
In the city of Chenzhou, the Jingjia courtyard.

Some time ago, the old master Jing Hengda, who was seriously ill and difficult to heal, has now improved greatly, and the only people in the hospital are surprised.

After hearing the news, Jingyang, who was only ten years old, hurriedly ran into the room and shouted to his father lying on the bed:

“Daddy! Are you much better? ”

Jing Mu on the side saw this and said with some disgust:

“Yang Er, be quiet, your father is just better, don’t be disturbed.”

However, in the words, it was also a joy that could not be hidden, and the body of his own master was finally good, and the stone in his heart was also put down.

Jing Yang immediately covered his mouth, a little panicked.

“Well, Yang Er, you come here, Daddy has something to ask you.”

On the bed sat a thin-faced middle-aged man, his face slightly pale, but much better than before.

Jing Yang rushed over and whispered a father, after experiencing recent events, he also became a little more mature from the naughty in the past.

Mother Jing’s face was a little worried, afraid that her own master would reprimand Yang Er again, so she exited: “Lord, Yang Er is this time…”

Jing Heng gave up slightly, “Madame rest assured, I know it.” ”

Looking at Jingyang who was a little worried, he also knew what his son had done recently, and he was relieved in his heart, but he did not want to mention this matter.

Instead, he asked, “My body is no longer in serious trouble, and Yang Er doesn’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Tell me about what happened to you before, what is this amulet? ”

Holding the small rune made of yellow paper in his hand, on which were written some simple but somewhat wonderful runes,

It looked extremely sparse and ordinary, but no one present would think that this thing was a mortal thing, all because this rune was a divine thing.

Jing Heng’s body could be so fast and good, thanks to this talisman!

“Daddy, that day, baby…”

Speaking of this, Jing Yang’s face was also a little excited, and he described the things he met at that time.

“…… Finally, the fairy sister told me that this little charm was left by a man of great powers.

I didn’t quite believe it at the time, where did I know it was true, huh~”

Speaking of this, he scratched his head strangely and meditated:

“Strange, how can I not remember the appearance of the fairy sister, only know that it is very beautiful…”

Jing Heng’s face was groaning, thinking about it, this child of his had met a capable person, and it might even be…

He had previously paid homage to the Ministry of Rites, and his knowledge was also very good.

Although the imperial court had never really seen it, some anecdotes had also been heard.

“Yang Er, can you find that benefactor again?”

“Oh, Dad, I also want to ah, when I went to look for it later, I couldn’t find it…”

Is this so…

Jing Heng sighed slightly in his heart, the Dark Dao Immortal Character was indeed extremely ethereal,

He continued, “Well, Yang Er, such a kindness, we Jing family need to remember it!” Generations must not forget!

…… You go out first, Daddy and your mother have something to talk about. ”


Although Jing Yang should have gotten off, he did not get up and leave.


Seeing that Jing Yang was twisting and pinching without moving his feet, Jing Heng said strangely, “What’s wrong?” What else? ”

Jing Yang’s face was a little excited, and his eyes lit up and said:

“Father, you said that this fairy sister exists, so what are these Daoist techniques, should also be true?”

Jing Heng bowed his head slightly, “Naturally, there are many capable people and strangers in the world, and there are indeed many unspeakable magics.” ”

Jing Yang was even more excited when he heard this, and his face turned red:

“Father, then, didn’t a Taoist priest say it before,

It is said that our family started from me, and in the next few generations, there will definitely be a great wealth in Shuzhong!

Haha, this should be true too! That’s great! He said from me, is it possible for me to do it? ”

Jing Mu’s face changed slightly, and she quickly pulled Jing Yang a little, and looked at her own master worriedly, and sure enough, her face completely darkened.

“stuff! What a great fortune in Shu! Where did you hear things from! But some copper-smelling pickles, I waited for the book to fall on the lintel!

In the future, if I let me know that you have such thoughts, I will certainly not spare you! ”

Jing Heng’s face was extremely serious, almost drinking.

Jing Yang was startled, his eyes were red, and he did not speak.

Mother Jing hurriedly advised, “Lord, the child doesn’t understand things, you are just a lot better, don’t be angry, and then say, Yang Er, he…”

Jing Yang also looked up, full of disbelief, with tears:

“Where is the copper stinks, there is no money, even to buy you medicine,

Ask those relatives everywhere to borrow, no one will lend it to us, I went to sell calligraphy and paintings until now have not earned a penny, if not encountered …”

Jing Heng was a little silent, looking at his son who was somewhat stubborn, and knew in his heart that he had been sick for a while, and he had grown a lot.

Thinking about what he had done, his face was relaxed, and he sighed,

He said earnestly to Jing Yang, “Well, Fang is not Daddy’s, but I will not agree to what you say.”

The way of the merchant has always fallen to the lower level, you are not small now, if it is big, you will know the gap, that is not what money can measure,

In the past, I was hindered by business, failed to discipline you, and let you neglect your schoolwork, and after that, I was also idle, and you needed to study with me seriously! ”

Jing Yang listened to the front, there was still some joy, until he heard the words behind, his face suddenly collapsed, ah, a face full of love.

Jing Heng’s face was slightly dark, and he smiled angrily, and said, “I don’t know what to do!” Read the book and go! ”


When Jingyang left, Jingmu was a little worried: “Lord, don’t you know that Yang Er he…”

“Alas, don’t talk about this, this talisman…”

Although Jing Heng knew in the past that his son could not study, he still had expectations in his heart.

I thought that I didn’t have much time to take care of him in the past, but now I have time, but after that, I don’t want to say more.

Picking up the amulet in his hand, he looked at it and said:

“In the past, I was fortunate to have seen many Taoist runes in the DPRK, but they were not as mysterious as these amulets.

My son’s source of happiness is also deep, but unfortunately…

If you can… It’s not bad, but it’s still worse. ”


Jing Heng looked at it for a while, and then said, “This rune is wonderful, and it will be our family’s heirloom in the future, and it will protect my Jing family for generations to come!” ”

He stood up, bowed in all directions, and said:

“Thank you for the blessings of the gods! Jing Heng is grateful! Jing Jia Ding generations of offerings, Ming sense of the five inside, never dare to forget! ”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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