
In the midst of the great wilderness, the Heaven and Earth aura was extremely rich and violent, and the power induced at every moment was extremely heavy, which was very much that people could bear.

If ordinary cultivators come here, they will certainly be affected by the forces involved.

Like this world, most of the Dao Magic Immortals require the cultivation method of using the power of heaven and earth.

If the Dao is not deep and the spells are not refined, the power that can be cast will certainly be greatly affected, and the strength will be greatly weakened.

It can also be regarded as a weakness of this method to take shortcuts, and the strength depends on the outside world.

If you practice the martial arts method created by Fang Qin, you will usually lose the blessing of Heaven and Earth Reiki, at least your own strength will not be greatly affected.

It can also exert a decisive power, and its strength will not be greatly reduced like practicing the Immortal Sword Method.


‘The Great Desolation is not exhaustive… Up to the Divine Realm, down to the Nine Ghost Realms… Interesting. ’

Fang Qin looked at the huge mountain that connected the entire heaven and earth in the far distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart seemed to have some understanding.

“That… Is it the breath of the Dragon of the Candlestick? Sure enough, it was worthy of this ancient divine beast, one of the strongest people in the Six Realms, and the breath that flowed from such a long distance was already so amazing. ”

At the edge of the Great Wilderness and Kyushu, there is still an infinite distance from the distance in the depths of the Great Wilderness.

That Buzhou Mountain Shadow looked imposing, but in fact, it was a terrifying distance of not knowing how many thousands of miles.

With the vastness of Fang Qin’s [god], nature is not only able to perceive the range of tens of thousands of square meters,

This is the perceptual range that everything can feel, everything that can be known, and everything within this range can be perfectly controlled at will, and it is close to the omniscient power.

But it does not mean that the boundaries outside this range cannot be perceived.

It’s just that in comparison, as the distance becomes more and more extensive, the perception will become more and more blurred.

If the vague range that he could perceive was also included, the range that Fang Qin [God] could roughly envelop would increase by a thousand times and a hundred times!

Moreover, the characteristics of “Shang Shan Ru Shui” and “Avoiding Death and Prolonging Life” gave him a kind of ability to know the bad omen of happiness and misfortune in the dark, and his divine powers were extremely extensive.

After thinking about it for a while, he turned back to the two beautiful Qianying and smiled: “Let’s go, let’s go and see.” ”

Han Lingsha let out a sigh and said with a slight light in his eyes, “Although this Buzhou Mountain is not as vague as that of the Shu Mountain, it is much more powerful than that Shu Mountain.” ”

When Liu Mengli heard this, she also felt so, and nodded her head slightly in agreement.

For most of the month, although Fang Qin said that he initially planned to travel slowly,

However, the desire to fight against the strong in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, plus some other reasons,

So the speed also did not feel that it had increased innumerably, except for some worldly wonders, but it did not stay long.

But even so, it can be said that he has seen a lot of earthly wonderlands, and there are not a few blessed places.

Among them, the most famous Shu Mountain, it is rumored that it is a floating wonderland formed by the heart of Pangu, which is naturally not to be missed.

The two of them watched and played with Han Lingsha for a while.

Well, by the way, I have included all the books in Shushan.

It is also worthy of being the top stream of the Immortal Sword World’s human cultivation forces, and the books in its collection are vast and unimaginable.

Even Fang Qin was quite surprised by the number of them, but thinking about the process of forming the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, he felt normal.

The predecessor of the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect was scattered in the Shushan Immortal Realm, with countless hundreds of cultivation immortal forces, large and small,

Later, with the change of time, under the circumstances of fate, it gradually merged into the Shushan Sect, and became the head of the human forces.

Before the hundreds of immortal forces, the purpose and method of cultivating immortals in each family were also different, and there were many like a sea of smoke.

After merging, the collection of various secret books organized inside the door is countless!

The Shushan Heart Method, the Imperial Sword Flying Immortal, the Heavenly Sword, the Heavenly Sword…

Various scroll collections related to alchemy and alchemy, [Yuheng Hundred Grass Sutra] [Su Qing Xin Classic] [Hundred Refining Divine Soldiers]…….

About the “Celestial Master Rune”, “Drunken Immortal Sealing Demon”, “Seven Star Voldemort Array”…

The number is so large, the scope is so wide, and it is rare in the world!

Fang Qin had been practicing and deducing the Fa for some time now, and asking himself was also a great gain, not a broader and larger level of cultivation above the realm.

The foundation of the practice is deeper, and the means are even greater than before, and various means can be described as endless.

Of course, Fang Qin had collected countless Daoist secrets of Shu Mountain, and he had gained a lot, so naturally he did not go straight away.

Instead, in the place where he had collected books, he left behind a handwritten note that he had written in his previous leisure time, such as Daoist sword techniques.

Although it was not a profound thing for him, for the cultivators in this realm, it was the Immortal Fa that could not be born in the world!

If those who have a chance to learn it are lucky, it is also of great benefit.

In addition to the Taozang, I have also read the history books and all walks of life in general, and I have a better understanding of the world.

“I am now at the peak of my [spirit] and am close to a breakthrough…

However, there is still a little bit to go, and I hope that the Dragon of the Candle will not disappoint…”

Fang Qin took a look at the shadow of the Buzhou Mountain in the distance and felt the heavy breath coming from the far away.

The immense power of the body surged slightly, and there was some anticipation in my heart.

Although the god will sentence Mang is also good, but its strength is at most slightly comparable to the old demon of Montenegro,

Before Fang Qin had broken through, he could press the old demon of Montenegro against the hammer and kill him, and the god would be even worse than Jurman’s strength, which was naturally completely insufficient.

Being interested in seeing him shoot is more of a consideration for observing his Divine Realm Immortals.

However, this Dragon of Candles was completely different, whether it was the status of the Divine Realm or the strength of it, I was afraid that it would be infinitely stronger!

Many of the Cultivating Immortal Sects that I have seen during this time have been recorded in many ancient scrolls.

It is rumored that in the midst of the great wilderness, it is a place where the sun and stars cannot shine, and it is always gray and dark, cold and desolate, and no life can survive here.

Later, I don’t know when an ancient god lit a candle to illuminate the gate of heaven!

The light illuminated the entire wasteland, so that it would not become a netherworld and a place of death, and there was a chance to survive.

That god is the Dragon of the Candles!

How powerful it is, it is better to be famous than to meet, and only when it is really exchanged will it be known.

Fang Qin thought about this, and without thinking too much, he joined hands with Liu Mengli and the two of them to go to the depths of the great wilderness.

The three of them were naturally carried by Fang Qin, and although Liu Mengli’s cultivation had already achieved something, the speed was still extremely slow.

If you are slowly moving towards the wrong week, I am afraid that it will take a long time to arrive.

The Dao Dao aura flickered, and several people disappeared in an instant.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for support, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ~)


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