
Shudi, in the inn of a certain town.

One of the rooms contained the image of Qiankun, and the brilliant aura flickered and converged, but no one was different from it.


Time passed slightly, and after a while, there was a purple mist that rose up,

Revealing the figure of Liu Mengli, the mysterious line at the center of the eyebrow lit up slightly,

Between the dignified and gentle, it adds a sense of charm.

Opening her beautiful eyes slightly, Liu Mengli’s expression seemed to be a little confused.

‘The Illusion Realm… Dream Tapirs…..’

Han Lingsha, who was beside her, saw that she had not returned to her mind for a long time, and was a little worried, and whispered:

“Dream glass ~ dream glass? You…… How’s it going? Have your memories been restored? ”

This time it was Liu Mengli who hesitated for a long time, coupled with the blurred shadow in his mind recently, it seemed that with the improvement of cultivation and the passage of time, it became more and more frequent.

After weighing it up, she still decided to let Fang Qin help her, so that she could recover her memory and face this matter early.

However, she did not expect that the truth of the memory was so amazing that for a while, she was also a little difficult to accept.

Liu Mengli looked back at Han Lingsha and muttered to herself:

“Ryosha, I…”

Slightly biting the lower lip, the eye sockets are reddish, the tears are rare, and the beautiful face makes people feel pity.

“Eh? Mengli, what’s wrong with you? Han Lingsha was a little overwhelmed.

Liu Mengli shook her head slightly, it was difficult to hide her sadness, she did not think in any way that her life was so …

When he was young, he often dreamed of some strange scenes, which were very different from the scenes in the human world.

However, it turned out that he was not a human race at all, but a demon clan belonging to the dream tapir clan.

“Brother Fang Qin, what happened to Mengli?”

Han Lingsha saw that she was so sad, but she didn’t speak, and she was a little flustered, and she quickly asked Fang Qin.

“Sir… Dream Glass…”

Liu Mengli looked at Fang Qin, her eyes misty with tears.

If she was most worried about it now, it was his husband’s opinion.

If he doesn’t like it…

Fang Qin saw this usually gentle and elegant girl, full of soft and weak colors, and he couldn’t help but feel some pity.

With a soft face, he went forward to slightly hug Liu Mengli’s weak body, warm and fragrant into his arms, and gently comforted:

“It’s good to have your memory restored, don’t be afraid to worry, it’ll be fine.”

“However, Yumeru is…”

“Remember those words we said to you when we first met?”

“Mengli, remember, always remember…

But, after all, that’s different…”

Fang Qin sighed a little, this lady was usually dignified and steady, but this matter was so concerned, or it was chaotic to care.

Stretching out his right hand, he slightly caressed Liu Mengli’s white jade-like face,

Slightly bowing their heads, the foreheads of the two people are against each other, a soft touch,

Fang Qin said softly, “Li Er, you… Like me? ”

“Eh! I……

Well, Li’er… Very admiring sir…”

Liu Mengli was startled by Fang Qin’s affectionate title, and her heart was surprised and happy.

His face was slightly red, and his watery eyes were somewhat wandering, and he responded confusedly, somewhat overwhelmed.

The feelings of the two have become more and more intimate with the passage of time, and some of the usual feelings of love and joy, Liu Mengli is often revealed.

Now it is just a clear intention, and the water is natural.

Han Lingsha on the side covered his mouth, a little ashamed, his eyes rolled, and sneaked out, leaving space for the two of them.


“Ding, understand the [Law of Dreams], get the luck points…”

“Ding, comprehend the [Soul Dream Five Tones], get the luck point…”


Fang Qin’s face pondered the method of this, and he was a little surprised, most of the methods of this dream tapir clan were magic methods related to [gods],

Feeding on the dreams of living beings can be used as a source of one’s own power, which is quite mysterious.

Even he felt quite rewarded.

Lowering his head slightly, he said softly, “Li Er, is it inappropriate for you to tell me all this?” ”

Liu Mengli had lost her low color at this time, her face was rosy, and she seemed to be flattered, buried in Fang Qin’s arms.

Listening to Fang Qin’s words, he shook his head lightly and did not speak.

In her heart, Fang Qin was already her most important lover, and naturally there was no need to hide anything from him.

The cultivation method of the Dream Tapir Clan who had just awakened at the beginning of the day was to speak all of them and listen to Fang Qin.

