, and said with some hesitation:

“Can’t come out for so long, that… Are you stuck in the ice? No other way to leave? ”

“Oh, all cause and effect is the sword of Na Xi He, and if you can resist the impotence in it, you can have no worries.”

…… As for the method, it is not that there is none, so far, I think there are only two ways that may help me.

One of them is to find three things from yin to cold! In the midst of Xuan Bing, I understood a mental method that could slightly compete with the power of Xi He.

If I could have three Yin Cold Instruments, I would no longer have to fear the power of Xi and Yang Yan! ”

Xuan Xiao didn’t know why he was willing to continue talking to this young man.

Maybe he hasn’t opened his heart to speak in nineteen years? Or is the other one the son of those two? Or both.

But since you’re in the mood again, you can do as you please.

When Yu Yao heard this, he was shocked and envious, and he did not expect that the other party could actually understand such a method under such circumstances, and envied his superb understanding.

Although he handled the affairs in the doorway, he also practiced diligently every day, but the gap in cultivation was getting wider and wider, and he was quite unwilling in his heart.

As for Xuan Xiao’s ice-breaking thing, if it was true, she would not be able to stop it, nor would she stop it in name!

Frozen Xuanxiao, at that time, it occupied the great righteousness, and now the other party has found a way to control its own power,

Then, she had no reason to stop it, and the elders in the sect knew about it and wouldn’t let her hinder it.

Yun Tianhe heard the words and muttered to himself, “Three cold weapons? ”

Thinking of the two methods Xuan Xiao had said, he asked, “What about the second method?” ”

Xuan Xiao was silent for a while, and his tone was inexplicable:

“The second method is the Fa you are practicing…”

Yun Tianhe was a little surprised to hear this, but Su Yao on the side was shocked and immediately spoke out:

“Xuan Xiao! What do you want to do! It has been said before! You…… Don’t be fooled! ”

The worst thing is coming, and the scruples in her heart are here!

“Yun Tianhe, the Fa you cultivate contains yin and yang, and it is extremely mysterious, if I can take this view,

Perhaps it is not impossible to understand the way of yin and yang mutual help and to resist Xi and Yang Yan.

Of course, this is just a conjecture of me, how it should be, and I am not reluctant. ”

Xuan Xiao ignored Su Yao and said bluntly.

He didn’t care, he just thought that this son of Yun Tianqing was quite interesting, so he told him the method to see what he did.

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and said, “The eldest brother still has to pass on my method with his consent, I can’t decide.

Or let’s talk about the first method, what are the three cold devices you are talking about? Where are they? ”

Xuan Xiao’s voice said softly, “No problem, there is no such expectation.”

As for the three cold devices…

I don’t know, but there are two elders in the Qionghua Gate who should know about this, and I used to… It was also from both of them that they had heard about it. ”

When Yu Yao heard this, he already knew what he was talking about, and he was silent.

“Who?” Yun Tianhe asked.

“These are two elders who live in seclusion in the Qingfeng Stream on the back mountain of Qionghua, Qingyang and Chongguang.”

Speaking of this, Xuan Xiao’s tone was quite subtle: “Do you really want to help me?” ”

Yun Tianhe nodded slightly, but shook his head again:

“I… In fact, I don’t know, I haven’t figured it out yet, but if I think I should help, then I will definitely not resign! ”

He still had some concerns in his heart, and he wanted to confirm it again and make plans at the end!

I don’t know, if Dad knew such a thing, what would he think? Will it help Xuan Xiao? It should be…

If only I could see my father, Ghost World…’

“Oh, do as you please, Su Yao, take him away.” Xuan Xiao laughed softly and didn’t care.

Su Yao said coldly, “Let’s go, we’re going out.” ”

Saying that he had walked out, Yun Tianhe did not refuse this time and followed up.

“Yun Tianhe…”

There was a slight sigh in the Xuan Ice Cave, which was inaudible.


Outside the mouth of the cave, the stone door gradually closed.

Yun Tianhe pondered in his heart and asked Su Yao, “That, where Xuan Xiao just said, can you tell me?” ”

“…… I will let Murong Ziying take you over. ”

“Me, one more question, do you know how to get to the ghost world?”

I heard my eldest brother say that there are ghost worlds in the world, and people will go there after they die. ”

Yun Tianhe seemed to think of something and suddenly asked.

Su Yao looked back at the teenager and was slightly silent for a while before he said:

“Ghost world? Why do you ask that? Since ancient times, yin and yang were separated, and that place was the place with the heaviest yin qi in the world, and ordinary people could enter it! ”

“After a person dies, since he has become a ghost, then Daddy should also go there, and I want to meet him.”

Yun Tianhe scratched his head and said that although he already knew roughly what had happened, he still had a little doubt in his heart, and he wanted to meet his father before making the final decision.

Of course, the idea of seeing my father’s side had long existed, and before on the Qingluan Peak, I listened to Elder Brother Fang Qin say some things about the ghost world, and knew that all the undead souls would return to the ghost world, so I had this idea faintly.


Su Yao shook her head slightly, only to feel that this son was really whimsical, and turned around and continued to walk while walking:

“Your idea is ridiculous to the extreme, not to mention how big the ghost world really is, and you want to find your father from countless souls, like a needle in the sea,

Moreover, your father has been dead for such a long time, and I am afraid that if you reincarnate early, you will go, and it will be in vain. ”

She wasn’t stupid, she didn’t tell Yun Tianhe about such things, and she didn’t need to say much.

Mingzhe kept himself, said less and made fewer mistakes, and Yu Yao was quite cautious in this matter.

Yun Tianhe sighed, not saying much, but thinking in his heart:

This woman didn’t want to say anything, I asked the others, and if I couldn’t ask, I could only go back and ask the eldest brother, he must know. ’

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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