
Ten days later, the boundary of Chenzhou, a hidden place on the top of the mountain.

Fang Qin sat here with his eyes closed, perceiving everything around him, and it took a while before he opened his eyes and a wisp of dark color appeared.

“Ding, understand the [innate Bagua Formation], get qi luck points…”

The eyes looked flat at the whole realm in the distance,

In his eyes, a rather huge formation appeared between the mountains and towns.

Shrouded in the entire Chen Zhou Realm, the aura flickered, and it was extremely mysterious.

However, in such a scene, the mortal flesh is mortal, without the blessing of mana, but it is difficult to see.

Only a cultivator who has entered the path of cultivation can feel such a vast array.

It was exactly the legendary Heavenly God Fuxi who set up the Heavenly Bagua Array in the Chen Zhou Territory!

Words have the effect of suppressing demons, so that evil spirits do not dare to invade this place.

Previously, Murong Ziying had come here, and the main purpose at the beginning was to detect whether the innate Bagua Formation here was in a different state.

Of course, with Murong Ziying’s realm cultivation, it was naturally impossible to change the Fa Array here in the slightest, just to explore the changes.

In fact, not only the Qionghua Sect, but also the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, the rest of the Kunlun Eight Sects, or all kinds of cultivators in the world, often come here to explore the formation.

As for why it is so important, it is because this place has a long history, and it is one of the places where the Terran race rose in ancient times.

And in previous dynasties, many of them were built here, the dragon qi was thick, and the human qi operation was one of the few places in the world.

In this way, nature cannot be lost, and it needs to be guarded.

Fortunately, there was a legendary Heavenly God Fuxi descending from the Heavenly Array, and there was no need to guard it.

It is enough to check the situation of the Fa Array only occasionally, of course, many people believe that the Fa Array here is a vision of the formation of heaven and earth, but there are many theories.

However, no matter what, coming here every once in a while to explore the innate Bagua Formation can also be regarded as a matter of mutual tacit understanding between the Immortal Gate Sect in the human world.

However, these rumors and anecdotes that Murong Ziying had said, now in Fang Qin’s view, there were many strange places.

Fang Qin looked subtle, and there was thought in his eyes.

“This method of law to remove those gossip methods, in fact, is just a curse evil array, which is really useful for this place,

But there seems to be something else in the interior, luck…

Suppress Terran luck? What did Fuxi do…”

This so-called innate Bagua Array contains Bagua mysteries, with mountains and rivers as the basis, feng shui as the array, hooked up, there are many mysteries,

It is indeed an extremely mysterious array, but it is an ordinary cultivator, and it is difficult to reproduce the slightest bit of the Dafa Array after exhausting a lifetime!

It is no wonder that many cultivators think that the great array of Fa here is innate, and it is really so powerful that it is unimaginable.

However, that was what ordinary people said, in Fang Qin’s eyes, the performance revealed by this array of methods was not surprising.

Hidden under such a large array, there are other more mysterious and obscure formations, involving the power of qi and luck.

Even Fang Qin saw it, and he also felt quite mysterious, and after a while of understanding, he gained something.

And after the enlightenment comprehended, it was found that the inner array was a formation that suppressed qi luck.

The luck of this boundary can be maintained at a critical point, and there will be no change in anything below this.

When qi luck is at its peak to a certain extent, it has a devouring and suppressing effect, maintaining the qi luck of a place below the critical point.

Although there is nothing extremely bad about the Terran race, the impact is subtle and far-reaching.

Humanitarian luck will always remain in a downturn, and no matter what, it will be difficult to make any huge changes in the future, that is, there will be no chance of rising.

“What Fu Xi did was related to the war between man and god in that long time?”

Worried about the rise of the Terrans? So suppress the Terran luck… And the imperfect way of practicing…”

Fang Qin’s eyes lit up slightly, and there was some clarity in his heart, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be mocking.

“Is this so…”

With a single thought, mysterious charms appeared, just like the arrangement of the arrays, forming a tiny gossip diagram, swirling and flowing, and the mysteries were very mysterious.

Fang Qin stretched out his hand a little towards the eye of the distant Heavenly Array Method,


The Bagua Tu composed of the runes suddenly emitted the aura of the Dao, and when he saw the wind, he grew long,

However, in a few breaths, it was extremely vast, enveloping the entire Chen Prefecture boundary, in line with the innate Bagua Formation.

At the moment of contact, the array roared, the sky suddenly changed, and the wind and clouds surged forward!


A mighty divine thought that came from nowhere suddenly descended and swept through,

Instantly locked on Fang Qin’s body, infinite pressure descended.


The whole mountain roared, and it seemed that it could not withstand it, and tiny black cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

Such a terrifying power, if you are an ordinary cultivator, you are a person who has attained immortality, and even if you are afraid that it is impossible to resist.


Fang Qin snorted slightly, and the divine thoughts that had locked on him instantly dissipated without a shadow and turned into nothingness!

With no expression on his face, he looked indifferently at the sky, and seemed to see through many obstacles a majestic figure hidden in the infinity.

“This array will cease to exist in the future!”

The voice rang out, and I didn’t know who it was addressed to.

Fang Qin retracted his gaze, ignored it, and with a slight hint in his hand, countless Divine Realm runes suddenly appeared in the entire Chen Prefecture’s Innate Bagua Formation.

The next moment was swallowed up by the mysterious charm on the Bagua Diagram unfolded by Fang Qin.

The new array of light shines brightly, forming a delicate balance between the feng shui, aura, and humanitarian breath of the whole Chen Zhou.

A huge force of qi seemed to soar into the sky, Fang Qin’s mind moved, and the array of laws disappeared in an instant, as if nothing had changed.

However, this formation has already changed completely, and the method of suppressing qi luck has completely lost its effect, and has turned into a method of containing qi luck.

“Ding, get luck points…”

Fang Qin stood up and didn’t care about Fang Cai’s change and that divine thought.

It was nothing more than a thought that Fu Xi had left here, and he was not afraid to face Fu Xi directly, so how could he take this divine thought to himself.

However, with this, he also began to understand a little bit of the power of the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor, which was extremely difficult to underestimate, and the interest in Fang Qin’s heart was even stronger.

In his heart, he was also sure that the sense of crisis that had been haunting his heart really came from the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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