
“But… This Fuxi may not be too calm. ”

Fang Qin thought about the past and was quite surprised.

Previously, when he was at Qingluan Peak, he had already felt that sense of crisis.

It is speculated that the Fuxi Heavenly Emperor may have known of his existence through some kind of divine power, but he did not make any action for a long time.

Now that he had directly changed the innate gossip formation method that remained in Chen Zhou, the other party had not changed.


“Be extremely cautious!”

Fang Qin muttered thoughtfully.

“Or is it because of the difference in time between the two worlds…”

It is rumored that there are two worlds of man and god, one day in heaven and one year on earth, so it seems that it can be explained slightly.

However, if the other party is the Heavenly Emperor, but is affected by such a speed of time, then the authority he holds seems to be somewhat inconsistent with his Heavenly Emperor Fruit Position.

“Forget it, anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, now …”

Fang Qin’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the northern land of Chen Zhou.

In that place where the sky is cloudy and foggy, there is a huge hanging city hidden in it, which is the place where various worldly treasures are placed in the legend, and the shrine is sealed.

It turned out that in the plot, the artifact Houyi Shooting Sun Bow was also from here.

When the Bagua Formation was changed, except for a single thought that remained in the formation,

There is also a much weaker divine thought that descends here, and its source is that place.

“Will God say anything…”

Fang Qin’s figure flashed and disappeared without a trace!


There didn’t seem to be any change in the land of Chen Zhou, only that human qi fortune began to gather and climb.

Previously, the huge changes in the entire Fa Array were controlled by Fang Qin,

The mortals here were only shocked by the sudden change of color of the heavens and the earth, and then when they saw that it had returned to normal, they only thought that it was a bad day today, and did not think much about it.

Only those very few cultivators, and those who were advanced in the realm, vaguely felt something, and looked at the qi machine that began to gather in the sky, and they were shocked and uncertain!

Near Chao Lake, not far from Chen Zhou, Chongguang and Qingyang looked at the calm sky in the distance with some stiffness.

Looking at each other, they were all a little shocked and shocked.

“That direction is Chen Zhou… Could it be that the innate Bagua Formation has changed!? ”

“It seems so, just… Why the gas machine that was revealed was quite strange. ”


Above the Ninth Heaven is the legendary place where the gods live, the Divine Realm!

Since the Divine Realm was separated from the Human Realm, it was difficult for ordinary people to have the opportunity to ascend to the Divine Realm.

Here the aura of heaven and earth can be called the best in the world, and some of the spiritual qi convergence, and even the spiritual liquid like a river appears, slowly flowing around the divine realm.

This is a phenomenon that only occurs when the aura is concentrated to a certain extent, and it is a wonderful scene.

In the infinite light of the sky, a light suddenly appeared, and an unimaginably majestic figure sat in the treasure hall,

The Dao Dao halo appeared all around the body, and infinite power was contained inside, just like the master of the world, controlling all the power.

The temple was made of spiritual jade, infinite divine magic appeared, and above the white jade pillar of the Dao, there were qi luck dragons and beasts wrapped up, solemn and solemn!

In the main hall, there was the figure of the Dao Dao God’s light, and the breath exuded by each Dao was extremely vast and unimaginable.

That majestic figure was located in the central place, sitting here for many years, as if it was pretending to sleep, spitting out a breath of God, and there was infinite creation and mystery.

The ghostly light of the eyes appeared, as if they were open, and the scenes of all walks of life in the world seemed to emerge and evolve in their eyes one by one.


Suddenly, his figure suddenly opened his eyes completely and looked at the land of Chen Zhou in the human world.

The incredible man’s gaze seemed to have crossed many obstacles and glanced at him.


“…… Not in the Six Realms, nor in the Five Spirits, why…”

The Fuxi Heavenly Emperor, who had been the master of the Divine Realm for a long time, had a momentary look of anger and confusion in his eyes, and it was rare to feel that something was beyond his control.

As the Heavenly Emperor who was in charge of the world, his divine powers were vast, and he had already discovered that there seemed to be a change in the human world, so he searched for the power of heaven and earth and traced back to the source, but found that it was actually a human race.

A mortal person, even if he had attained the existence of an immortal, as the Heavenly Emperor of the Divine Realm, would not pay much attention to it.

The gap between man and god is extremely huge, and even if you continue to practice and live countless years, it will not change!

The gods are vast, and the people are small, and this is the heavenly reason!

But the person who surprised him was completely different, and the strength of the other party even made him feel a shock when he saw it!

Even the means he had left in the world in ancient times had been eliminated by him at will.

Although I have not been able to observe it carefully, one thing can be known, that is, the essence of its life is at least not weaker than God!

Of course, if it was just that, he would find it interesting at best, and he would not have any other emotions.

The most important thing was that all the causal fates in his body were like a fog and blank, and even as a Heavenly Emperor, it was difficult for him to explore.

Such a strange thing is really the first time in the world that I have seen such a situation.

Together with Nuwa and Shennong, who were the second of the Three Emperors, it was impossible for them to have such means.

Even he was shocked and suspicious, and unconsciously brought a hint of caution.

If it weren’t for this, he would have erased all uncontrollable existence long ago!

Now it is necessary to test a bit, groan a little, and say with Tianxian in his mouth:

“God will obey the command!” Order you to go all out in the Nether to guard the Fengfeng Shrine! No mistakes! ”

A cold figure with wings on his back suddenly came to the temple and bowed down and bowed, “Obey the orders of the Heavenly Emperor!” ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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