After collecting a considerable number of cultivation methods, the treasures of the Fengshen Tomb Land here lost their appeal to Fang Qin.

I only ingested some things that I found interesting,

Such as “Yin Yang Purple Que”, “Warm Jade”, “Pure Stone” and so on, this world is unique to things, and rare spiritual things in the world.

Although there is no special role for Fang Qin, it is also good to expand the collection in the [space].

Fang Qin stood in the void and glanced at the Jurchen Divine General,

The golden flame on his body has gradually spread, and everything around him has not been affected by this flame.

It was just that its immortal divine body began to show a burning mark, and the cracks and fine lines of the Dao Dao began to spread.

“But it is worthy of the office of God’s general, and his heart is firm, but he can persist for so long.”

Fang Qin said lightly, but he was not ready to continue, if the other party could really survive the pain of this illusion sun burning, it would be considered that he had passed this pass.

Then his face was a little subtle, and he looked up at the sky, and his heart was a little muttering.

‘Maybe I’m too calm, I didn’t react at all…’

Previously, it seemed to be a word spoken to the god general, but in fact, the drunkard’s intention was not to drink, but mainly to listen to the god lord Fu Xi.

What is happening in this place, with the power of Fuxi, must be known,

I thought that the other party had been sitting on the throne of God for many years, and he should hold it very high, but he didn’t have any reaction.

Fang Qin groaned for a while, and then he no longer cared, his mind moved, and he disappeared.

Among the Fengshen Mausoleum, it seems that calm has once again been restored, and only the god who stands stiffly in it will be silent, his eyes are sluggish,

Caught in the illusion, constantly burned by the void of Jin Yan.


In the city of Chenzhou, people come and go, and there is an endless stream.

This place is a treasure land on the bank of the Huai River, coupled with a long history, it is also one of the most prosperous places in the world.

In a restaurant, there were many idle young people in the city chatting, talking about the world, and a man suddenly said with great interest:

“Hey, have you heard?” The ‘First Talent of Chen Zhou’ of the Jing family in the city was once again demonizing everywhere, and this time he was actually selling his so-called calligraphy and paintings.

Haha, I didn’t look at him before, now it seems that the face of the little devil’s head is not generally thick,

Such a humiliating and conspicuous thing is not ambiguous at all! Hahaha! ”

“Oh, Brother Ming also saw the little devil’s calligraphy and painting?” Haha, although not eye-catching, especially clumsy, but can make you and me laugh, it is also good, haha! ”

As soon as the words came out, many people showed a look of contempt and laughed at each other.

After one of them laughed, as if thinking of something, he shook his head and sighed:

“Alas, it is just a pity that Lord Jing is so talented, so noble that there is such a thing in the family… It’s a home misfortune. ”

The diners around them also showed a look of pity.

The name of Lord Jing Hengjing, which most people have heard, is a high official born in Chen Zhou City.

Previously, he was an official who paid homage to the imperial court, Shangshu, but he was a well-known Qing official.

Unfortunately, a few days ago, he was dismissed from his official post by the Right Minister, and had to return to Chen Prefecture for retirement.

Its past deeds are also the things that many people are talking about, and the matter of the title of the Golden List is even more far-reaching.

Unfortunately, the only son is a well-known joke, and it is a pity that many people secretly laugh at it.

Some people around saw this, and they couldn’t bear to frown and retorted:

“Hey, don’t say that, this kid isn’t very good…

But there was also filial piety, and I heard that Lord Jing seemed to be sick on the way back to Chenzhou.

You also know that Lord Jing is a very good official and a clean official, and there is no extra money in the family, and now he can’t get out of it.

But the little prince of the Jing family also wanted to raise some medicine money for his father everywhere, which showed that pure filial piety and good intentions, although his calligraphy and paintings …”

The first few people who laughed at them looked stiff and a little embarrassed, and when they saw the people around them look over, they showed shame on their faces and said:

“There are such things, but I don’t know…”

Someone skimmed his lips, looked down on the faces of these people, and said:

“What is the use of saying this, but it should also be said that Lord Jing is a good and clean official, and the source of blessings is deep,

It is said that a few days ago, the prince of the Jing family received help from a noble person, and Lord Jing’s illness was heard to have been cured. ”


A crowd of people looked at each other and asked questions.

The man said somewhat proudly, “Hey hey, that was a few days ago, and few people have seen it, so it’s normal for you not to know.”

At that time, the Jing family prince was selling calligraphy and paintings, and everyone else was reading jokes, when suddenly a woman asked him how much this painting cost?

That Jing Gongzi also knew that his paintings were not valuable, and said fifty words,

Before the girl could speak, she felt embarrassed and lowered the price first.

The girl was not annoyed, but only said, ‘Although this painting is not good, your filial piety is commendable, and I have a small charm to ensure peace, can I exchange it with you?’ ’

Hey hey, at that time, that Jing Gongzi had not sold a single calligraphy and painting for a long time, and he couldn’t get over the face, where to care about anything, plus the peace charm meant good, he also nodded his head and agreed. ”

The faces of the people around them speculated in amazement: “That little charm must have a mysterious mystery inside, could it be that Lord Jing is like this?” Could it be that the woman was a strange man? ”

“You guessed it! As for the woman…”

Speaking of this, the man hissed, a little suspiciously, and when he saw a crowd of people looking puzzled, he immediately explained:

“It is strange to say, that woman was born extremely beautiful, it is not too much to say that she is a fairy in the sky, and many people around her look stupid,

But such a beauty, no one had noticed it before, until she spoke out, and then…

It was a little strange, and now that I think about it, I can’t even remember the girl’s face. ”

The crowd was a little surprised to hear this, and they made their own remarks.

“This… Didn’t you meet the fairy goddess? Lord Jing is such a person, even the immortals can’t bear to be sick, that’s why…”

“Probably not, where in the world is there such a miracle…”

“You are wrong, you have not had it before, but this year there have been many anecdotes.”

Didn’t it blow a few days ago? We Chenzhou, at such a time, where has there been such a climate?

The old people in the family all said strange things, afraid that something was wrong, and burned some incense to ask for blessings! ”

“Yes, indeed, there were many more winds in those days than at other times, never before.”

“Not really! Some time ago, didn’t there also be many rumors in Shouyang and Huangshan? Say the gods in the mountains and the like…”

“What you said is nothing, just rumors, but I have seen a miracle!”

A few days ago, I went to the mountains to do things, and I saw golden rain falling on the other side of the mountain.

Oh, at that time, it scared me to my knees, and now that I think about it, it’s really magical! ”

“Golden rain!? Is there such a miracle? I wonder if there is any now? ”

“Where such wonders are common, I heard that the mad Taoist priest in the city has also seen it, and recently he has gone mad again,

Saying strange things, what kind of blood, and so on. ”

A lot of people talk together, as if they want to compete, and speaking out what they know can make others look impressive.

Others who don’t know it are also listening to it with relish, just as if they were anecdotes.

In the corner, there were two figures with solemn faces, those ordinary people only thought that it was a strange thing, and it was just a surprise to hear it, and it fell into their ears, but it was a shock to their hearts, and they were shocked.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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