
At the restaurant, many people are talking about the excitement, and in their words, they are all recent strange things.

In the corner, Qingyang and Chongguang sat next to each other, their faces a little uncertain.

Heavy light took the probing message to his heart, was silent for a while, and said with a solemn face:

“Qingyang, what I have seen and heard here is really amazing,

Not only did Chen Zhou’s innate Bagua Formation method change, but the legend of the Fengshen Mausoleum hidden in the north of Chen Prefecture also sent a huge wave of spiritual power, and there seemed to be a lot of strange people in the city…”

Elder Qingyang sighed, “Yes! I thought it was just a trip, but I didn’t expect to encounter so many things. ”

Originally, the two just wanted to come here to find one of the three cold weapons, but they didn’t expect to encounter some things that were far beyond their own contact.

With the strength of the two of them, in the human world, they are already considered to be the level of worldly high-ranking people.

Not to say that the world is invincible, but there should not be many things that can be rare for the two of them.

However, whether it was the strange god named Fang Qin, or the change of the Ancient Innate Bagua Fa Array,

Or from the clues, they deduced the strange fluctuations of the Fengshen Tomb Land, and so on, one after another, were things that they could not interfere in.

Their cultivation looks incomparably small in the face of such a situation!

Elder Qingyang groaned and pondered:

“You say, the matter of the innate gossip array and the sealing of the shrine will not be related to that one… Relate? ”

Both of these great things are matters of God.

It is rumored that there are gods waiting here, mortals are not accessible, and there are many descriptions of such gods and strange places in the secret scrolls hidden in the door.

All words are guarded by gods, extremely dangerous and inaccessible.

And the innate Bagua Array is even more amazing, it is said that in ancient times, the god Fuxi set up,

Such a vast and mysterious array of magic is infinitely powerful, just like the power of heaven.

Ordinary cultivators can sense that this Fa Array is already very difficult, and they need to cultivate to be profound in order to roughly perceive it.

Perhaps even the legendary Dao Immortals would not have the strength to interfere with this formation in the slightest.

If there is anyone in this vicinity, if there is such a divine power, he should be the only one who wants to come!

During this time, the two of them also probed the nearby news a little, corresponding to what they knew.

I also learned that the god was most likely living in seclusion on the Yellow Mountain, and the recent rumors of the gods and immortals came from here.

Zhongguang’s face was solemn, and he shook his head slightly:

“I… I also don’t know that such existence is beyond my imagination. ”

“But fortunately, although the innate Bagua Formation method has changed here, the qi machine here seems to be much stronger,

It should be the best place, no need for me to wait…

Moreover, even if there is anything, I can’t do anything when I cultivate into strength.

As for the shrine…”

Speaking of this, thinking about his previous feelings, Elder Chongguang’s face turned pale slightly,

The two looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes,

Many previous movements, mortals only think that the sky has changed,

These cultivators can clearly feel that they are far away,

The huge fluctuations of spiritual power coming from the direction of the Fengshen Tomb, and the terrifying sense of crisis, such a power was really unimaginable.

“Let’s go, let’s go and investigate the neighborhood for a little while, those so-called golden rains…”

Elder Qingyang had a vague conjecture in his heart: “Heavy light, you said that the golden rain was…”

Heavy light’s face changed, and he hurriedly said, “Cautious words! I waited only a little probing nearby, not deeply.

In fact, this matter is not something that I can contact, but you and I are uneasy in our hearts and have to investigate, everything is still careful! ”

Elder Qingyang was also silent for a moment before he said:

“Well, that’s right…

Then let’s go for a look, fortunately, [Kun Scales] has been found, otherwise things are really a mess, hey. ”

Previously, the two of them searched for many times near Nachao Lake, but they could not find this cold weapon.

But I did not expect that some time ago, by chance, I found this thing on Huxin Island in the center of Chao Lake, and the purpose of this trip was achieved.

Heavy Light thought about the process of obtaining the cold weapon, frowned slightly, and said softly:

“…… That [Kun Scales] thing, in fact, is also a little weird, as if it is completely …”

Qingyang brushed his beard and continued, “It’s all just like sending it directly to the door…”

Both of them knew that there must be some other information implicit in this,

It’s just that now in the autumn of troubles, they don’t want to think about it too much, and the cold instrument has no abnormality, so they have not explored this matter.

The two fell silent, ate something for a while, and then left.

He disappeared into the crowd and did not attract the attention of others.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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