
The next day, the sun was shining and the sky was clear.

Facing Han Lingsha’s deep, slightly playful eyes, Liu Mengli blushed a little.


Han Lingsha saw the gentle and dignified Miss Qianjin in the past, with a confused and shy look,

I couldn’t help but snort, cover my mouth and laugh.

“Good dream, how beautiful are you today?” Did something good happen yesterday? Come on with me.”

Laughing, the delicate peach blossom eyes looked back and forth, and indeed thought so in her heart.

Liu Mengli herself is the most beautiful person in the world, but today it is more than before, more and more beautiful, more and more beautiful, breathtaking.

Even she was a little confused, and her heart beat faster.

Liu Mengli was ridiculed by her and did not know how to speak, and seemed a little overwhelmed.


Han Lingsha saw that she was getting more and more shy, but she also stopped in moderation, covered her mouth and smiled: “Well, don’t say it.” ”

Immediately took Liu Mengli’s jade hand, his face was slightly correct, and he said with some concern:

“Mengli, the things you remember… Is it better?

Yesterday you… I’m worried. ”

“Well, much better, thanks….”

Liu Mengli was about to say some words of thanks when she saw Han Lingsha’s somewhat dissatisfied expression and quickly stopped.

Knowing that she didn’t like herself to be so polite, she smiled warmly in her heart.

“Hee-hee, it’s good that you’re okay.”

Han Lingsha only showed a bright smile when she saw this, but she did not delve into it, for fear that she would be sad again.

Fang Qin, who glanced at the side and did not speak, only drank tea, and then drummed his mouth, slightly sour, and muttered in his heart:

‘Ahem! Brother Fang Qin, lustful!

Damn, this girl should not be bad, obviously when she was on the top of Qingluan Peak, so much time, how can it be until now…’

Thinking in his heart, he looked at Mengli again, landed in front of her, and compared it darkly again, and he was suddenly a little discouraged and sighed.

This is not a war crime, but there is nothing to be done!

I’m a little weaker, but it doesn’t matter, there should still be a chance!

Han Lingsha clenched his small fist slightly, secretly giving himself a boost.

“Cough cough!”

Fang Qin’s action of drinking tea was slightly slight, and he looked at Han Lingsha with some helplessness, what was going on in this girl’s family.

Liu Mengli saw this and said with some concern: “Brother Qin, what’s wrong with you?” Is it uncomfortable? ”

“Cough, nothing.”

“Is this so…”

Liu Mengli breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Han Lingsha and asked:

“Ryosha, why were you sighing just now?” Is there something unhappy about it? ”

Han Lingsha’s face was slightly red, and he shook his head in a hurry, somewhat embarrassed:

“Ah, no, no, haha.”

Liu Mengli saw this, thought about it, and also reacted to it, and the jade color was dizzy.

“Ryosha, you come with me…”

Quietly glancing at Fang Qin, Jade gently pulled Han Lingsha back into the room.

Fang Qin looked at the two of them in the room with a funny look, and did not bother.

In my heart, I slightly sorted out some newly realized methods, pondered on evolution, and constantly enhanced my own foundation.


Half a month later,

At the edge of the Great Desolation and the Land of Kyushu,

The surrounding scene gradually began to be desolate, with rocks and trees, and a wild image in the distance.

It was dark, a gray sky, and it seemed to have been like this for years.

The aura of heaven and earth everywhere was extremely strong, but it was extremely violent, and there was a faint heavy thunder that sounded from nowhere, shocking the heart!

The most eye-catching thing is the pillar of the Tongtian Mountain hidden in the distant gray sky, hidden between the hazy gray fog,

Quaint! Solemn! Vast!

Words are difficult to describe the majesty and thickness of it, like a giant climbing the sky, standing against the heavens and the earth, silently supporting the heavens and the earth.

Han Lingsha covered her mouth slightly, and the shock in her eyes was hard to hide, “Is that not Zhou Shan?” So powerful, is the original rumor true? ”

Liu Mengli pulled her hair back, and she was also a little surprised.

“It is rumored that the Buzhou Mountain is the mountain that supports heaven and earth, and I have seen it before from ancient books,

I thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that there really is such a momentum…”

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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