For a long time, he bit his red lip lightly, looked up slightly and asked softly:

“First… Brother Qin, the Phantom World and the Mother-in-Law thing…”

Liu Mengli was a little hesitant and did not know how to face this matter.

She was the young lord of the Illusion Realm, and if she went back to the Illusion Realm, it would be difficult to return to the human world.

She was raised by her father, that is, Liu Shifeng Ruan Ci, and naturally had deep feelings and could not bear to leave, not to mention…

Liu Mengli secretly glanced at Fang Qin, and the two of them had just established a relationship, and the sweet and deep love in their hearts was even more difficult to give up.

But the memory was restored, and its responsibility as a family of young lords of the illusion world haunted in the heart,

In addition, she also missed the mother and father who had not been seen for a long time in the illusionary world, so she really didn’t know how to be good.

Fang Qin put his arms around the lovely person in his arms and said softly, “You don’t have to worry, I will solve this matter, and it won’t make it difficult for you to do it, but …”

Liu Mengli heard that her heart was stable, slightly bowing her head, waiting to hear the words behind her, there was some doubt.

“You’re all my people, I won’t let you go, haha~”

“Li’er… I don’t want to leave you either…”

Liu Mengli’s face was slightly red, and he buried himself in Fang Qin’s arms and said in a muffled voice.

Fang Qin smiled, with his strength, everything in the world can be easily handled, and naturally he will not feel embarrassed.

The two of them grinded their ears for a while, and Fang Qin remembered something and asked softly:

“Li Er, since your memory has been restored, the inheritance method belonging to the dream tapir has also awakened,

Have you ever thought about which path of cultivation you want to take after that? ”

Previously, only the innate Fa had been transmitted, and since she had not recovered her memory, she had not passed on her follow-up Fa for the time being, but now it was time.

Liu Mengli heard the words, but also hesitated, and asked softly:

“Brother Qin, how do you think I should choose better?”

She had some ideas in her heart, but she still wanted to hear from her crush.

Fang Qin thought about it for a moment, “Actually, in terms of your qualifications, you can cultivate any one.”

Even if it is the method of martial arts, I think you can achieve something.


Regarding the talent of the body’s bloodline, I still recommend that you practice the method of cultivating the Six Heavenly Passes of the Demon Cultivation and refining the bloodline, which will be of great benefit to you! ”

The demon clan of the Immortal Sword World is different from the Demon Clan of the Evil World, the Demon Clan of the Immortal Sword actually contains a trace of the residual power of Shen Nong in the depths of the bloodline, and the heel is not low,

The existence of such a talented person as Liu Mengli is even more unique, and the innate spiritual power is extremely amazing.

And it is already an incarnated image at birth, no different from the Terrans, except for a faint trace of demonic power, it is completely the same as the Terrans!

So blessed, in fact, whether it is the method of cultivating demons or the method of martial arts, it is suitable for her.

“The Law of Six Days? Wash the bloodline? I am a dream tapir, can I also practice? ”

Liu Mengli had some doubts, she had heard Fang Qin speak this method before, but now it sounded very different.

Fang Qin smiled and slowly explained the difference between the two.

“…… If you can cultivate to the last realm of demon cultivation and transform into the secret realm, the bloodline will be transformed into a great transformation, which is also extraordinary. ”

“It’s so powerful…”

Liu Mengli was a little amazed when she listened, even though she had never seen anything outside in the past.

However, judging from the method of dream tapir inheritance that he had just woken up, in addition to the high degree of fit, the mysterious and perfect aspects were indeed far from such a cultivation method.

The person I love is so powerful, and my heart is even more joyful.

Fang Qin knew what she was thinking, and shook his head slightly, “This method was not completely created by me, most of it is from reference, I only improved it a little.” ”

The Six Heavenly Closing Methods of the Evil World were naturally not completely applicable to this world, and Fang Qin had already perfected such various cultivation methods in his leisure time.

Although his power was not much enhanced, it was more applicable than ever to the several worlds he had experienced.

Or after being perfected by him, he should practice himself more and promote himself to the life level.

“Li Er, this Fa will be more suitable for you, of course, the Fa of Martial Arts, and even the Six Heavens Pass Method of Dao Cultivation, you can also practice according to your heart.”

Liu Mengli’s eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, and she said softly:

“Well, I know, since Brother Qin said so, let’s choose this demon to cultivate for six days.”

“Well, then… I’ll teach it to you tomorrow.

Cough, Li’er, let’s…”


Liu Mengli’s face was slightly red, too ashamed to look at him, but she still whispered.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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